Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Vedic 2021 Forecast For Aquarius Ascendant


Vedic 2021 Forecast For Aquarius Ascendant

Horoscope 2021 Forecast for  Aquarius Rising/Ascendant/Moon

Saturn transit into Capricorn on January 23rd 2020 and it will stay there for at least a couple of years. Saturn will enter Aquarius on april/28/2022.

Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021 and then it will transit in Aquarius on April 6, 2021 till June 20, 2021. Then it will retrograde in Aquarius on June 20, 2021, till September 14, 2021. Then again it will come to Capricorn and will stay there  till October 18, 2021. And then on November 21, 2021 it will enter Aquarius till April 13, 2022.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (south Node) transit in Taurus and Scorpio on September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 according to the true node system. 

Jupiter is the indicator of expansion, opportunities, higher learning, wisdom, guru, luck and travel. Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021. Jupiter is your 2nd and 11th lord transiting in your 12th  house of loss. 

Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and is more ambitious and materialistic in Capricorn sign. Jupiter enters in your 12th house of moksha or seeking enlightenment. Jupiter seeks knowledge and when transiting in the 12th house, is favorable for spiritual studies, or study abroad. The 12th rules foreign countries and Jupiter rules travel and money and therefore a favorable for working in making money in foreign countries. Expenditures are also ruled by the 12th and Jupiter can increase your expenses. The 12th house rules lose and Jupiter rules your 2nd house of money. So there are chances of money expenditure on some health issue or some other reason. Jupiter will aspects to your fourth house of the home, mother, education, property and inner peace. You will face problems related with 4th house things. Any work like dealing of house, property will not go smoothly. This would not be favorable for your mother or your relationship with her. This time is not good for buying property. Jupiter will aspecting your sixth house of work and health. You are having hArd time finding a job or hiring new employees. 6th house rules the health and disease and Jupiter is not helping in your health. You need to take care of your health. Jupiter is aspecting to your eighth house of changes in life. Changes will not be easier for you and you will face problems in 8th house matters.  The eighth house rules investments, finances, joint ventures, credit and  inheritance. Jupiter with Saturn in the 12th house will increase hardship in these areas of life.

Jupiter will transit in Aquarius on April 6, 2021 in your 1st house and stay there until June 20, 2021. Jupiter in Aquarius is a good sign to have. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarian, social work, thinking large, innovation, friend circle, older sibling, organisation, and gain. Jupiter will bring growth and protection to your 1st house. First house rules the body, confidence, visibility and new beginnings. You will attract more opportunities and feel more hopeful and optimistic about your future possibilities. Your health will be stronger but you can also gain weight if you have not been actively exercising. This is favorable for gaining recognition and being in the public spotlight. You will be projecting more self-confidence, that is why people are attracted towards you and will follow your leadership. Jupiter will aspecting to your fifth house representing children, creativity, entertainment, projects, sports, gambling and romance. All of these areas will be positively enhanced. Jupiter also will aspecting your seventh house, giving  growth to marriage, partnerships, contracts, and business. This transit of Jupiter in Aquarius will increase your  business partner. Jupiter will also aspecting the ninth house bringing its blessing to your father, teachers, gurus, higher education, international travel, publishing and prosperity.

Saturn will stay in your 12th  house after Jupiter moves out from your 12th house and Saturn influence will be there till  april/28/2022. The 12th house  represents isolation, meditation, retreat, ashram, dreams, escapism, imagination, and foreign land. This is a year of transformation and deep introspection. You may indulge yourself into spiritual practices, mysticism and time spent away on retreats. Your dream offers you insight about your true nature. You may engage in great spiritual work and experiences while traveling in foreign countries. You may participate in international charity work. Saturn is the planet of silence and will bring plenty of opportunities to escape from routine work and help you find your peace of mind. This is a very good transit in 12th houses for those people who are looking for moksha.  This is a good time for research, working alone, studying about the truth of life, truth of your soul and about the understanding of the world around. We're all divine souls here on this earth and evolving often through our own emotional relationships with others. There's a strong possibility of more awareness of the synchronicity of life about things just working out for you. So this is a special transit for your deep in your spiritual understanding of dimensional truth of life.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) transit in Taurus and Scorpio on September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 . Rahu will transit 4th and Ketu in 10th Houses. This transit can create change in your career life as you want inner peace. Ketu in the 10th house creates a situation where you don’t like to work. Ketu on the 10th may change your career, perhaps voluntarily working in a more spiritual area. You may choose to work in an environment more suited to you ideologically.  Giving up some of the financial, but with the end result of a better type of career if you have good placement of Rahu in your natal birth chart. You can have a job opportunity or loss that can move you to a different location. You may invest money in real estate and purchase a house or you may sell a home. You will feel pressure to change your place where you live and work. Be patient and don't make dramatic changes during this time because they will not last. The axis is making you more aware of your home, your emotions, your mother and finishing a cycle of karmic life in your work and career. Focus on your inner needs and let go of your outer ones. But be careful you may lose your job and be hopeful for better change in your job.

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