Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Benefit of (weak) Debilitated Moon in Astrology

Moon is our mind, emotions, peace of mind and peace of heart. Moon is the opening to receive something. It is pure love of mother. Moon shows how the person is nurtured by their mother. Moon wants happiness or peace of the mind or heart all the time. Moon rule the Cancer sign, which is 4th house in the zodiac.

Any planet is debilitated in the sign which is of opposite qualities of the planet. Cancer sign is the sign of peace and harmony, and Scorpio sign is the sign of fear and insecurity, therefore Moon is debilitated.

Scorpio sign ruled by the planet Mars. In Scorpio Mars provide the strength to overcome the weakness of mind if engaged in a positive way. Scorpio sign rules the 8th house of the zodiac this the house of insecurity and fear, Scorpio sign is intense, jealous and controlling sign, Moon in Scorpio person try to control other people by creating the drama of emotions. But Moon want stability of emotions, therefore Moon is debilitated here. 8th house comes after 7th house. 7th house is the house where we make relationship with people but after when we connect with the people we have fear of losing the relationship. There Moon is fearful in Scorpio, it don’t want to lose any connection because we live in materialistic world it is difficult to live without relationship.

But there is quality of Scorpio sign, when Moon comes in the Scorpio sign it always try to strengthening the fear and insecurity of the mind, Scorpio is the sign of strength, it is the fixed water sign here Mars ruler of Scorpio teaches the dark side of the world. 8th house is the house of transformation and mysticism. Mostly all the mishaps occur in 8th house. Therefore Moon suffer here. Moon is very delicate planet, initially it suffer here but after suffering of the mind the person get matured mentally. The person gets transformed and he learns and became very knowledgeable after facing of harsh reality of life. The native understand about life. This life is nothing just an illusion we all die one day there is no need to fear of anything that is why after 8th house 9th house come, when we overcome our life fear and insecurity and make our heart at peace then we can learn about bigger picture of life. That is 9th house. Once the native overcome his fear he can do good meditation, the person become very spiritual. And overall person transformed is good person. 8th house is the house of healing and regeneration. Because Moon in Scorpio a person suffer so much it can understand others people pain easily so the native become healer of emotions, it shows new path to people to live. The person itself feel that he is reborn again mentally. The person changes and become strong mentally with time.

These people are interested in dark and hidden side of the life therefore they can be good counselor, psychologist, shamin, astrologer, psychic reader and healer. They can be in good surgeon and is interested in investigative field. .

Depending on the house placement of the Moon and of which house Moon rule the house of the native strengthening the emotions of that area of life.

If the Moon debilitated in the 2nd house its means person have problem with family members and the native interaction with the mother is very intensive. Here the person need to control its intense emotions with the mother and overall family member. The native needs to learn sometimes it is good to surrender rather than controlling others. Once these people learn to control their emotions they can be good in many areas of life.

Because Moon is the mother in astrology, therefore sign and house placement of the Moon show behavior towards that kind and interest in life of mother.

Here is the suggestion for the mothers who have their kids Moon in Scorpio, mothers needs to have patience when dealing with their kids because these child are very sensitive emotionally therefore they need to handle with lot of love and care. Mother needs to talk rather than scolding or giving some punishment. Mother needs to understand her kid rather than cursing them. Although every kid needs love but Moon in Scorpio kids need more love and understanding of emotions. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Debilitated / Exalted and Retrograde Planet in Astrology

 When  there is a  debilitated and retrograde planet it gives you ability to reverse debilitation.

Many times people ask questions about the planet debilitated at the same time it is retrograded.

When  there is a  debilitated and retrograde planet it gives you the ability to reverse the debilitation.

Generally in vedic astrology it is called Neecha Bhanga yoga (cancellation of debilitation) but nothing is cancelled, everything is added. So whenever a planet is debilitated and retrograde at the same time, it just simply means the person is not taking any action and stepping back therefore the planet's debilitation is reduced in some way.

To understand this let’s take an example of Mercury retrograde and it is debilitated at the same time. Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. Mercury is a planet of intelligence and communication. When Mercury is debilitated the person has confused communication, has a habit of exaggeration of words, not focusing on details, not able to live in reality  and has a dreamy nature. Debilitated Mercury means, someone's misspeaking, not paying attention to details. 

But when Mercury turns retrograde it actually has the effect of reversing the problem of Mercury debilitating. So when the planet is debilitated and retrograde, what happens is it  reverses the quality of the debilitated planet. First it tends to make us hesitant, we are less confident, and it backs up our consciousness where we act impulsively. The person thinks before speaking or communicating with others. So when Mercury debilitates we are likely to do confusing communication but when it is retrograde, first we think and then speak and it will tend to bring a reversal of the communication and they found a solution very quickly. Pisces Mercury have a tendency to confuse detail but when it retrograde it reflects on confusion related with communication and they try to correct the confusion.  But the person still has a problem of debilitated Mercury. They still have a tendency to misspeak but when it goes retrograde the planet reverses some of the difficulty of the debilitated planet.

When Mars debilitated in the sign of Cancer. Mars is the planet of strength, courage and fighting ability. When it comes in the sign of Cancer it loses it fighting ability, because Cancer is a very soft and sensitive sign. But when Mars is debilitated and retrograde at the same time the person tries to strengthen their weakness and tries to face life problems with courage. 

Some people have Venus debilitated. Venus debilitated in the sign of Virgo. Venus is the planet of love, happiness and relationship. When it comes to the sign of Virgo it becomes very critical and analytical in relationships. We all want a love which is pure and without any criticism, because no one likes criticism in love. Therefore when Venus is debilitated there are a lot of chances in breaking off the relationship. But when Venus is debilitated at the same time it is retrograde what happens the person reflects on those things which indicate debilitated Venus. The person thinks before doing any criticism, will try not to do much analysis in the relationship therefore the relationship may work out. A debilitated planet with retrograde try to reduce the impact of debilitation.

Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter is the planet of hope and wisdom and it comes in the sign of Capricorn it loses it quality the person may be materialistic and hopeless in bad times, but when it debilitates at same time retrograde the person does not lose its hope in bad times and try to strengthen the personal faith.

Saturn is debilitated in the sign of Aries. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, hard work and long term goals. When Saturn debilitated the person suffers in long term goals and is not able to sit in one place. But when it gets retrograde, they think about their long term goal and to try to minimize the effect of debilitation of Saturn.

So whenever a planet is debilitated and retrograde at the same time, it means the person has the capacity to reverse the debilitating effect of the planet and the person may feel less effects of debilitation of the planet. 

The same theory applies to exalted retrograde planets. If any planet is exalted and retrograde at the same time. It loses its exaltation effect and it loses its power in some way.

Other Articles on Debilitated and Retrograde 

Combust Planets in Astrology

Other interesting Articles 

Benefit of Debilitated Planet in Astrology

Most of the time when people think it is bad to have debilitated planet’s in their chart. But sometimes is it good to have debilitated planet in the chart for some areas of life. First of all we should understand 
What is debilitated planet? 
 Debilitated planet’s means the planet is not aware of the energy of house they rule.
What is exalted planet? 
 Exalted planet means planet is aware of the energy of house they rule.

When Sun is debilitated these people are too much into the relationship but actually the person is helping in nature to boost their low self-esteem and their low confidence and the person is too much into the relationship but to get appreciation from others people the native help others and therefore the person is helping in nature.

When Mars is debilitated it is means Mars lose all the power which it rule like fighting ability, courage, strength and discipline etc. But Mars is the cruel planet it want to know only how to fight. When Mars in its own sign like in Aries it is in full potential but what when it comes in 7th house of spouse, it will always talk about me me me, because it is the planet of individuality therefore many people get divorce who have Mars in the 7th house in its own sign but what when Mars is debilitated.

Mars debilitated in the sign of Cancer. Cancer sign is the very sensitive, emotional and protective towards loved. So when Mars debilitated in Cancer although the person may suffer because the person not able to fight but it is beneficial in long run. So if Mars debilitated in 7th house of marriage the person will not fight and think emotionally towards partner and the marriage may work out. Mars debilitated people are very emotional and very protective toward their children. These people know how to work silently, in the sense they can be good diplomat.
When Venus is debilitated in the chart, although it have some bad effect but it is good in some ways like person is more realistic and responsible. They are very calculative and analytical in relationship due to this they are very grounded person. These people have good knowledge of medicine therefore they have good healing ability and they help people in relationship by their medicinal knowledge. These people are also service oriented, because Virgo sign is service oriented sign and they like serving society.

When Jupiter is debilitated Jupiter is the planet hope wisdom and divine knowledge and it is debilitated in sign of Capricorn. Capricorn sign rule the materialism, and reputation in life. When Jupiter debilitated the person became very materialistic and wealth achiever. Although the native lack of moral and wisdom but native is very rich and wealthy. 

Exalted planets are not always good in the chart. 
Let’s say if someone has Sun exalted in 2nd house. Sun exalted in 2nd house means the person have Pisces ascendant. For Pisces ascendant Sun rule 6th house which bad house in the astrology. When Sun is exalted its means Sun is aware the effect of 6th house and 6th house represents debt, disease, enemy, and etc. Sun present the self-image and when it exalted for the for 6th house lord so when Sun mahadasha comes it bring debts, argument, and enemies into the sphere of life. The native may suffer maintaining healthy self-image because Sun is self-image, in family life 2nd house is family and money.

For Taurus ascendant Mars rule the 12th house and 7th house. And is debilitated in the 3rd house and exalted in the 9th house. 12th house considered bad house in astrology, so when Mars exalted in the 9th house which is good house or dharmic house, so here Mars is awake for 12th house things which is isolation, hospital, ashram and etc. Here the person suffer through hardship of the 12th house thing which is isolation and etc. But the person is strong enough to face life harshness related with the 12th house.

Mars debilitated in the 3rd house which is sleeping for 12th house stuff, and the native does not feel the effect of 12th house stuff like expense, Liberation, etc. The person is not aware of 12th house things which is necessary for liberation from life. This world belongs two categories of people one is materialistic and others non materialistic. Some people want material things in life and some want to get liberate or want moksha from this world.

By saying that exalted planets are always good is not right. It depend on the whole chart, planet placement house ruler-ship which shows the good or bad effect of
planet, not always exalted planet give good result and debilitated planet give bad results.

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Benefit of (weak) Debilitated Moon in Astrology 

Debilitated Planets in Astrology