Sunday, April 6, 2014

Taurus Ascendant/ Horoscope/ Birth Chart Astrology

Peaceful, comfort loving, and warm heart-ed by nature. Fond of good food, listening music and enjoying time with good friends is their favorite. Taurus ascendant slow to change, stable, quiet, fix in nature, affectionate, loyal, and hard-working people.

First House Rule by The Planet Venus (Taurus): The 1st house known as the ascendant or rising sign in the horoscope. 1st house or ascendant indicates how you present yourself to the external world. Your ascendant sign indicating characteristics of your physical appearance as well it sets the path of your life. Your first house ruled by Taurus (Venus). Taurus is productive and resourceful sign. You come across to others as receptive, and are probably a good listener. You take things in, evaluate them, and build on that. You are good producer and receptive.

Second House Ruled by The Planet Mercury (Gemini): Mercury is the planet of skill, communication, and intelligence. Second house is close friends and family house. You are at best at communication and communicating, the mind in all its facets, with your family and close friends. This is the one area where you are naturally productive and skillful, and able to create a support environment where you can successful. You like to make good friends.

Third House Ruled by The Planet Moon (Cancer): Moon is the mother, home, and peace of mind. Your third house has energy of Moon. You are perhaps somewhat private and emotional when it comes to communicating and communications, and May even reserve much of your talk and messaging for your own home and family. Your family is where you are most communicative. Your communication has feelings and you are not open communicator.

Fourth House Ruled by The Planet Sun (Leo): Sun is ego, and creativity. Your fourth house have energy of Sun. Sun represents ego, creativity and passion. your home environment is very creative and passionate. You are very natural in creativity at home. You look to your home and family for creative release, and it is through and with them that you best express yourself in the family.

Fifth House Ruled by The Planet Mercury (Virgo): You have Virgo (Mercury) energy in your fifth house. Virgo sign represents service and care. 5th house is represents creativity. Your major outlet for creativity and self-expression is through the care and consideration you are generous on people and things, whatever project you currently are concerned with.  You express things with care and concern.

Sixth House Ruled by The Planet Venus (Libra): You have Libra (Venus) energy in your sixth house. Sixth house shows care and concern. Libra sign represents public and fame. You serve people in harmonious and balanced nature. You show your concern and the fact that you care quite publicly and in ways society can see and understand. You have concern and care for public.

Seventh House Ruled by The Planet Mars (Scorpio): you have Scorpio (Mars) energy in your seventh house. Scorpio sign is secretive and investigative. It falls in your seventh house means you could receive public attention and probably some limelight through your good business understanding. You are critical and intense in dealing with spouse and with people. You are very practical and doubtful nature towards spouse and with people.

Eighth House Ruled by The Planet Jupiter (Sagittarius): You have Sagittarius (Jupiter) energy in your eighth house. Sagittarius sign represents religion and belief. You are very honest and truthful in region and belief. The key to a successful business strategy for you May come from spiritual or inspirational themes, such as philosophy and or religion. You like to be truthful and honest in your work ethics and in business area.

Ninth House Ruled by The Planet Saturn (Capricorn): You have Capricorn (Saturn) energy in your ninth house. Capricorn sign is practical, restriction and managing things. Ninth house is belongs to religion and belief. Your idea of belief and religion of life May not only be restricted to a religious service. You find inspiration in the practical workings of everyday existence, and find peace in managing all the things that require your attention.

Tenth House Ruled by the planet Saturn (Aquarius): You have Aquarius (Saturn) energy in your tenth house.  Aquarius sign is unusual and very social. Tenth house represents career and reputation in life. You have good insights and practical when involved in some community oriented task or project. You serve people as as a work, you really come alive when it comes to do something for the community and humanity.

Eleventh House Ruled by The Planet Jupiter (Pisces): You have Pisces (Jupiter) energy in your eleventh house. Eleventh house represents social network and highest goals in life.  Jupiter is generosity and humbleness. You show your generosity and sense of community by giving of yourself, tirelessly, demonstrating to others the value of patience, acceptance, and you are self-sacrifice for the well-being of people.

Twelfth House Ruled by The Planet Mars (Aries): Your twelfth house have energy of Aries (Mars).  Twelfth represents loss and letting go things. When it comes to let go something you don’t like to sit. You believe in taking some action. Your way of acceptance, of enduring what is hard to endure, involves doing something about it, taking action. You don't just stand there and take it, but jump right in and take actions.

This is the basic life path for Taurus ascendant. It modified according to the placement of the planets in different houses.  

Monday, March 31, 2014

Rahu/North Node in Different House and Career Path

Rahu or North Node in Astrology is our subconscious desire to achieve something in this lifetime. Rahu placement in sign and house can guide you to explore your inner nature. Sign of the planets is psychology and house in which sector of the life it will be interested or perform.  

Rahu/North Node in 1st/First House: 1st house represents identity and action. Rahu in this house indicate career path which involves getting out and taking chances, physical activity, action, of taking the initiative, jumping around. e.g. it can show a person interested in adventurer stuff, can be sportsman etc.

Rahu/North Node in 2nd/Second House: 2nd house represents productivity.  Rahu in this house indicate career path which involve productivity, being able to listen and build them into something of value, something solid. This could be food factory, planting and harvesting crops etc.

Rahu/North Node in 3rd/Third House: 3rd house represents communication. Rahu in this house, indicate career path in communication and networking. This could be spoken/voice or written/e-mails communication. Connection to the people is the main key here. Rahu in this house show interest in acting and drama. This person can connect with the people by media etc.

Rahu/North Node in 4th/Fourth House: 4th house is home and security. Rahu in this house, indicate career path in homeland security and staying close in touch with home and family. This could be a home business or a family business, involving a family member. The key is being in close contacts with home and family.

Rahu/North Node in 5th/Fifth House: 5th house is creativity and self-expression. Rahu in this house indicate career path of self-expression and original creativity, getting what is inside out. It can be some sort of creative artist, musician, writer, theater performer. It could be physical expression, like sports and dance other forms of creative action.

Rahu/North Node in 6th/Sixth House: 6th house represents service and care. Rahu in this house indicates career path involving care and service. The person have natural tendency to care not just for others, but also for things and causes. They have desire for to conserve and preserve things.

Rahu/North Node in 7th/Seventh House: 7th house represents public and business. Rahu in this house indicate career path in some sort of public life or a public career. These people enjoy society and being in the public eye. It can be anything that depends on the sign of Rahu.

Rahu/North Node in 8th/Eighth House: 8th house represents secrecy and research. Rahu in this house indicated career path in which critical evaluation is involved. This could be in any investigative service or work, researching in some things. This could also be any form of work where intensity and sharp investigative mind required.

Rahu/North Node in 9th/Ninth House: 9th house represents higher learning and traveling. Rahu in this house indicate career path in learning and searching for religion or truth. This could be any form of new ideas of spirituality or religion. The person could be in long distance traveling career.

Rahu/North Node in 10th/Tenth House: 10th house represents career and management.  Rahu in this indicate career path in management and supervision. The person has practical nature that involves management and supervision, perhaps working with people or things as a manager or director.

Rahu/North Node in 11th/Eleventh House: 11th house represents highest desire and do something for the world. Rahu in this house indicate career path in involving the community or causes wider than purely personal concerns. However, the key here is the desire to help in some broad and communal way.

Rahu/North Node in 12th/Twelfth House: 12th house represents spirituality and connection to the universe. Rahu in this house indicates career path that involves ability to understand and see the larger picture than usual, and this could take the form of working with others, helping them to better accept and embrace life and their personal circumstances. e.g. Spiritual leaders.

Just check the sign of Rahu/North node and match with the house. You can guess your destiny point in your life. Rahu in the sign of Scorpio in 9th shows interest in learning about occult science but in 1st shows a person can be a body worker.  

Career, Karma, Lottery, FreeWill, Self Analysis
Career in astrology in a deeper level can be assess by nakshatra and career associated house and planets. Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord are naturally shows interest and capabilities within you. Ascendant nakshatra shows your basic interest throughout your life. Sun nakshatra shows what your soul want to do and Moon nakshatra show where you mentally and naturally inclined and 10th house’s lord nakshatra is your work in life. Check your nakshatra of career associated house and planets, Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th lord nakshatra and guess where you are more inclined and it can be your career path. Nakshatra associated with North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) can be your soul purpose. Nakshatra of these Lunar Nodes makes you naturally compel to achieve something in your life.

Career Ashwini Nakshatra: Range 0°00' Aries- 13°20' Aries.
Professions : Equestrian professions, Horse Trainers & Keepers and all those involved in Equine Jobs or Sports, Horse Racing Enthusiasts Gamblers,  All types of Healing Professions, Physicians, Therapists, Chemists, Counsellors, Physiotherapists, Druggists & Surgeons, Those involved in Promotion & Motivational jobs & campaigns, Physical Arts like Dancing, Those involved in the Transportation Industry,  Athletes and all Sport related Jobs, Herbologists, All those involved in Racing Professions like Motor Sports, Adventure Sports, Explorers, Stunt Men,  Researchers & Pioneers, Concreters & all those involved in laying foundations in the building industry, People in Law Enforcement Agencies, Soldiers, Generals,  Mechanical Engineers & those involved in Engineering Professions in general, police.

Career Bharani Nakshatra: Range 13° 20 Aries - 25° 40 Degree Aries.
Professions: Babysitters, Nannies, Nursery School Teachers, All professions involving children, Professions connected with Amusement, Theme Parks, Children's Toys Industry, Gynaecologists, Midwives, All professions connected with birth & death, Professions related to Fertility Clinics, Officials handling Birth and Death Records, Dancers from all schools and styles, Tobacco, Coffee and Tea Industry, Cooks, Caterers, Hoteliers, Professions connected to Slaughterhouses, Veterinarians, Film & Entertainment Industry, Models, Occultists, Judges, Volcano & Earthquake Experts, Geophysicists, Biologists & Microbiologists, Seed & Fertilizer Industry, gynecology, film and music industry, distribution, production, and processing of food.

Career Krittika Nakshatra: Range 26° 40’ Aries to 10° 00’ Degree Taurus.
Professions: Critics, Managers, Generals & People in authority positions, Technical professions in general, Teachers, Educators, University related professions, Swordsmen, Fencers, People who make swords, knives and other sharp instruments, Blacksmiths, Creative Arts involving the use of fire based processes, Jewellers and Glassmakers, Spiritual Teachers who promote strong purificatory measures or worship involving the Sun or Fire, Professions involving fire like Fire dancers or Fire Sacrifices, Barbers, Hairdressers, Tailors, Work involving use of needles like Embroiderers, Cooks of all varieties, Those who make clay objects like bricks for building houses or ceramic object, Furnace makers, Those who make Cooking Utensils or Trade tools, All professions involving use of fire and sharp objects. protector, food cook, fire departments, use of fire to make things like a blacksmith.

Career Rohini Nakshatra: Range 10°00 Taurus - 23°20 Taurus.
Professions: Farming, Agriculturists of all types, All professions relating with growing, processing and handling food, Botanists, Herbalists, Artists, Musicians,  Entertainment and Leisure Industries, Fashion and Cosmetic Industry, Beauticians, Sex Therapists, Jewellery, Gemstone Dealers, Interior Decorators, Bankers and Financiers, Transportation Business, Tourism Industry, Textile Industry, Shipping Industry, Food Production, Packaging & Distribution industry, All professions connected with Aquatic products and Liquids of all types. fine wines, foods, luxuries, fashion designers, dancing, restaurant, hotel business arts, flowers, decorating, music, painter, make up, fashion, perfume, singing, songwriter, poet, beef industry, speech therapist, orator, financial advisor, banker, botanist, landscaper.

Career Mrigasira Nakshatra:  Range 23°20’ Taurus - 06°40 Gemini.
Professions: Artists of all types, Singers & Musicians, Painters, Poets, Linguists, Romantic Novelists, Writers, Thinkers and Seekers, Dealers in Earth related products, Those involved in the Textile & Garment Industry, Fashion Designers & Trendsetters, Veterinarians, AII professions dealing with animals as pets, Salespersons of all kinds, Advertising agencies, Administrators, Landscapers, Farmers & Gardeners, Forestry workers, Real Estate developers, Map makers & Navigators, Travellers and Explorers, Psychics and Astrologers, Teachers especially those dealing with beginners, craftsperson, Clerks, Commentators,  forest ranger, collectors, researchers.

Career Ardra Nakshatra: Range: 06°40' Gemini - 20°00' Gemini.
Professions: Electrical Engineers, Electricians, Electronic and Computer Industry, Computer Software Developers, Sound Engineers and Technicians, Electronic Music, Photographers, Special Effects people in the Film Industry, Computer Game Designers, 3D and Virtual Reality Experts,  Mathematicians and Researchers, Writers, especially of the science fiction,  Physicians who administer poisons in small amounts as remedies like Homeopaths, Those involved in mental sports like Chess, Scrabble, Bridge, Those working in Nuclear Power Plants, Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists, X-ray Specialists & Radar Personnel, Sales people adept at lying and double talk, Biotechnologists, Snipers and  Hitmen, renovation, T.V. ,telephones, computers, good with hands and in building and creating, comedians, good with numbers, astrologers.

Career Punarvasu Nakshatra: Range20°00’ Gemini - 3°20 Cancer.
Professions: Trades and Salespeople of all types, Artisans, Fairy Tale Writers, Writers dealing with Astrology and other Esoteric Subjects, Visionaries, All professions involving Travel and Tourism, Recycling Experts, Hotel and Restaurant Industry, Transport Industry, House Construction Companies, Architects, All Science related professions, Civil Engineers, Teachers in Schools, Colleges and Universities, Psychologists, Philosophers, Priests, Monks and Gurus, Preachers involved with self-enhancement techniques, Importers and Exporters, Historians, Antique Dealers, All professions requiring an innovative approach, Courier Companies, Postal Service, Newspaper Industry, Mail Order and Home Delivery Businesses, Landlords and Keepers of Temples, Churches and other Religious Buildings, Home Maintenance Services, Archery and Target Shooting, Patriots, Aviators, Astronauts and All Space/ Satellite Professions, writers, publishers, mystics, spiritual teachers, philosopher, poets.

Career Pushya Nakshatra: Range 03° 20’ Cancer - 16° 40’ Cancer.
Professions: All those connected with the Dairy Industry, Food and Drink Merchants of all types, Politicians, Rulers & Aristocrats, Caterers and Hoteliers, All those in the Restaurant Business, Clergy, Nuns, Priests, Gurus, Spiritual Teachers, Psychologists, Counsellors and Psychotherapists, Those associated with Charitable Organizations, Professional Hosts & Hostesses, River and Lake related professions, Teachers and Education Experts, Child Care Professionals,  All Care Professions, Artisans, Those involved in all kinds of Business and Creative Activities requiring Finesse, Real Estate Agents, Traditionalism and Religious Bigotry.

Career Ashlesha Nakshatra:  Range 16°40 Cancer -30°00 Cancer.
Professions: All professions dealing with Poisons, medicines that heal, Petroleum Industry, Chemical Engineers, Cigarette Industry, Legal and Illegal Drug Dealers, Drug Pushers, All Self Serving professions like present day Politicians, Behind the Scenes Manipulators, Psychologists, Con Artists,  Snake Charmers, Professions involving dealing with Reptiles, Allopathic Doctors and  Surgeons, Pet Snake and Pet Cat Owners, Poachers, Secret Service Agents, Spies, Lawyers, Pawnbrokers, Physical Yoga Teachers, Tantrics,  Hypnotists; Psychologists and Psychiatrists, Charlatan Channelists and Psychics etc.

Career Karma FreeWill