Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Vedic 2021 Forecast For Aries Ascendant


Vedic 2021 Forecast For Aries Ascendant

Horoscope 2021 Forecast for Aries Rising/Ascendant/Moon

Saturn transit into Capricorn on January 23rd 2020 and it will stay there for at least a couple of years. Saturn will enter Aquarius on april/28/2022

Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021 and then it will transit in Aquarius on April 6, 2021 till June 20, 2021. Then it will retrograde in Aquarius on June 20, 2021, till September 14, 2021. Then again it will come to Capricorn and will stay there  till October 18, 2021. And then on November 21, 2021 it will enter Aquarius till April 13, 2022.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (south Node) transit in Taurus and Scorpio on September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 according to the true node system. 

Jupiter is the indicator of expansion, opportunities, higher learning, wisdom, guru, luck and travel. Jupiter transit in Capricorn on November 20, 2020, till April 6, 2021. Jupiter is your 9th and 12th lord transiting in your 10th  house of career. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and is more ambitious and materialistic in Capricorn sign. So it doesn't matter if it is debilitated in Capricorn, you need to look at what it will bring for you. Jupiter will give more focus on your career but for that you need to work hard because it is debilitated. It will bring more growth and protection to your career. Jupiter will bring more success, more luck,  gaining more recognition, expanding your leadership roles and giving more visibility, for receiving a promotion or a raise in your profession but for that you need to do a lot of hard work. Jupiter will aspects to your 2nd house of income and family, giving you more opportunities to make more money but you will not get any support from family you need to with your own effort. Jupiter will aspect your 4th house of mother, home, vehicles and inner peace. Jupiter will not give good results related with your mother, living environment, and inner peace. You will be restless for how to make more money. Therefore you will gain property, and vehicles. This transit food for relocating. Jupiter will also aspecting your 6th house of employment, competition, legal disputes and health matters. This would bring conflicts with competitors. You need to be more vigilant if you are in with legal disputes because it may create more trouble.  If you have any health conditions Jupiter will create more problems related with obesity and blood sugar.

Jupiter will transit in Aquarius on April 6, 2021 in your 11th house and stay there until June 20, 2021. Jupiter in Aquarius is a good sign to have. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarian, social work, thinking large, innovation, friend circle, older sibling, organisation, and gain. Jupiter will bring growth and protection to your 11th house. This transit will bring you opportunities to increase your income, friends and organizations will be supported. This could also be a very productive time working at social or business with an elder sibling. You could be achieving success and they could be more supportive for you.  Some of you could be honored for your achievements and others will feel more confident and achieving your dreams are possible. Jupiter will be aspecting on to your third house ruling younger siblings, communications, writing, sales, stage performance, and courage. Jupiter aspects in the third would be favorable for sales and promoting your performance. Jupiter will also aspects your fifth house of children, creative, entertainment, projects, sports, gambling, speculation and romance. Jupiter will give you support in these areas of life. Jupiter will be aspecting your seventh house of marriage, partnerships, contracts, customers and business and this would be a favorable cycle for getting married or forming a business partnership.

Saturn is moving in your 10th house with Jupiter. The 10th house represents career, status, reputation, and achievements.  Saturn is the indicator of longevity, sorrow, determination, responsibilities, obstruction and delays. Saturn is the Lord of your 10th house of careers and the 11th house of gains of achievement. Your attention will turn to your profession, career, social status, reputation and public community. Saturn's need for security and achievement influences your career, sense of responsibility and the structure of your career. Saturn will focus and clarify your objectives into your 1oth house of career matters. It's a time to focus on your hard work in your career. Saturn in Capricorn is very strong and it will give emphasis on hard work and money. Saturn in the 10th house challenged to discover what success means to you. How much power you and what kind of work structure you’re using to attain your goals. You still have an opportunity to take responsibility. Saturn will give opportunity to start building your career. This is the period when Saturn will have done all the hard work that you needed and you will get the rewards for all your efforts.

Saturn in 10th house Saturn will aspect your 12th house of unknown, sleep, and bed pleasure. So you may feel isolated from society, or you may be less interested in bed pleasure.  Saturn will aspect 4th house of inner peace where you may feel not happy related with home related things and want to be alone. Saturn will aspect your 7th house of relationship where it will put pressure in all these areas of life. So you need to be more careful and get ready to take responsibilities of these houses as well. If you have any planets in these houses then you will also feel the pressure of Saturn on these planetary energies as well. Saturn transiting in the 10th house can give opportunity to work with foreign companies. This will be a time for you where you will be more focused and sincere to put your energy into your career field.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (south Node) transit in Taurus and Scorpio on September 19, 2020 until March 16, 2022 according to the true node system in your 2nd and Ketu in 8th houses. The 2nd house relates to finance and wealth. So Rahu will focus on finances in this transit and Ketu in 8th house focuses on the mysteries of life. Ketu is in the house of death and transformation, trying to teach you how to let go things which are not in your control. So you could be making some major changes at this time. As these houses are linked to your family life, so there might be some changes in that area. Ketu in the 8th can connect to some negativity from the past life, so be wary of individuals who are not what they appear. This can be a time of gains of money or losses in the family. You will be looking at your financial situation as this axis deals with inheritances, marriage and divorce. There can be extremes with gains or losses of any kind which leads to dramatic shift in life or mentally. If Rahu is well placed in your natal chart then you can have an unexpected opportunity. You might gain money in unexpected ways.

Overall in 2021 you will be more focused on your career, money and in spirituality because of double transit of Saturn and Jupiter in your 10th house. Family life, marriage and other activities will be less important to you.  

This is a general forecast. For more detail you can get consultation.