Showing posts with label Kundali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kundali. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2013

Process of Kundali Awakening

We are curious about what is kundalini what she does what are its effects and how to awaken kundalini.

Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us, a motherly and soothing spiritual energy which lies dormant at the base of the spine in the sacrum bone.

Awakening of the Kundalini is known as  Self Realization or atma gyan .

Process of awakening kundalini

To understand this we should know about human subtler body system and connection with the universe.

Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs At the same time within us resides a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centres of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.

Of these, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are considered the most important.

The three main channels of the Subtle System
Ida Nadi - (the left side)  Ida Nadi is the left side, the Moon or cool Channel.
Pingala Nadi - (the right side) Pingala Nadi is the right side, the sun or hot channel
Sushumna Nadi - (the centre) Sushumna nadi is the balance of the other two channels. Daily meditation leads to a cooling of the sun channel and a warming of the moon channel

Chakras subtle system have seven chakras has several spiritual qualities.

Prana(air)  is the "life force";  and  the term refers to a cosmic energy. prana is the prime moving force which connect  our body to the  universe.In yoga if you control the breath, you control the mind. If you control the mind, then you control the body. If you're in control of the body, mind and breath, then you are in control of your life and the life force itself, called prana.

Prana can be used to exhilarate meditation, or healing. Prana gives vitality to the physical body and it also gives us the power to think. Prana is both physical and mental energy. "Movement of thought in the mind arises from the movement of prana; and the movement of prana arises because of the movement of thought in consciousness.

1: Prana normally flows in either Ida or Pingala: Our energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala. Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna (sometimes called "silver cord"), which is the central channel are the most

Usually we believe that we are breathing through both nostrils, although breath is normally dominant in one or the other.

2: Causing Ida and Pingala to flow evenly: The first step in Kundalini Awakening is balancing the flow of energy in Ida and Pingala. This means that equal amounts of Prana are flowing in the left and right sides. It is most readily evidenced by the breath flowing evenly in the two nostrils.

Even breath between the nostrils: At one's regularly scheduled time for Yoga meditation, the aspirant wants to be able to balance these two energies by direct control.breath balancing practice. are done so as to balance Ida and Pingala, allowing them to flow evenly. These practices are extremely useful and build a foundation for Kundalini Awakening.

One method of alternate nostril breathing that is easy to understand the is to exhale and inhale from one nostril five times. Then, do five times with the other nostril.

3: Causing Prana to flow in Sushumna: When the Prana is not only balanced in left and right , but is also made to flow through the central channel of Sushumna there comes an even deeper abiding peace of mind. The mind and heart only want to go inside for meditation.

The ability to balance Ida and Pingala,
and cause Prana to flow in Sushumna
is the most essential preparation for
Meditation and Kundalini Awakening.

The Prana is now flowing more in the Sushumna channel itself, rather than just being balanced between left and right. Sometimes this flow of Prana is experienced as a feeling sensation in the spine, possibly as a warmth of energy flow.

This flow of Prana in Sushumna is one of the first goals of meditation.

Prana flowing in Sushumna brings a great feeling of joy, sukhamana (sukha=joyous;mana=mind). The tremendous peace of mind can seem to be enlightenment itself, for those not familiar with the further reaches of Kundalini Awakening and spiritual experience. Here, with the awakening of Sushumna, it is useful to recall that in the ladder of Yoga

Mistaking Sushumna for Kundalini Awakening: Prana flowing in Sushumna is extremely peaceful, and can easily be confused with Kundalini Awakening. As you feel the serenity, along with the warmth flowing through the levels of the spine, this calmness is very fascinating, and when reading the books about Kundalini Awakening, it can seem as if, "This is it!" There is a difference between the flow of Prana through Sushumna and full Kundalini Awakening, with that Kundalini energy itself rising. Both Prana and Kundalini are forms of the universal energy of Shakti, though here, at this stage, it is still Prana that is flowing in Sushumna.

4: Awakening the Kundalini energy: After one is well established in the ability to balance the Prana between Ida and Pingala and causing it to flow in Sushumna the resulting sense of peace and joy is the foundation for the next step, which is awakening the Kundalini itself.

Signs of Kundalini Awakening: There are various signs and symptoms of Kundalini Awakening, and these may be of varying duration and intensity. Some of the experiences may seem similar to those of Prana flowing in Sushumna, though the intensity is quite different. The specific experiences may also vary from person to person, and the words used to describe the experiences may be different. The nature of the experience is also affected by the degree to which the individual chakras are involved in the energy increase. However, there are some general signs and symptoms that are commonly seen.

It can be felt as a cool breeze in the palm of your hands or you may feel a slight coolness at the top of your head.  It also starts a flow of divine grace inside us.  For the first time we can feel the presence of the divine. It purifies the attention of the person and establishes this awareness in the state of meditation.  You may also feel some heat - this is the kundalini cleaning some obstructions on your chakras - it is not painful at all.  

The kundalini energy cure  Whatever chakra she touches.  If any chakra is constricted, she can not go inside until the chakra is open.

  • Involuntary jerkiness or shaking in the body
  • Intense feelings of pleasure or bliss
  • Intense heat in the spine, or a particular chakra, as if molten metal were flowing in the spine
  • Striking flows of energy, like electricity or internal lightning bolts
  • Feelings like snakes or ants crawling on the body, particularly along the spine, or between the feet and head
  • Spontaneous emotional shifts or mood swings
  • Inner sounds, such as musical instruments, buzzing, roaring, or thunder

5: Leading the Kundalini upward: After Kundalini Awakening its full force is then guided through the Sushumna channel, much like the Prana that came before (though now in its full force), systematically piercing, and moving through one after another of the chakras along the way. Kundalini Awakening is followed by Kundalini Rising. After Kundalini Rising, the Kundalini is guided to the Crown.
The seven major chakras:, the energy of Prana flows in the nadis, and the major  energy intersections are the chakras. Energy is concentrated and stored at these chakra intersections. Briefly, the seven major chakras are:
  1. Muladhara:  base of the spine.
  2. Svadhisthana:  genital area
  3. Manipura:  navel center
  4. Anahata:  heart center
  5. Vishuddha:  throat center
  6. Ajna:  eyebrow center
  7. Sahasrara: crown of the head

As the Kundalini moves upwards during the phase of Kundalini Rising, it encounters and fills each of the lower chakras, one after the other. The Ida and Pingala nadis, coursing through the chakras are felt more deeply and seen as well. During Kundalini Rising, each of the chakras is experienced in its subtler and subtler ways,

Open and Closed chakras: If a chakra is open, then Kundalini Rising continues to upwards to the next chakra. If they are all open, then it rises all the way to the Sahasrara. However,  If a chakra is closed, then the Kundalini stops its upward journey.

So to rise kundalini into the chakras, chakras should be  open, to open the  chakras we should work with the body breath  mind breath This is done through integrating practice such as meditation,   bhuta shuddhi (chakra meditation) and Pranayama etc are very useful.

Pranayama is the control of Breath to optimize physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health
Awakening and leading Kundalini: The process of Kundalini Awakening is not only one of awakening the energy, but also of leading it upwards, through each of the chakras.

6: Joining Kundalini with the crown chakra: After the upward journey of Kundalini, coursing through the Sushumna channel and the chakras along the way it is finally brought to the crown chakra, Sahasrara. This union is the Realization of the Absolute, and is the meaning of Yoga. yoga is understood to be a method by which a "union" with the divine or God is achieved.

Balanced Ida and Pingala is a key: balancing Ida and Pingala, and having Prana flow in Sushumna are extremely important  factor in to raise kundalini sakti with in us. that also bring their own benefits of inner peace.