Houses in Astrology
The 1st house known as ascendant and your first house could be any sign depending on the place and time you were born. You could be Aries ascendant or Libra ascendant. Rising sign, Ascendant or Lagna is the zodiac sign of when the Sun rises from the East at the time of birth when the person is born. It is the 1st house which is also called lagna. Ascendant Sign dependent on time and place of birth of the person. Rising sign sets the entire map of life. So it is important to know the ascendant sign because it can help in looking into the person's life. Depending on the rising sign and planets in the houses shows karma of life. Health, family environment, education, children, what kind of partner, career and all other aspects of life can be seen through birth charts. .
The sky is divided into the 12 zodiac signs (house). The 12 houses show the different facets of life.
The 1st house: It represents head, physical appearance, health, strength of the body, basic personality, self expression. This is the most important house because from this house, we look at the individual mental outlook, how an individual behaves and project himself to the outer world. How the person's is life going to be dependent on the condition of the 1st house because the 1st house is the setting of the map of life.
The 2nd house: It represents face, childhood, developing sense of self worth, self appreciation, family values, environment of childhood, confidence which comes from the family, close friends, hoarded wealth, jewelry, gems, food intake, throat, voice and security. What we value is shown by our behavior and it comes from our family.
The 3rd house: It represents siblings, communication, curiosity, skill, hobbies, personal interest, performing arts, acting, competitiveness, self effort, will power, courage, short distance travel, neighbors, meeting room in offices. It's the house where we meet and communicate with people.
The 4th house: It represents inner peace, heart, mother, home, environment where we feel security, inner peace, emotions, most sensitive part of our inner being and happiness. This is the house of vehicles, land, property, early education. This is the 1st house of moksha from self.
The 5th house: It represents self expression, fun, play, sports, intelligence, creativity, children, early education, speculative business, love, romance, romantic partners, and what we love most. Wealth, local government, past life credits, and spiritual practices.
The 6th house: This is the most challenging house in astrology. This is the house where we struggle for daily routine work, health care, disease, immune system, conflicts, competitions, court, divorce, enemy, service, small pets, animals, having good or bad habits, where we learn to improve ourselves.
The 7th house: It represents a partner, dealing with other people, dealing in business, business partner, agreements, open enemies. It is the house of compromise because with a partner we have to adjust if not then problems may arise. It is the house where we want to fulfill our desire through the other people.
The 8th house: It represents transformation in life due to sudden up and down. Situations of life where we have no control and we have to face it. This the house of lottery, sudden gain, bankruptcy, sudden loss, occult science (astrology), natural calamity, incurable disease, death, graveyard, and hidden side of life (ghost), and fear of losing others. This is the 2nd house of moksha from others.
The 9th house: It represents parents, fortune, religion, long distance travel, law, higher learning, wisdom philosophy, teaching, and belief system. After crossing the 8th house we strengthen our heart from insecurities of life and we entered the 9th house of higher learning and different culture.
The 10th house: It represents responsibility, responsible nature, father, career, social and public recognition, fame, public status, politics, government, materialistic achievement and achievement in the world.
The 11th house: It represents friends, social circle, worldly ambitions, large group of people, humanity, profit, income, and money from occupation. This is the house of goals, hopes and wishes, where we want to do something for the world.
The 12th house: It represents loss, bed pleasure, subconscious mind, dreams, hospital, foreign land, jail, asylum, spiritualism, isolation, meditation, and liberation. This the house where we let go of things and try to live alone for our peace. This is the enlightenment house and the 3rd house of moksha from this world.
This is the path of the zodiac wheel, it is different for different ascendants. Depending on the ascendant everyone has a different course of life.