Thursday, December 30, 2021

January 2022 Vedic Monthly Forecast


Planets transit in the Month of January


Venus retrograde in Capricorn on December 19 until January 29.  When Venus retrograde, the planet's significations don't operate normally. So Venus's significations like love, relationship, and adjustment tend to fall apart. On December 29th Venus backs into Sagittarius. Venus will spend the rest of its retrograde almost the entire month of January in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is an optimistic, self-righteous willful, independent, freedom-loving fire sign.  So the Venus planet of harmony and agreement doesn't do so well in this sign but there is some good thing about Venus retrograde. You may get back in touch with someone. 


Another planet that begins a retrograde period in January is Mercury.  Mercury starts its first retrograde period on January 14th till February 3rd in Capricorn. Mercury is the planet of rational thinking, intelligence, learning  communications, and transactions. When the planet of communications is retrograde the transactions get delayed and messages are misinterpreted.  Mercury is the planet of equipment, so equipment failures happen more frequently during Mercury retrograde. But mercury retrograde can be useful for finishing up past business editing a report. 


Mercury is under the influence of Saturn this month as Mercury transits through Capricorn. It gets closer and closer to Saturn, the planet of restriction and delay, So we can expect the beginning of Mercury's retrograde to manifest a lot of the delays, especially applied to things like making decisions. 


Mars finishes  its transit in Scorpio and enters sidereal Sagittarius on January 16th until 26 February. Mars operates well in Sagittarius. It's a fiery planet in a fire sign of the Sagittarius. Qualities of independence and willfulness are increased with this combination.  Mars is the planet of action and competition in a passionate, self-righteous sign that believes in its own truth. But this also increases the potential for some negative qualities of Mars like the use of force, impatience, impulsiveness and potentially recklessness.


Mars will be in Sagittarius for six weeks during that time it will join with Venus. Mars and Venus conjunction results in a lot of heat, passion and drama. Most of that will be happening in February. Mars is the planet of individuality and Venus is the planet of love. When these two planet are together/conjunct then there is a high possibility of problem in relationship.


Saturn and Jupiter are in the same signs in January as they were in December. Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aquarius. 


Jupiter is the planet of beliefs, faith, truth, wisdom and judgment. Aquarius is the sign of the social revolutionary, and humanitarian. So this combination is good for the progressives and for the liberals, who want to improve the social norms.  

Planets Transit/Shift in 2022 Forecast Vedic Astrology
Venus in Sagittarius for Each Ascendant
Mercury Retrograde Astrology
Venus and Mars together (Conjunction) in Astrology
Saturn Transit in Capricorn 2020 for Each Ascendant
Rahu (North Node) in Taurus and Ketu (South Node) in Scorpio Transit 2020-22