Friday, April 10, 2015

Twelfth (12th) House Astrology

In astrology, the twelfth has been called the house of sorrow, servitude, loss, mystery, and  the house of one’s own self-undoing. The twelfth is regarded as the most mystical of all houses, a place of deep spiritual realization, and enlightenment. So in some ways the 12th house also has some of the most positive houses of all.

The 12th house is the last house that really shows the place where we can connect with the collective conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Everyone has a 12th house and according to the 12th house condition, we can assess what is the level of evolution of the person. If you have Venus in the 12th  house it may have different meanings according to the dignity of the planet.  Everybody's tapping in the 12th house for their own spiritual quest.  If we are related to spirituality this is the house where we all come from this “universe’’ which means, it's the house in which we can associate ourselves with the absolute unity beyond separation and understand that we are on the same boat we owe basically trying to achieve the same things. The 12th house is the house of surrendering to higher energies into his higher consciousness because you don't have a choice. 

The 12th house is what belongs to everyone: it's the air, it is the resources, and it's the weather. Everything that is part of nature is the 12th house. So the 12th house relates to that collective collective atmosphere. The best thing about the 12th house is it's impersonal. You don't own anything in the 12th house, and you have no control. Everyone has free access to ask something from the unknown but you don’t know whether you will get it or not. It is the house of prayer, meditation and divine powers. 

Although the 12th house is the hidden house. In the 12th house you can see pain, a true compassionate person, or a individuals that can be really great public figures. People that can move to the collective consciousness can change history.  You can also have a person selling food in the market, because that person is offering a public service and he doesn't choose who will come and buy his food and will go. 12th house, It's all open to the public there's no personal contact and this is what happens with a 12th house you have no control. So in the 12th house you have to accept everyone, you cannot discriminate in your open store. This can be overwhelming because you have to serve these different kinds of unknown people who enter your store.

So through the 12th house we learn surrendering, acceptance of whoever will enter in your life. You have to open to everyone without any discrimination.  So there is a very strong requirement to adapt, to open, and to be flexible. You have to let go of control and see that specific energy. So the 12th house feels like open to all the surprises possible and if you don't have the power of adaptation you will lose in your 12th house and you become easily overwhelmed. So there's a lot of potential in the 12th house. In 12th house basically you have to flow with the stream and whatever the way it will take that's where you're going. It doesn't mean that you're lost at sea or you cannot navigate your boat. You can choose whatever you want to sell in your shop. but once you are exposed in the 12th house you have to open up and you have to adapt. 

If you don't have immunity you can easily become overwhelmed. Those people who have 12th lord in the 1st house are exposed to the public in every way, exposed to the public's ideas, exposed to the public motion and exposed to the public trash as well.  It is simply because they are overly exposed and don't have enough of an immunity. They can become paranoid because they don't have defenses, everybody's coming from everywhere and they simply feel unsafe. 

Most public figures have a very heavy 12th house or Pisces energy in tenth house because these people have to explore these dynamics. 

Sun in 12th House Career  

Moon in 12th House Career
Mars in 12th House Career

Mercury in 12th House Career
Saturn in 12th House Career
Venus in 12th House Career
Jupiter in 12th House Career

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kuja / Mangalik Dosha Astrology

Mars is the planet of energy within us. When mars is powerful the person is energetic constructive and helpful to others, but if it is badly placed in the chart the person is violent and destructive in nature. Individuals having more mars energy are very passionate, romantic and sensual in nature. This is why in a relationship if one person have this type of energy and other does not the problem occurs. Manglik Dosha occurs when Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th house in a horoscope. Manglik dosha is more severe when Mars is placed in the 7th or the 8th House. The other houses experiences milder afflictions only. So if the planet Mars is in any of these mentioned houses in your birth chart, it may have affect your relationship and compatibility. In some ways it's a type of a personality which needs similar energy to feel comfortable with. you need to find other person who is suitable for you by compatible technique.

Exception of Manglik/Kuja Dosha: if both the partner have manglik dosha eveness occur, however manglik dosha is not cancel but both partner's energy bring balance in relationship.

Cancellation of Kuja/Manglik Dosha: Manglik dosha can be cancelled fully but in certain sign of Mars its effects can be reduced.

 When Mars occupies the following specific locations.

1. Gemini and Virgo as 2nd house.

2. Aries or Scorpio as 4th house.

3. Capricorn or Cancer as 7th house.

4. Sagittarius or Pisces as 8th house.

5. Taurus or Libra as 12th house.

6. Mars Aquarius in any house, there is no Manglik Dosha.

7. Mars is conjuct either Jupiter or the Moon. 

8. Ascendant occupied by Jupiter or Venus.

9. Mars is in the 4th or 7th in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, or Capricorn.

Other Mars Articles

Mars (Boy Friend) in Women Chart in Astrology

Venus and Mars together (Conjunction) in Astrology


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Three Dimensional Relationship Astrology

When someone wants know about their relationship, it's just not one way. Relationships are not easy, in fact it is very difficult. Three dimensional Relationship means, which approaches the subject from three dimensions. In a three dimensional relationship these three factors should be analyses. 

1. Individual capacity for love in a relationship. 

2. Synastry part

3. Kuta system. 

1. First we need to analyze each individual's chart because the individual charts going to show their capacity for love. So each individual is going to have a capacity and tendency which is shown in the charts toward what kind of relationships behavior they have in them towards others.  Because your behavior shows the commonality in partnership. So the one thing is common in a relationship is “YOU”. Relationships start from an individual's own behavior. For instance what they like or what they dislike in a relationship. If someone has a hot temperament, definitely it will show in their relationship too. This is the first part of relationship astrology often overlooked.  It  just means you are the individuals and what kind of tendency and capacity you have for love. So that must be assessed first.

The first part done by assessing the planet Moon and Venus in the birth chart. Moon shows receptivity to emotions and in what way you react in a relationship. Venus part shows how much you are willing to adjust, compromise and interest in a relationship. 

For e.g. If you have a Moon with Saturn, it means you have a tendency to take things seriously and tend to be more serious in relationships. And if you have Venus with Ketu it means you have a hard time being happy in a relationship. 

2. Second part of the relationship is the Synastry part. Synastry means when you lay one chart on top of another and see how each individual's planets are relating with the other. It shows what kind of buttons get pushed when two individuals interact with each other. This is very important because it shows what kind of energy gets activated around you and your partner. If something is positive then you respond favorably to your partner but if something negative that you might be on the defensive around your partner and you protect yourself.

For e.g. If you have Moon in Taurus and the other person has Jupiter in Taurus, then it's going to feel uplifted emotionally and supportive toward each other. If you have Moon in Cancer and other people have Saturn in Cancer then, this synastry is going to be heavy emotionally. 

3. The third part is the Kuta system. This part comes in Vedic astrology notion western astrology. The Kuta system in vedic astrology is Kundali matching of the two individuals depending upon the Moon Nakshatra. because the Moon is the significator of mind and mostly we relate with another person from our mind. The Kuta system is more like a soul connection between two people. In the kuta system we check on a deeper level at the compatibility between the two individuals on the spiritual, psychological, and on subconscious level. It measures the flow of the life force, or energy, between the two people. Whether it is harmonious or inharmonious. Any obstructions to this flow may create a loss of relationship. Several of the matchings measure to see if there is such an obstruction to the flow of the couple's energies. Vedha, Rajju, and Strii-Dirgha are these most important matchings and if any one of these is afflicted will cause serious difficulties within the relationship. If Rajju, Nadi, or Rasi are acceptable, then there may be an exception that wards off the great difficulties that may be created in the relationship. If Strii-Dirgha is afflicted, but the exception for Rasi Kuta is met, then Strii-Dirgha will be OK as well.

1. Vedha Kuta: Obstruction - a terrible blemish – mutually repellent nakshatras. When you have the connection of “obstacles”, then the partners will face constant challenges in trying to be together. When “obstacles” aren’t present between partners then they are able to overcome any outside interference and live peacefully.

2. Rajju Kuta: Rope - binds a couple to misfortune based on similar body parts. Rajju should not be the same. If they have the same rajju they may face some problems in life. When you have the connection of “misfortune,” it’s difficult to relax and enjoy each other in a relationship. When you don’t have the connection of misfortune between your stars, you enjoy a far greater chance of being able to have your connection easily unfold and grow. 

There are five Rajju: 

Pada Rajju: The couples will wander and not be settled in life. The partners could become psycho­logically ‘unstable’. The person becomes restless and develops a desire to ‘wander’. Consciously or unconsciously the person will create circumstances that keep them away from each other.

Ooro Rajju: This may in due course lead to sexual problems on the physical or psychological level. There may be a feeling of frustration. The subtle or sublime experience of sexual satisfaction will be denied. Gradually the interest will decline.

Kati Rajju: On the mental level it may lead to states of anxiety, tension, feelings of insecurity, unreasonable fear and similar complexes. Loss of courage and confidence will lead to lack of initiative and hesitation in taking up responsibilities. Each one of the partners may develop some of these problems, but not necessarily the same or all of them.

Greeva Rajju: One of the partners may find the conversation of the other very uninteresting, rude and without affection. The intentions of one will not be clear to the other. There will be frequent misunderstanding. This may lead to serious marital problems.

Siroh Rajju: The couple may have fits of temper and unreasonable anger in one of the partners. Consequently there may be violent incidents. One of them may develop a desire to go hell, to cheat on the other, and be unfaithful. At times there may be a compulsive desire to be promiscuous or indulge in extramarital relationships.

If the Rajju kuta of husband and wife are in different Rajju, then they will live a happy married life.

3. Strii Deergha: Shows the distance between the Moons. The shortest distance should be from the man’s to the woman’s Moon. This Strii Deergha or woman Moon to man moon distance is the number one reason for unhappiness or break up in a relationship. There is energy flow in the zodiac, energy flow from Aries sign to Pisces sign. This energy flow checked from the Moon sign of man and to the Moon sign of woman. Women are always in receiving roles and men are always in giving roles. There should be less distance from man’s Moon to woman’s Moon for good relationships. But if it is the opposite there will be emotional problems between couples and relationships could break.

If these three factors do not match we should not go further because these three are the main indicators of good marriage. 

The Kutas are: 

1. Nadi Kuta: Dosha - balance in emotional elements. Basically Nadi Kuta is emotional styles between two people when they interact with each other. Nadi Kuta should be different to get a maximum of 8 points. if nadi kuta is the same between two people then 0 points are attained. So it shows how nadi kuta is important in between two people. 

There are  three Nadi: 

Windy: Those people who have windy nadi they are more intellectual and talk too much.  If two people have the same windy nadi, then these people have problems in talking too much intellectually and conversation may go nowhere and it can convert into argument. . 

Fiery: Those people who have fiery nadi they are more aggressive.  If two people have the same fiery nadi then these people may have heated arguments and this can lead to too much anger between the couples. 

Watery: Those people who have watery nadi they are more emotional.  If two people have the same watery nadi then, these people have problems with too much emotion. One person becomes too emotional then, the other person can not manage because he or she has the same elements and conversation may end up in messy emotional talks. 

So one should have a different Nadi so that the Nadi element should be balanced. 

Nadi Kuta can be managed if  your three main points ( vedha, rajju, and stir dirga) are clear.  If you understand your behaviour and try to understand your partner's nature and to try to cooperate. A person can manage his/her Nadi temperament by developing more patience, tolerance and meditation practice. 

2. Bhava kuta: (Sign) - Friendliness of Moon Sign Aspect - Whether there is

similar / supportive mental outlook. 2/12 - 6/8 - 5/9 Difficulty. 7 points.

If Moon 2/12 are from each other then you may find that you may be required to give up something else important in order to make the most of the relationship. Throughout life there will be more causes for loss and disappointment. Also, sacrifice and greater compromise will be necessary in order to be productive as a couple.Though the Moons can be in an inharmonious position from each other. The woman's flexibility and devotion will minimize any difficulties. As a result, if your Moons are in the 2nd and 12th from each other you may find it worthwhile to make the necessary sacrifices to be together. If your Moons are in the 5th and 9th from each other the competition will be friendlier and you will be able to appreciate learning from each other's tendency to look at things from a different perspective. If your Moons are in 6th and 8th from each other the conflict will be reduced to an acceptable level and they will be able to appreciate each other's differences.

If You don't have Bhava matching, then this gives the same troublesome effects as not having Strii-Diirgha. But if you have stirr dirgha and nadi kuta is matching then this bhava kuta can be manageable.

3. Gana: Temperament - We all have our own nature. We all have different points of views about life, values and beliefs. It’s good if you and your partner are of the same temperament, best when the woman has the higher temperament. 6 points are given. 

If you same gana 6 points are given e. g. deva and deva or manusya and manushya or rakshasas and rakshasas.

If you are dissimilar like deva and manusya 4 points are given. 

If you are  dissimilar like deva ( women )and rakshasas ( man) 2 points are given. But if women have raksasas and men have deva or manushya the 0 points given. 

The three Gana ( temperament) basically related to the behaviour style. 

God (Deva): Deva’s are always trying to keep everything as they are and they show that they are good in nature. Deva’s are very traditional and they can be very stuck in their ways.  So deva’s have a high quality of belief system without questioning their beliefs system. Dava’s are more about higher principles, have sacrificial quality, more tolerant, more forgiving and more generous in nature. Mostly they want peace and harmony. 

Human (Manushya): Manushya are kind in the Middle of two. These are the people who are more peace loving and they want to begin with people in holding things together. Manushya are very much about practical things and they are very much about relationships. Manushya people want you to live a pleasant, stable, solid, and happy life.

Devil (Rakshasas) Temperament: Rakshasas temperament is also known as demonic. They are more strong, demanding and eccentric individualized people. Raksha's nature  is trying to shake things up and try to explore more things like mystical and spirituality. These people  disrupted things due to their highly curious nature. Demonic temperament sounds crazy but also this temperament has a lot of courage, a lot of  enthusiasm and passion in them. 

It is better if women have higher temperament, because women can handle man eccentricity better than man. It's hard for a man to handle women's eccentricity because man does not have much tolerance and patience and they expect from women that she should be more patient and tolerant. 

If your gana temperament is not matching means you have dissimilar gana e.g. women rakshasa and man deva or manushya then still Gana temperament can be manage if there three main points ( vedha, rajju, and stir dirga) are clear.  If you understand your behaviour and try to understand your partner's nature and try to cooperate with them, then this gana temperament is not a big deal for you. a person can manage his/her gana temperament by developing more patience, tolerance and meditation practice. 

4. . Graha Maitram/Rasyadhipati: The lord of the Moon sign ( Rasis ) is friendly or not. 

Friendliness of Moon sign lord, shows a similarity of interests. 5 points. 

If the Moon sign is not friendly towards each other then you may feel quite differently about certain things, and comfortable in different situations. Compromise will be more necessary, but if your Vedha, Rajju, Strii-Diirgha are clear then dissimilar graha maitram manageable. 

5. Yoni Kuta: Sexual compatibility – shows the capacity to bond through sexual experiences. When you and your partner are compatible sexually, then you’ll be able to bond through intense experiences. But when partners are disruptive with each other and may not be able to find compatible sexually themselves and are disappointed or bored with each other sexually. 4 points.

Moon is the planet of peace and how you feel. Mainly the planet of sex is Venus. There are many couples who have 0 sexual compatibility from Moon but still have good sex because of Venus good matching. So if you don’t have good Moon sexual compatibility check your Venus and Mars. 

Sexual Compatibility Husband and Wife in Marriage/Couples Astrology

6. Dina or Tara: Day matching - important for the woman to feel cherished. - 3 points.

Count the constellations of the man from that of the woman and divide the number by 9. If the remainder is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0 it is good. e.g. if The constellation of the man (pushya ) counted from that of the woman (Bharani) gives 7. This is divided by 9 leaving a remainder of 7 and hence there is no agreement, and no points of strength are scored on this account.

So if the man's Moon falls in an unfavorable nakshatra from the woman's. Thereby reducing the possibility that she feels good about what he proposes to her. It can therefore be a bit more difficult for the woman to be cherished and the man to be appreciated for what he does. This will only be a problem if one or both or you tend to be demanding. In this case one or both of you will end up feeling disrespected and not feeling loved. If, on the other hand, you are both easy going and not pushy or demanding, then Tara not being met will cause no real problems as long as your Total Points are okay.

7. Vasya: Attraction ("Dutiful")- Special inner connection. A partner can really be in love with each other and they’ll have an extremely hard time resisting one another or staying apart with each other. – 2 points.

The person whose Moon is both Vasya and the Food of the other will be aware of the other's needs and provide for them, but may occasionally feel that they have no choice in the matter. The other will appreciate this to some degree and, as a result, feel more devoted to the other. 

8. Varna/Caste: Man should belong to a higher class. Women have adaptable nature. If men have low conduct the women automatically pull down so men should have high conduct. – 1 point.

The man's attitude of surrender and acceptance of life will improve the woman's capacity for peace and help her feel good about herself regardless of what she has accomplished. On the other hand if a woman's attitude of surrender and acceptance then life may diminish in the face of the man viewing life as a struggle. Varna is the least important of the matchings and as long as Vedha, Rajju, Strii-Dirgha and your total points are okay. This will not cause any even serious problems.

Mahendra: Another special connection. The Moon nakshatra of the man counted from the women's Moon nakshatra should be 4th, 7th, 10th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th. This promotes well-being in the marriage and increases longevity of the marriage. This connection gives you an extra affinity for each other and can help you find long-term soul purpose in your relationship. This can continue to make your relationship more and more meaningful.

The total amount of points to be gained is 36. A minimum is 18 points is fine. To be a good match 21 points should be obtained.

Have complete relationship reading from Want Astro