Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Vedic 2021 Forecast For Sagittarius Ascendant

Vedic 2021 Forecast For Sagittarius Ascendant

Horoscope 2021 Forecast for  Sagittarius Rising/Ascendant/Moon

Saturn transit into Capricorn on January 23rd 2020 and it will stay there for at least a couple of years. Saturn will enter Aquarius on april/28/2022.

Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021 and then it will transit in Aquarius on April 6, 2021 till June 20, 2021. Then it will retrograde in Aquarius on June 20, 2021, till September 14, 2021. Then again it will come to Capricorn and will stay there  till October 18, 2021. And then on November 21, 2021 it will enter Aquarius till April 13, 2022.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (south Node) transit in Taurus and Scorpio on September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 according to the true node system. 

Jupiter is the indicator of expansion, opportunities, higher learning, wisdom, guru, luck and long distance travelling. Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021. Jupiter is your 1st and 4th lord transiting in your 2nd  house of money. 

Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and is more ambitious and materialistic in Capricorn sign. So it doesn't matter if it is debilitated in Capricorn, you need to look at what it will bring for you. Jupiter will give more focus on your financial matter but for that you need to work hard because it is debilitated. Because of this you will neglect your family and friends. You could be eating more high calorie foods and it may affect your health. Jupiter will aspects to the sixth house matter of work struggles, disputes, competition and health matters. Jupiter will try very hard to get a job if you are unemployed. If you have been having any legal disputes then Jupiter will not support you and you won’t be able to compete effectively against your competitors. You may have health issues because you could eat more as Jupiter rules the appetite and Jupiter can increase your weight.  This is also not a protective cycle for employees and for small animals. Jupiter in Capricorn will also aspecting your 8th house of change, change joint ventures with your spouse, tax, inheritance, and chronic serious health conditions. This will not help you, rather you need to take precaution in all these 8th house matters. Jupiter seeks knowledge and aspects on 8th house gives interest in psychology, occult and metaphysics. Jupiter will aspects to your 10th house of career house. This will give more focus on your career and how to make more money. 

Jupiter will transit in Aquarius on April 6, 2021 in your 3rd house and stay there until June 20, 2021. Jupiter in Aquarius is a good sign to have. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarian, social work, thinking large, innovation, friend circle, older sibling, organisation, and gain. Jupiter will bring growth and protection to your third house. Expanding your courage and giving more opportunities with communications, publications, writing, sales and short distance travelling. The 3rd house also rules younger siblings and close neighbors indicating that relationships with them will be improved. The third house rules the arts and performance. Jupiter could bring you more opportunities or you want to take a class in one of these subjects. When Jupiter transits in your third it will aspects to your 7th house of marriage, partnerships and this will be good for attracting new love or business partners. Jupiter will aspect the ninth house ruling father, teachers, and gurus. Jupiter will help you have a better relationship with them. The ninth also rules higher education, media, marketing and international travels. Jupiter will help you in all these matters of the ninth house and maybe travelling during this time. Jupiter will be aspecting your 11th house of profits, gains, achievements, friendships and organizations. That is a good year for networking and receiving support from friends.

Saturn will stay in your 2nd  house after Jupiter moves out from your 2nd house and Saturn influence will be there till  april/28/2022.  Saturn is moving to the 2nd house of family, value system, close friends, wealth, and food. Saturn transiting to your second house is going to restrict resources and use of your resources. It's time to focus on money, family, and other things of value materially, financially etc. Your value system undergoes a test as you want to make more money. You are going to learn more about your possessions and your resources. You will not feel secure around your resources. You want to make more money. You will neglect your family, meeting with close friends, and not be able to enjoy food . This is a good time for investing in fixed assets that keep their value e.g. gold. Saturn in the 2nd house will restrict you to understand your self-worth which makes it hard to think what you deserve.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (south Node) transit in Taurus and Scorpio on September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 . Rahu will transit in your 6th and Ketu in 12th houses. The 6th house represents health, conflict, enemy, disease, almost all worldly problems. Rahu on the 6th gives you obsession for work, making relationships with your colleagues. Good for your transfer, jobs or promotions. Ketu is on the 12th house of spirituality, good for meditation, introspection, and learning about metaphysics. Rahu in 6th house can scare and motivate you into changing your eating habits, which will promote better health in the long run. During this transit, you cannot be depended or trusted on those people with whom you are working. If you are a businessman and have employees they seem to quit and this will be the most challenging time. This is an opportunity to change your eating habits and change your lifestyle.

Overall in 2021 you will be more focused on money and in spirituality because of double transit of Saturn and Jupiter in your 2nd house money. Family life, marriage and other activities will be less important to you. 

Combust Saturn and Jupiter Capricorn 2021
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