Monday, August 17, 2015

Vipreet and Neech Bangha Rajyoga in Astrology

Vipareeta Raja Yogas: When the ruler of a difficult house (6, 8 or 12) goes into another difficult house a Vipareeta Raja Yoga is formed. The best situation is when the planet is in its own Sign. For instance, the eighth house ruler in the eighth house is a powerful Vipareeta Raja Yoga.

Sixth House Ruler:

Sixth Lord in the sixth house: Sixth house is the most unpleasant house of life. Obstacle, debt, enemy, court, illness and many other unpleasant things of life. When Sixth Lord in the sixth house all the unpleasant things in life handle with the vigilant mind of the person and willingness to face them not to avoid them.

Sixth Lord in the Eighth house: Eighth house belongs to wear and tear of life. Sudden, shocking, transformation, and death all are eighth house stuff.  When Sixth Lord in the eighth house it shows enemies and obstacles suddenly destroyed and taken away. e. g. If you problem with someone in work place, suddenly the person get transferred to the other place. It also your willingness to be more attentive situations of the 6th house and you are prepared to face them.

Sixth Lord in Twelfth house: Twelfth house belongs to loss, surrender and let go things in life. Sixth Lord in the 12th house it shows, the problems of 6th house just disappears or lost or we are just protected by them.

Eighth House Ruler:

Eighth Lord in the eighth house: Eighth house belongs to wear and tear of life. Sudden, shocking, transformation, and death all are eighth house stuff. When eighth Lord in the eighth house the native is very aware of eighth house things and the native have good strength to handle and understand the eighth house things. The native so aware of 8th house things that it keeps native safe and have psychic power to sense the danger of the eighth house.

Eighth Lord in the sixth house: Sixth house is the most unpleasant house of life. Obstacle, debt, enemy, court, illness and many other unpleasant things of life. When eighth Lord in the sixth house, due to fear of something the native keeps themselves busy in 6th house things which give strength to him to fight with his fears.

Eighth Lord in the 12th house: Twelfth house belongs to loss, surrender and let go things in life. When eighth Lord in the 12th house the native learn to let go of sudden and shocking situations of life.

Twelfth House Ruler:

Twelfth Lord in the 12th house: Twelfth house belongs to loss, surrender and let go things in life.  When Twelfth Lord in the 12th house the native have understanding of 12th house things which give him a deep sense of that there is nothing in to escape it better to embrace good things of 12th house things which is mediation or spiritualism. 12th lord in 12th give strength to the native face the situation of 12th house.

Twelfth Lord in the sixth house: Sixth house is the most unpleasant house of life. Obstacle, debt, enemy, court, illness and many other unpleasant things of life. When Twelfth Lord in the sixth house it give strength to native to focused in unpleasant situation of life rather than allowing escape from the reality of life.

Twelfth Lord in the eighth house: Eighth house belongs to wear and tear of life. Sudden, shocking, transformation, and death all are eighth house stuff. When the twelfth Lord in the eighth house the native due to fear of losing something they find the way to understand about life and strong enough to in dealing with 12th house things.

Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga:

Neechabhanga and Raj yoga. Neechabhanga means cancellation of debility of a planet. Raja yoga means a yoga that gives power, authority, name and fame. Thus, Neecha Bhanga Rajyoga means that a debilitated planet on cancellation of its debility gives results of Rajayoga.

Debility is cancelled in two or more ways, the effects seem to be very strong or mild.

1. Debilitated planets exchanging sign with its ruler.
2. Debilitated planet joined its ruler.
3. Debilitated planet joined an exalted planet.

Other situations also positively modify debilitation they include:
4. Debilitated planet retrograde
5. Debilitated planet aspected it by its ruler


Self-Respect & Engaging With Honor/Respect

We have to be righteous, act with honor without disrespecting other.  When we act with honor and is a giver the universe will appreciate and honor (which in some ways is Respect.)

We should follow at-least the following 2

  1. Keep smiling 24/7 (unless there is a sad reason or hurts someone's feeling)
  2. Give benefit of the doubt (ask for clarification, Most of the time it is our interpretation that may have gaps)
If we see two people arguing
  1. One is Who doesn't have a way to present themselves better
  2. The other person is who cannot prevent an argument
They both could not avoid an argument .. So don't be the person arguing it shows immaturity in us and doesn't help the greater being. Try not be one of them. If we have difference in opinion we should be able to properly explain it

Ego or Egoist

Ego could be an inferiority complex in hiding that a person wants to over come by proving that they are right and want recognition for it. This is not acting with respect or honor.

We should side with the righteous cause when we are right we are respected and honored by other people.

Managing Criticism

This is the most common thing we need to face. Sometime it's our interpretation and sometime it is really someone who is trying to criticize us.. We need to take this in a positive way to deal with it.. We should be able to manage criticism in a way that we don't feel humiliation or perceived to be humiliated and we should absorb any learning that is possible out of it.. If we do this for a while you will see there will be less of criticism as people will find less issues in us. Which is good for us as general improvement and quality of life we live. We should be smart enough to be able to filter the criticism for the sake of it and a genuine opportunity to improve .. it is our responsibility to evolve and be a better soul.

How we communicate 

e.g for if someone ask us a question ... What are you doing?
  1. Why the hell you want to know what i am doing?
  2. Why do you want to know what i am doing?
  3. I am doing .. explanation of  what you are doing..
for the person who who is answering this question .. their life will turn out to be depending on the answer they gave..

for the first "Why the hell you want to know what i am doing?" do you think this is a happy conversation? I don't think so.. i don't want to be dealing with a person who give this kind of answer.

for the Second "Why do you want to know what i am doing?" it depends on what was the attitude with it was spoken... if it was harsh then it is almost as the first one but a little better... if it is said politely then it is more of inquiring back which is fine and can get the conversation going forward.

for the third "I am doing .. explanation of  what you are doing.." is the best way to have the communication going further for collaboration going on.. All said and done it is hard for a person to achieve than a team of people working together.. it is hard to get  people together to work on a thing .. and it is hard to see many people succeeding in life .. be  a person who can bring people together, success , happiness for yourself  and others.

In someways self-respect is reflection of how we engage with people around us. If we get angry, irritated, biased and make wrong choices.. We loose self-respect and our honor.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Can we Give more than we Take ?

Giving is the law of nature and we are always thank full to the sun, moon, earth , air, water and fire. These are the heavenly bodies that is part of nature which gives us and are essential for us to survive.. how many time have we hated sun, moon, earth , air and fire.. Probably not much... yes there has been few times when we have very hot weather, high tides caused by moon, earthquakes , high winds,floods and fires. 

Sometimes the all-giving universe/nature can be harsh on us.. when someone is so giving we don't find faults in them.. we find the faults in us to figure out what we did to make them angry rather than .. what they did that made us angry.

So if we are giving in nature .. it doesn't mean that we need to be perfect in every aspect.. I could be good at a certain thing.. e.g if I grow apples I can give/donate apples .. and that is fine.. it will be wrong of people for expecting me to give/donate oranges.. for whatever I have there will be someone who will have less of it and what ever I can spare .. in term of time and resources I should do that.. When we give.. it give us humbleness and to some extent some insight in life, we grow with that insight and become better.. Imagine that we are sitting alone in a home .. there is no opportunity to connect with the universe around us to evolve to be a better soul.

Spirituality @ the core is about giving, knowing our place in the universe,  understand ourselves and be righteous.

Giving and figuring out a way to help those who need is the first step in being a giver than a consumer.. when we are the giver we are part of the source/universe which helps in sustaining life on the planet earth which is part of the universe. This act of giving will give us a sense of belonging and being connected with the universe. Who can fault us on that...

Stay away from people .. who's first thought is that everyone is trying to trick them. We should always be careful about not being taken advantage of..  The first is a negative outlook and later is a Positive outlook towards life.. the outcome is the same. We are protecting ourselves from harm.

Try not to be around selfish people as they will stop the flow of energy

Karma yoga ("the yoga of action") - the Yoga of Selfless Action 
Start Predicting Your Future One day at a Time

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Remedy of weak (debilitated) Venus


In life we all are weak in some areas of life. In astrology, a “weakness” is generally seen as a debilitated planet in the birth chart. Debilitated planets in the birth chart  is the weakest sign..  What does a debilitated planet mean? Debilitated planet it is in an “unconscious” state, it means planets are not conscious about what that planet is all about.

Because we all have different Venus energy. So we all have different natures as some people smile even in any worse condition but some people even complain after having everything.

Venus is the planet of happiness, pleasure, relationship, compromise, how much we have, how much we give, the types of things we respect and appreciate all come from Venus. How much we appreciate and can give compliments to others. Venus  influences  our relationships with others. Venus is all about pleasure, especially pleasure shared with someone else.

It is because of Venus that we have happiness in this world. Particularly happiness with regard to acquisition of material wealth and fulfillment of the senses. Venus stands for finances as well as  anything related to  love, romance, comfort, luxury  jewelry, expensive cars, good food, a beautiful home, convenience, beauty and anything that gives materialistic satisfaction. Venus is the significator of relationships for both men and  women and harmony in relationships. All the above things in one’s life are purely influenced by Venus. If you have a strong Venus, you will be loving and appealing. But if it is weak, then there will be problems especially in relationships. 

Venus debilitated in the Virgo. Venus is a social planet. This is the planet of happiness, beauty and creativity and is not comfortable in the mental, analytical and critical sign of Virgo. When Venus is debilitated we have a hard time enjoying what we have. We may be a bit nitpicky and find fault in relationships. Venus is very uncomfortable with a lot of things. Here the person is very complaining about small things.  As Venus is our capacity for happiness, and it’s better when we're easily pleased.  Venus in Virgo is not so easily pleased. It is the planet of compromise. Venus teaches us that  happiness often comes through compromise in a relationship and some don’t want to compromise/adjust. So this is the main reason why people suffer in relationships. When Venus debilitates the person might not be appreciated by the partner and this may lead to disagreements. You might feel an emotional gap, arguments and cold wars between you and your partner.

Remedy for weak Venus:

1. One should improve their behaviour. Venus is a planet of love. If someone wants love from others then one should know how to love others. Venus is important in romantic relationships. When Venus energy damages the person is unromantic.  One should learn life is not about to criticise others, but to get along with each other. As in relationships we have to compromise/adjust for the happiness of others and ourselves.  One should learn how to compromise gracefully with others. Before we  start blaming other people and nitpicking them, look at yourself. This is the best thing to put it into practice in everyday life. One should learn how to appreciate others.

2.One should not be selfish. 

3.You should not spend much time on selection of dresses as this all to avoid and minimize the malefic effects of the planet.

4. We all  know about astrology but how this astrology works on us. We live in this universe on the planet earth. In astrology we mainly deal with nine planets and these are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.But how do these planetary energies affect us? As these plants are revolving in the sky. They also revolve in our body in the form of chakras. And every chakra related to the planet . Venus is related to the heart chakra or anahata chakra. When Venus is weak then heart chakra is also damaged or blocked. One should heal the heart chakra to avoid the bad effect of debilitated Venus. If a person has a problem in receiving and giving love it indicates that heart chakra is blocked.

5.One should learn how to receive and give love  to open heart chakra.

6. Pouring milk on shivling on saturday in temple is a powerful remedy to avoid the bad effect of debilitated Venus energy.