Monday, May 4, 2015

"Not Mad" Switch Self Analysis


Every one has this switch.. the only difference is that some of us know how to use it and some don't .. The people who don't know how to use this switch can be made mad at will by anyone or they don't know them selves that why they get mad.. So they don't have any control of what they do when they are mad..

For some this switch is automatically turned off when a irritating or a angry person come is close proximity. Is it right for us to get mad when someone around is .. I think that is a high time we shouldn't be. Don't let being mad be contagious thing.. and it stops at you. You will see the mad person will loose their balance when they see that you are not getting mad :-)

There will be people around you who will tell you they have done mistakes and the things when they were mad that they would have not done if they were is the right mind..

So in some ways we need to be mad before we do some of the wrong things. Why we want to do that?



Friday, May 1, 2015

So many Problems/Wrongs/Faults around me (Self Analysis)

Read the following statements and think, are you or who around you are these
  • I can find fault in any thing or anyone.
  • Yes, it won't work .. It is not my fault.. (Who will fix your problem?)
  • If you cannot define success how will universe figure out to make you success full
  • Do you know what you need to do today and how many things you were able to..
With so many problems/wrong/faults around us with no solution .. How will we be happy, afford our families and pay our bills.

When we look at thing with this perspective we will find faults in every thing around us as glass is always half empty. It is never half full.. how do you feel about those kind of people and I think with this attitude we will never be confident and comfortable with life as we are not sure of things and interactions around us.

With this attitude even if someone wants to help us will not be either as we will find faults in the person trying to help us .. so we even cannot be helped either and we will cook-up big faults when there are small or none.

Anytime you think you have a fault  or the other person is at fault or the glass is half empty.. think of it as this is preventing you from being happy.. This will make your mind engaged to find a solution or compromise so that things are better.

Being practical and being critical has a very fine line .. we owe it to our-self to be diligent on it as what we are labeling as being practical could be the glass is half empty kind of attitude.

There is always something we can do in any situation to minimize the bad effects on us .. Little by little we will find our way out. In geeta it is said we come alone and go alone from this life .. So if there is no one around us who can help.. we need to help ourselves and support people around us.

It is expansive to be poor in US or as a matter of fact where ever we live.. If these things are preventing us from living a better life or better finance and happy we need to rethink how things are around and what do we need to do for a better life.

With this we are preventing life to come to us .. we are not letting it giving us joy and happiness. 

So we will end-up being poor and live in the limitation and think before buying anything or START THINKING OF SOLVING YOUR PROBLEMS!!!

Easy way out... We all want a easy way out In fact me as well .. is there any easy way out ? May be some people are lucky .. if we are not .. let's try to focus and do something about it..

If for all issues/problems we can easily blame someone else around us then it is not a problem with others. It is a problem with our-self than others.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

Becoming a Super Learner

Being a learner is an Attitude than compulsion

"Do one thing every day that scares you." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Chambers CEO of Cisco said what he likes most about Robbins is that he is a fast learner. “You know what you know, and you know what you don’t know,” While he was introducing the next CEO of almost $50 billion company. 

Learning brings down barriers for new things and open us to new possibilities in what we know or desire.

Accepting that every criticism is an opportunity to improve and not knowing all is a key to become a super learner.

We define our own limits ..e.g I don't want to learn a new language, It happened with me.. once i learned, it opened so many opportunities for me.. Why was I limiting myself? may be fear of change or failure.

“Happiness belongs to the self sufficient.” 

and to be self sufficient we need to know more and engaged in life.

“The more you know, the more you know you don't know.” 

Learning is a constant activity... we keep on learning till we no longer are alive ... as they say Change is the only constant thing.

Make it your own truth... When we know we believe in things, otherwise we are just not sure of what we are into.

When we know we are not insure and comfortable.. When we are comfortable we deal with life in a positive way.

When we accept that we need to learn and we learn .. it changes the perspective of our lives . A good learner is also a person who encourage other and compliments them when they know more or learn more.  If you have happy people around who feels encouraged then you are a super learner.. if you are a person complaining and people just don't feel happy around you then you are not .. and probably you need to change your attitude for your betterment if you want to.. it a personal choice to make.. some do and some don't. 

When great leaders emphasis on having learning as a needed skill .. what are we trying to do.. for better life and relationships we need to learn and grow.. We cannot avoid that..

I can help you find areas to focus first with the help of Astrology

For the negative thinkers you may look stupid when asking for the thing once... that you don't know... but it will save you from looking stupid every time the same thing comes up.

Self Improvement
"Not Mad" Switch Self Analysis