Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Atma Karaka in Astrology

Jaimini has become the second most widely used system of Vedic astrology in the world. Jaimini’s principles discussed in detail in the Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. Technique used in Jaimini astrology gives remarkable and specific predictions using distinctly different methods.

There are seven Jaimini karakas. They are judged in terms of the planetary degree placement, regardless of sign placement, from the planet in the highest degree to the lowest degree.

Atma Karaka ( the planet holds highest degree) is the indicator of self. Atmakaraka planet the Own self, considered the strongest planet of all seven graha, and significator of the Soul, Self, physical appearance and vitality. The Atmakaraka is the lord of bondage and liberation. He is the king of the birth chart its means every planet's works according to the atmakaraka planets.  Just like a king who have the authority for putting one in jail and freeing one from jail and free them from jail or pay them honour according to their good or bad deeds.  Similarly Atmakaraka is also a king of the individual and atmakaraka planets is have the main authority over happiness and sorrow for the individual depending on the condition of the atmakaraka planet. The sign and the house placement of atmakaraka in navamsa chart shows or  gives us a clue as to the desire of the person and the nature and  vital information about the nature of the atma (soul) of the person and and its spiritual development.  

Sun is the natural soul indicator for everyone but if sun have the highest degree in your chart its means Sun is atmakaraka in your birth chart. All the other rules applies as well.  Atma Karak planets give result according to the dignity, house placement and  conjunction of any other planet with atmakaraka planets. The life journey’s of the person can be easy or difficult it depends on the atma karaka planets.  

But the general meaning of atma karaka are like this:

1. SUN as the AK indicates that the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become humble. The Sun is the natural king and the deep desire to rule will manifest as leadership in various things.

2. MOON as the AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate. The Moon is the indicator of basic emotions so they should be taking care of other people's emotions.

3. MARS as the AK indicates that the native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the path of ahimsa. Mars is the strength and gives the desires to win battles and proves its strength.

4. MERCURY as AK indicates that the native should control his speech and be truthful at all times, communication should be pure, and Learning to face the truth.

5. JUPITER as AK indicates that the native should always respect the Guru, and care for the children, learning about spirituality, wisdom, stay hopeful in all situation and be generous with everyone.  

6. VENUS as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex or lust, and accepting relationships the way they are.

7. SATURN as AK indicates that the native cannot give sorrow to others and will have to share the sorrow of many others, facing harsh truths, and loneliness of life.

8.Rahu and Ketu can not be atmakaraka but if they are sitting with atmakaraka planet then they have influenced on atmakaraka planets. Conjunction of these two nodes on atmakaraka planets can cause life to undergo many changes and up and down in life.

If a malefic planet is the atmakaraka, it indicates a high level of spiritual development with difficulty, whereas a benefic planet as the atmakaraka indicates easy way of spiritual development. Malefic atmakaraka  shows that the present incarnation is meant to suffer or redeem many of these accumulated sins. Such suffering is meant to cleanse the atma/soul and make it more spiritual. e.g. If atmakaraka rules 8th house it shows sins of past life need to cleanse.

Other condition of atmakaraka planets:

1. All retrograde planets indicate deep-rooted desires from a past incarnation and such desires are invariably tough to manifest in this lifetime as well. The retrograde planet has a lot strength/power to try again and again. Such strength to try again and again occurs because desire is strong and  the objective or goals of the person fails. Retrograde atmakaraka indicates a deep-rooted desire as being the cause of the birth and that the soul cannot rest in peace until the objective is achieved.

2. Combustion of AK gives spiritual insight because rays of the combust planets comes from the Sun and Sun  burnt up the impurity of the planet, but person does not feels so good in the process.

3. If the Atmakaraka is debilitated or conjoined with malefics then it gives miseries like bondage

4.  If it is exalted or conjoined with auspicious planets then it frees the individual even if he is bound by other planets. But also depending on the house rulership of the atmakaraka planet.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

What's Stopping YOU from Success & Happiness?

I think the whole idea of of seeking help from self analysis , mentor or a astrologer is to be able to understand what needs to be done to be successful and happy. It can range from how we perceive the world, how the world around us deal and engages with us. At the end of the day success and happiness cannot come to us till be engage in KARMA..eventually the influences and habits will guide us to take action and engage in life to be able to achieve what we want.

  1. Is it your Mind.
  2. Is it your habits.
  3. Is it lack of your skills.
  4. Is it the people around you.
  5. Is it the system around you.
  6. Is it inability to engage with people.
At the end of the day, nothing will changes unless we act and decide to make a change. If we are a drifter or on others mercy .. we cannot get what we want. If we want to have something then we need to be the person taking action and engaging in life. Being righteous is about doing the right thing and it is the toughest it is not my opinion or your opinion it is the right thing to do. We get so caught up in i am right or your are right that we forget that there is always a right way of doing things. 


Astrology can help you find your natural inclinations/talents. Which can speed up your path to success & happiness. Following are some of the resources that can help you understand yourself, mind and the world around you.

Self Analysis & Improvement

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Full Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra May 2016

On 21st may there is Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio with Retrograde Mars and retrograde Saturn. Full Moon is the halfway point in the monthly Moon cycle and it is harmonizing energy with Sun and Moon. Full moon is not a beginning point but it is midpoint of Sun and Moon opposition. So the Sun will be in Taurus and Taurus is about it's values, stability, following our own inner values your first which we inherit these from her family and then later we develop around value systems and if these values are solid structure like solid foundation in life then they give us support. This is why you're close possessions are reflection of your values of what you value. Moon in Scorpios is opposite of Taurus, where we question our values, solid structures and core principles. In scorpio things are something more restless, stressful and the fear of those things that we cannot control things that are beyond our control. The Scorpio theme of restlessness and imagined fear and worry about those things that we can not control of family and friends around us. Taurus is solid, stable and fixed energy of life, but this is an illusion of stability and structure that we sense in Scorpio. So when the moon is exalted in Taurus because it calms down the mind and it's debilitated in Scorpio because mind is restless. So Sun in Taurus is trying to strengthen the emotions and stabilizing emotions by aspecting Moon in scorpio.

Scorpio is a Sign of emotions and drama so that we can then stabilizing and go deeper into what's below the surface. On the surface of the water there's a lot of waves, below the surface it's calm and peaceful water (emotions). So we need to sink down into the heart in order to connect the true source of of emotion which is love true source of all emotions. Love is the source of all emotion. Scorpio sign is very devotional sign once Scorpion get over their fear in the heart. So Full Moon in scorpio is going to be facing these lessons. Full moon in Scorpio brings that contrast of taurus qualities that says it's good to have this material comfort and consistency but you need to go deeper literally into the scorpio principle to feel truly stable.

This Full Moon happen with retrograde Mars and retrograde Saturn. Mars in Scorpio is powerful and now is because it's retrograde it also is opposite to the Sun is so is power and will come together and share. Mars in scorpio have power to manipulate and influence others. However, these two retrograde planets with Full Moon is triggering lot of tension that can be flash out in feelings of anxiety, confusion with family and friends. The full moon in Scorpio is it's sign of debilitation in other words some of the down side of the emotions comes through in this sign, like negative emotions. The conjunction of Mars and Moon known as Chandra Mangala yoga in Vedic astrology. This yoga in emotional water sign Scorpio amplifies some of the less desirable qualities of the mind. Like being overexcited, irrational actions, anger towards women and generally destructive tendencies. So you may suffering from anger due to mistakes or having problems being misunderstood by others on this full moon in Scorpio.

This Full Moon happens in Anuradha nakshatra. This deity empowering Anuradha is Mitra, the Vedic god of devotion and friendship. This nakshatra teaches us to a solidity our devotion and friendship with others. Anuradha nakshatra is a mysterious emotional, and deep desirous sign. Which ultimately leads into higher spiritual devoted life. So on this Full Moon relationships can become more vulnerable and passionate. Doubts on relationship and destabilize feelings will be more on this day. So everyone have to be very careful at this time not taking harsh decisions, try to adjust, and try to working together and it is useful time to find your own voice to empower yourselves by communicating needs and listening to others.

On Thursday, May 19 Venus leaving Aries and entering Taurus. Venus rules Taurus a planet in its own sign is strong. But there are a some of problems. Venus getting closer and closer to the Sun in other words entering deep combustion. So significations of Venus is weakens and its potential for creating benefits reduced. Venus enters Taurus it moves into position to be directly across the zodiac from its enemy Mars which is retrograde on the other side of the Scorpio sign. Mars is strong in its own sign Mars and channeling the energy of retrograde Saturn which accompanies. So Mars has even more malefic by aspecting on Venus. So Venus already weakened due to combustion and plus direct aspect of Mars on Venus it is more damaging. Venus has a hard time for the next couple of weeks. Compromise of agreements will be harder to achieve, your love and romance will hit a rough patch and financial markets will be stressed.