Thursday, April 26, 2018

Planets in 7th house Astrology

The 1st House is known as Ascendant and is about self-expression, persona, and your identity. Who are you? How do you define yourself apart from others is your 1st house. The 7th House is the opposite of the first house which is known as descendant, which gives an indication what kind of partner you get in your life. As planets in your 1st house show your personality, likewise planets in 7th house show your partner's personality. Planets in the 7th House will not only indicate the placements of our marital partner, but also the quality of marriage or relationships. 

The Effect of different planets in 7th house: 

Sun in the 7th House: You may likely to get a partner who is warm, energetic, lively, and egotistic. Partners are often creative, artistic and generally are in a position of power and authority in their own means. Sun in the 7th house shows you the way to develop your own identity because of your partner’s egoistic nature. 

Moon in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is protective, have strong emotions. Moon in 7th house shows a partner who will be family oriented, loving and enjoying the company of each other. They get a partner who is protective and family oriented. They are good in understanding feelings, affectionate, and great in comfort giving.

Mars in the 7th House: You may likely to get a partner who is assertive, aggressive, competitive, and controlling.  Mars in the 7th House shows partners are frequently impulsive, sports-oriented and physically active. Partner is fun loving and interested in outdoor activity. In vedic astrology Mars in 7th house known as Manglik dosha which shows you may get a partner who is argumentative in nature.    

Mercury in the 7th House:  You may likely get a partner who is youthful, Intellectual, logical, quick, smart, communicative and has a strong sense of humor. Communication and mental stimulation is the main quality of the partner. Mercury is the planet of learning and when it is placed in the 7th house it shows that you learn from your partner.

Jupiter in the 7th House: You may likely to get a partner who is optimistic, honest, prosperous, adventurous and motivational in nature. Jupiter in 7th house brings partners who are supportive, philosophical and good in academics. Learning is the main key in relationships. Partners are idealistic and belief orientated. Jupiter on the 7th gives a long lasting marriage.

Venus in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is Charming, social, balanced,  romantic, sensual in nature who brings happiness in the relationship. They give too much importance to physical appearance. Venus in 7th house brings a partner who is materialistic and gives too much importance to senses. Partners will be passionate, refined and have good business skills.

Saturn in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is older, detached, responsible, hardworking, cold, strong and stable in relationships. Saturn in the 7th house brings partners who tend to be ambitious, authoritative and status oriented. They get a partner who is unique, original, unpredictable, unusual in behavior. 

Rahu (North Node) in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is foreigner, courageous in behaviour, unusual and exciting in relationships. Rahu in 7th house brings a partner who is independent in relationships. Greatest life lessons, challenges, and growth come through relationships. Main lesson of this placement is to get spiritual through partners. 

Ketu (South Node) in the 7th House: You may likely get a partner who is worried, unsatisfied, unease, looking for perfection.  Ketu in 7th house brings a partner who is intuitive and spiritual in nature. As with Rahu, greatest life lessons, challenges, and growth come through relationships. Main lesson of this placement is to get spiritual through partners. 

These are the general indications of planets in the 7th house. But what sign and aspect planet have also modified the nature of the partners.