Thursday, April 26, 2018

Planets in 7th house Astrology

The 1st House is known as Ascendant and is about self-expression, persona, and your identity. Who are you? How do you define yourself apart from others is your 1st house. The 7th House is the opposite of the first house which is known as descendant, which gives an indication what kind of partner you get in your life. As planets in your 1st house show your personality, likewise planets in 7th house show your partner's personality. Planets in the 7th House will not only indicate the placements of our marital partner, but also the quality of marriage or relationships. 

The Effect of different planets in 7th house: 

Sun in the 7th House: You may likely to get a partner who is warm, energetic, lively, and egotistic. Partners are often creative, artistic and generally are in a position of power and authority in their own means. Sun in the 7th house shows you the way to develop your own identity because of your partner’s egoistic nature. 

Moon in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is protective, have strong emotions. Moon in 7th house shows a partner who will be family oriented, loving and enjoying the company of each other. They get a partner who is protective and family oriented. They are good in understanding feelings, affectionate, and great in comfort giving.

Mars in the 7th House: You may likely to get a partner who is assertive, aggressive, competitive, and controlling.  Mars in the 7th House shows partners are frequently impulsive, sports-oriented and physically active. Partner is fun loving and interested in outdoor activity. In vedic astrology Mars in 7th house known as Manglik dosha which shows you may get a partner who is argumentative in nature.    

Mercury in the 7th House:  You may likely get a partner who is youthful, Intellectual, logical, quick, smart, communicative and has a strong sense of humor. Communication and mental stimulation is the main quality of the partner. Mercury is the planet of learning and when it is placed in the 7th house it shows that you learn from your partner.

Jupiter in the 7th House: You may likely to get a partner who is optimistic, honest, prosperous, adventurous and motivational in nature. Jupiter in 7th house brings partners who are supportive, philosophical and good in academics. Learning is the main key in relationships. Partners are idealistic and belief orientated. Jupiter on the 7th gives a long lasting marriage.

Venus in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is Charming, social, balanced,  romantic, sensual in nature who brings happiness in the relationship. They give too much importance to physical appearance. Venus in 7th house brings a partner who is materialistic and gives too much importance to senses. Partners will be passionate, refined and have good business skills.

Saturn in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is older, detached, responsible, hardworking, cold, strong and stable in relationships. Saturn in the 7th house brings partners who tend to be ambitious, authoritative and status oriented. They get a partner who is unique, original, unpredictable, unusual in behavior. 

Rahu (North Node) in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is foreigner, courageous in behaviour, unusual and exciting in relationships. Rahu in 7th house brings a partner who is independent in relationships. Greatest life lessons, challenges, and growth come through relationships. Main lesson of this placement is to get spiritual through partners. 

Ketu (South Node) in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is worried, unsatisfied, unease, looking for perfection.  Ketu in 7th house brings a partner who is intuitive and spiritual in nature. As with Rahu, greatest life lessons, challenges, and growth come through relationships. Main lesson of this placement is to get spiritual through partners. 

These are the general indications of planets in the 7th house. But what sign and aspect planet have also modified the nature of the partners. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Husband in Women chart in Astrology

Generally in astrology there are two marriage significator planets, which define what kind of  partner you will get and they are Jupiter and Venus. These two planets are the most important planets when looking for the person married life. Because Jupiter is the karaka of husband in a woman chart and Venus is the karaka of wife in a man chart. By looking at these planets’ houses one can predict the place where one can meet, and by their sign placement one can predict the temperament of the spouse. 

Sign placement of any planets means the nature of the planet and house placement means where the person can meet their spouse.

Jupiter in Aries in the first house: The woman gets husbands who can be  very decent, youth, active, individualistic, aggressive, straightforward in nature. These people are very noble and respected in society. Woman can meet her husband in any physical activity, exercise place like gym, dancing place, in any club or in any sport activity.

Jupiter in Taurus in the second house: The woman gets a husband who can be very handsome and sensual, materialistic and have a pleasant voice. The person is family oriented, could be a very artistic, good singer, financial advisor or analyst. Person could be accounted for, or work in the bank. The woman can meet her husband in the family gathering of any function.

Jupiter in Gemini in the third house: The woman gets a husband who talks intelligently, and is very philosophical. They like to talk about the mystery of life . They are good public speakers, and could be good teachers. The woman meets her husband in neighbourhoods and immediate people whom they meet,  in short distance travelings or in meetings.

Jupiter in Cancer in the fourth house: In this sign Jupiter exalted means have good qualities. The woman gets a husband who is very spiritual and good natured. These people are very emotional and sensitive, but very caring. They are very sociable and well liked by all. The woman could meet their husband in a homely setting like in any party, or any restaurant and mother also can introduce to husband. 

Jupiter in Leo in the fifth house: The woman gets husbands who love the kids and like to teach children and like to have attention from others. These people are attention oriented and  like to be treated special. These people are lucky in kids, education and gaining of knowledge. The woman can meet her husband in college, in entertainment events, political events, art galleries.

Jupiter in Virgo in the sixth house: The woman gets her husband who has an  analytical mind, observant, and very promising. They are very liberal in nature and like to do social work. The woman gets her husband in some kind of social serving event.

Jupiter in Libra in the 7th house: The woman gets  a husband who is very cultured, generous, helpful, and balanced in life. They could be a counselor or judge. The woman could meet her husband in any public place or gathering or in a courthouse.

Jupiter in Scorpio in the 8th house: The woman gets  a husband who is interested in occult or deep spiritual matters. Mysterious, strong-willed, ambitious, secretive, and investigative. The woman can meet her husband in any secretive place or in a very lonely place.

Jupiter in Sagittarius in the ninth house: The woman gets  a husband who is very philosophical, strong in his belief, and learned in many religious texts. The person could  be  adventurous, knowledgeable, sincere, helping, and fortunate. Here the woman could meet her husband in a religious place like temple, or in library, any spiritual function, in long distance travelling and the person can be of different culture.

Jupiter in Capricorn in the tenth house: Here Jupiter is debilitated. The woman gets  a husband who is very materialistic and wealthy. They have  good organizational skills and are good in organising events. They will gain success through high positions. The woman could meet her husband at a working place or in any organization.

Jupiter in Aquarius in eleventh house: The woman gets a husband who is very interested in philosophy, medicine, social service and spiritual pursuits. These people want to grow in mind, body and soul and unite with truth. These people are interested in how to make life better and more progressive. The woman can meet her husband at a social function.  

Jupiter in Pisces in the twelfth house: The woman gets  a husband who has very noble qualities and seeker of true-self.  The person can be  intuitive, peaceful, imaginative, affectionate, and generous. These people  like  music. The woman could meet her husband in a foreign land or the husband resides in foreign country. She could meet her husband at some spiritual placer like meditation places.

Nature of Jupiter is changed if any planet is sitting or aspected by Jupiter.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

12th House (Hidden/Moksha) in Astrology

The 12th house is the last house in the zodiac where life begins and ends, depending on your karma. This is the house which connects us between materialistic and non-materialistic life. The 12th house also represents feet and ankles in our body.

(i think it is important to understand 12th house.. it will be worth your time)

The 12th house is the most mysterious, unknown and hidden house because it is ruled by divine will and it's not in your hand. Our whole existence is dependent on these hidden, mysterious forces. The 12th house represents the hidden enemy, loss of energy, foreign land or foreign journeys, ashram, isolated places like jail, asylum, and hospital. This is the house where we can be isolated through sorrow or peace. The 1st house is the physical body and before that we have the 12th house. So the 12th house also represents the state of life between seen and unseen. It is our subconscious mind and hidden nature from which we can connect to the 12th house.  Here we can do astral travel and also connect to the unseen world.  The people who have strong 12th house connections can easily access this unseen world. 

This is the house of meditation, spiritualism, divine knowledge and last house of liberation from the physical life (moksha). Sometimes life puts us in a situation to purify our soul in any of these situations which are very unpleasant in life but at the end your soul gets evolved. If we get sick we have a lot of time to think and purify our consciousness. In this house we intentionally or unintentionally  abandon everything to get moksha.  It is a moksha house through pain like in the 8th house which is not in our control.

Eleventh house is just before the 12th house. In the 11th house we have the highest desire to do something for the society or for ourselves but, after achieving everything in life, what to do next. Those people who are satisfied with this materialistic world want to get away from this world. They give their things to others and come to the 12th house to know the truth of life.

But on the negative side this is the house of escapism. Those people who are weak in their life responsibilities or have some weakness in their mind come to the 12th house to escape from life through e.g taking drugs and alcohol. One can find peace from these things, but all these things are temporary. 

It is the house of imagination, secrets, sleep, dreams, fantasy, sex pleasure, and entertainment (listening music). Mostly all the things represented by the 12th house are related to the effect on our subconscious mind. We feel good when we are sleeping, dreaming, meditating, escaping from “reality“, taking drugs and being entertained. This is the private part of self, where one can let go of the pressure of the outside world and float in peace of inner self. This house connects us to the deepest of our consciousness where we can connect with the one.

It is our soul which is permanent and this body is perishable. The 12th house is the house from which we must let go of things and learn to be alone because everything is temporary in life.  It will change and eventually we will lose everything. It is through the twelfth house that we lose things and must remain with the only thing that can never be taken away and that is our true nature.

Result of planets in the 12th house: (Consult about u'r 12th House)


Sun in the 12th house: Sun is ego, vitality of the body, the supreme power. When it is in 12th house it loses its vitality, weak self-image, lack of self-confidence and confusion about the necessary self-identity. The Sun is considered dead in the 12th house because all the things which are ruled by the Sun suffer.


Moon in the 12th house: Moon is mind and mind can easily disturbed by unpleasant things. If the Moon is in the 12th house the person may want to escape from the emotional burdens of the family. The person does excessive daydreaming and fantasizing but the person could be creative due to their imaginary nature.


Mars in the 12th house: Mars is the planet of courage, discipline and personal strength. Mars in the 12th house shows interest in swimming, yoga, and all physical activity which exert energy. The person might have disturbed sleeping patterns.


Mercury in the 12th house: Mercury is the planet of fun, intelligence, writing and communication. Mercury in the 12th house shows good fantasy writer, confusing, miscommunication and unhealthy escapism through entertainment.


Jupiter in the 12th house: Jupiter is the planet of spiritualism, wisdom and expansion. Jupiter in the 12th house is very dreamy and living in his own world. But the person is very aware of the truth of life. The person has good knowledge of spiritual life and could be a good teacher.


Venus in the 12th house: Venus is the planet of happiness and pleasure. Venus in the twelfth house shows a lot of hidden desires and potential for escapism into sensual pleasures, including sex. The person does a lot of beautiful daydreaming. If Venus in Pisces sign the person can be very devoted or spiritual in nature.


Saturn in the 12th house: Saturn is the significator of the 12th house. If Saturn is in the 12th house the person is good at isolating him/herself. Good for meditation and yogic life. Saturn represents fear, Saturn in the twelfth house learns to live in uncertainty without fear.


Rahu in the 12th house: Rahu is the materialistic desire. If Rahu didn't exist we could not come into this life. Rahu is our past life desire which we want to fulfill in this life. Rahu in the 12th is very introspective about letting go of material things of past lives. The person is not interested in the present materialistic world. Searching for some peace of mind by avoiding daily life. If Rahu is not in good dignity then the person could be prone to high levels of escapism by alcohol and drugs, or searching spirituality by other methods.


Ketu in the 12th house: Ketu in the 12th house is one of the most spiritual placements in astrology. Here the person dealt with the duty of his life and fulfilled his karma because Rahu in the 6th house.  In Bhagavad gita lord Krishna says those who fulfill their duty can attain moksha. Those people who live their life according to their desire can never attain moksha. One should be karma yogi. Ketu in the 12th house can give moksha by fulfilling duties which are needed for moksha from physical life. 

articles on 6th, 8th,12th,FreeWill, Self Analysis

8th House (moksha house) in Astrology

12th House (Hidden/Moksha) in Astrology

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