Sunday, March 8, 2020

Venus Transit in Taurus for Each Ascendant 2020

Venus Transit in Taurus


Venus the planet of love transiting in Taurus for a longer period of time in 2020. Venus will be in Taurus on its own sign from 28th March 2020 till 31st July. Almost four month.

Venus is the planet of love, money, what we value, and respect. Venus represents a sense of personal worth and value, the quest for pleasure as well as the urge to beautify both inner and outer spheres of the self and life in general. Psychologically Venus also symbolizes self-esteem.

Venus in Taurus is a very dignified position and powerful in all Venusian qualities. Venus in Taurus wants to be comfortable, surrounded by the best of every-thing. Venus in Taurus is interested in delicious food, good music, affectionate, and beautiful people. Venus in Taurus is very loyal, patient, reliable, invested in love and relationship, sharing and settled.. Sometimes a very sensual and self-in-indulgent position depends on the house position. Stability, security and per-severance are very important if you have Venus in Taurus. Venus in Taurus are very set in their opinions and could be stubborn and stick to their opinions, and won’t change easily unless there's a good reason. It is a very dignified position for financial affairs, especially gains through the person’s own efforts. It Gives a friendly and sociable skill and ability to inspire reciprocal feelings in others.