Monday, December 1, 2014

Remedy of weak (debilitated) Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node)

Rahu is an obsession and is the North Node of the Moon and Ketu is the South Node of the Moon. Rahu and Ketu are the eternal demons that exist within us. These are the negative forces in our mind which synthesize and purify the mind. Rahu is very powerful and it brings past-life desires in this present life. They are the soul’s lesson in every lifetime as they are not a physical planet they are shadow planets. They operate on the subconscious level. They are karmic planets. A person needs to work on those areas of life where Rahu and Ketu axis fall in the birth chart.  Rahu is the immature child within us. He wants everything he likes. He is our deepest subconscious material desire. Rahu is an obsession over the things that we need to learn as a soul lesson in this life. So that we should be free of them, but usually through many painful mistakes and subconscious imagined fears, and hypnotic attachments. Ketu is the inner parent who knows everything. Ketu is our past life experience which we already know. This is why Ketu brings doubt and sharp criticism to the areas of life where he sits in the birth chart.  He is eternally unsatisfied, he only observes what is missing.

Both Nodes are the illusion of what we don't know and what we know. It is the push and pull of Rahu obsession and Ketu doubt teaches us the lesson of life. So that we can liberate from this world and be one/merge with the universe.

When axis of  Rahu and Ketu fall in Scorpio and Taurus, the nodes are considered debilitated. This is the axis of "security and insecurity".

Why is Rahu considered weak in scorpio? because here is matching of his qualities. Rahu and scorpio sign present the same qualities they both denote, obsession over things, restlessness, insecurity, deep rooted attachment, fear for unknown things, immaturity, addiction, emotional excitement, revengeful, passionate, impulsive, transformation through unpleasant experience. Rahu’s energy gets magnified when it comes in Scorpio sign. Restlessness and immaturity of Rahu in Scorpio leads to a lot of emotional pain as Scorpio is already emotionally painful and fearful of losing.

The same thing happens with Ketu. Ketu and Taurus sign represents the same thing. They both denote security, stubborn, resistant to change, clingy, attached to material things, service oriented, hard work, and creative. Here  Ketu’s  energy in Taurus  becomes magnified. It becomes more  attached, clingy, stubborn and so on. Here ketu becomes very strong in conclusions and resistant to change.

When the Nodes are reversed, with Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio. Rahu in Taurus becomes stable, less restless and less painful. Ketu in Scorpio becomes much more willing to dig deeply into things, we are certain of based on our past experiences. As Rahu and Ketu act on the inner self. During the time period of Rahu and Ketu the person suffers psychologically. They suffer emotionally due to suppressed desires, pain of loneliness, abandonment, or rejection of unnecessary worldly desires. At the end of the Rahu and Ketu period there is total change of personality due to churning of emotions and they are forced to transform. Because of going through tough times mentally they suffer mental stress and health problems also. 

Maa Durga is the deity of Rahu and Lord Ganesha is the deity of Ketu.

Remedy of weak debilitated Rahu and Ketu: (Rahu ke upay/Ketu ke upay)

  1. Overcome the problem: Stress is the main which accumulates during Rahu and  Ketu period. Identify the true cause of stress by doing self analysis and try to overcome the problem.

  2. Accept the things you can’t change: Some sources of stress are unavoidable. we can’t change the truth of life. Not having a partner of your liking, death of a loved one, serious illness. In such cases, the best way to cope with stress is to accept things as they are.

  3. Learn to forgive: life can't be perfect  and people make mistakes. Let go of anger and resentments. Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving others and move on and approach life positively.

  4. Rahu and Ketu give fear and anxiety, do pranayama, inhaling and exhaling breathing exercises.

  5. Do Meditation.

  6. Pour water on shivling in the temple every Saturday in the morning.

  7. Worship Goddess Durga and Lord Ganesha.

  8. Life is from unseen to seen. There are many things we can’t see but they give effects on us. Some have weak aura, they catch others' negativity very easily. One should do coconut remedy to ward off negative energy. Take one coconut and take it in your right hand and circulate in the right motion around your head for seven times after that coconut should be trashed.

       9. Coconut, chillies and lemons are the natural sucker of negative energy in the  environment.

Other Rahu(North Node) and Ketu(South Node) Articles 


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Technically Right … does that make you Happy?? Self Analysis

I think most of us have been into situation where we think we are right or the other person saying something doesn't make sense. We all have our own different ways of dealing with the situation. Imagine two people having conversation they both have no clear idea or in-depth knowledge of the subject they are trying to discuss :-).  For this  conversation let's assume that we know what we are doing.

I will take a simple example of color.. left box is white and right box is a little off white.. 

(you need to read the whole article to have fun)
For a common person (Person B) who does not have much interest in color.. these both will almost look same, but for a person (Person A) who is into color and into perfection will probably see a difference in them. Imagine these two person having a conversation.. one doesn't care much about the color difference and one is like these are different color.. How will be the conversation go forward.  For the person who cares is technically right. For this conversation if you are the technically right person.. you are trying to engage in a conversation topic.. where other person is not interested or technically incapable of appreciating your point of view. This is possible due to some of the following ....

  1. The person may not have the same interest/liking.
  2. The person cannot think in technical terms as you are.
  3. This may be the least important thing for this person at this time in life.
  4. You may have time in life to think about these thing the other person may not.
  5. The thing that you feel important may not be important for the other person.
Now imagine you as Person A is mad at Person B because you are thinking they don't understand you.. To understand this better you start having a conversation about Person B not understanding what you are saying with Person C. Now what is the probability that Person C will see the things the same as you (Assuming you are right) if they also think like Person B... you will hate it and not be happy.

What happens  if you (Person A) is wrong (doesn't understand complete picture) that means that Person C  needs to know the right thing and should be able to clearly explain in technical terms and  assume that you understand and also explain why the person B is not understanding Person A's point of view. If the Person C is not able to do it then you are more mad at Person C because you expected Person C to understand you better and they also don't.  So now all the hate is being sent to a person who unfortunately have less fault than Person B :-).  Hoping the Person A is open or willing to listen to other point of view as well.. if not .. person C is in a bigger trouble.

You can be mad at the world for not thinking the way you are thinking and decide not to engage because people are stupid/naive and they don't know what's around them. This will only harm you to be successful in life.. as you can probably see that most of the successful people know how to deal with people around them and have great teams.. there are always exceptions.

Save yourself some grief... We think the other person is wrong and we are thinking hard.. why that person can be so stupid/naive not to understand what we are thinking.  For most of the conversations we have, it may not matter.. for some we need to get it right.. for the one's which doesn't matter we need to let it go to save us some grief.

Being technically right will win you a case in the court of Law.. family, friends and people around us are not in the court of Law.

(If we don't get a +ve response to our interest.. we should step back and think how important is the thing that we are talking about to the other person.. if it is not then probably let it go and have another conversation with the person or find some one else with a common interest.)

So probably being technically right may not make us feel happy.. but understanding that people around us may not see the most simple thing the way we see it...  may make you feel better and more thoughtful in how we deal with them.. with this understanding i think you will be lot happier in life than not.. hope this  helps and HAPPY JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE.

 I will end this article with the following Video.. 
worth watching and you can decide how you want to live

If you want to have little fun, replace Person A = Wife , Person C = Husband , Person B = someone you both may or may not know.  OR vice verse for Wife and Husband.