Saturday, April 30, 2016

How we Communicate and Vocabulary (Self Analysis)

What is communication? the first is the words we use..  The best test is that we need to take the literal meaning of the words ..  if we hear the same words without any context how we will interpret them.. believe me it will be crazy!!! :-)

Lot of times we are looking for the input/opinion on a certain thought..  When we present the thought as a statement/fact.  What is for the other person to do? either agree or disagree .. so it mostly a yes or a no answer from the other person.. and if the other person have a difference in opinion there is no room for that.

Let's look at the following in terms of weather

It is hot .. this is a statement that either the other person agree or disagree.. Here the conversation becomes tough as for if the other person agree or people don't want to disagree for something that they are not very picky about.. but from your point of view .. you wanted to have a conversation.. but the conversation was started in a way that there are only 2 answers and that is it...

I think it is hot .. is more of a person's opinion.. so it is easy for the other person to share what they think. This can lead to a better conversation about what we do in hot weather or how every one deals with the hot weather in their own different way... if the conversation starter is a yes or no question then the conversation doesn't go anywhere .. this could make us frustrated..

(It is almost like asking for Apple juice and expecting Orange juice to be served and blaming others that Orange Juice was not served  )

It is important for words and
thoughts/expectation/presentation  to match.

Putting up a proper questions sometime may present a person as if they are not sure of what they are talking about.. i think it depends on the relationship that we have with a person. This is one reason that we want to be truthful and transparent in some relationships.. as presenting opinions as facts (misuse of vocabulary) may lead to long-term mistrust in relationship.. in relationships we are not inclined to have a yes and no answer in most of the cases .. as relationships are more about helping each other grow, understand each other, respect and accommodate other opinions.

what we are at 25 is different than what we are at 35 or 45 or 55.. the longer the relationship the more is needed for each person in relationship to grow, accommodate and understand.

When we are married and may or may not have kids.. Two people in marriage is like a team which is standing against the challenges that world is throwing at them.. having this kind of disconnect will not let us prosper,  give better life to us and our family and this kind of communication/"lack of vocabulary" can lead to loss in direction, conflicts and is self defeating.. 

Improve your communication and a better use of Vocabulary for loving relationship, prosperity and to be happy.  I love you or I hate you.. is what we say to the person we love in every word we say. So it is important to say words in a way that makes them loved and respected. Improper use of words can make the other people feel like "you hate them" where as you want to say "I Love YOU".

  • Be clear - You may think the other person understands, but they might not
  • Be open - Discuss everything you have been meaning to express
  • Be verbal - Use words to accurately express your concerns

Try avoid use of Strong words in negative context. It will make it easy to have a good conversation.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Winning an Argument (Self Analysis)

If it takes less effort to convince that it(something) does not matter to you than to convince other person that you have is a valid point. Then it is for the other person to appreciate or listen to you .. If they don't want it .. It is their desire/wish not ours to make them listen .. Period .. 

Why are we forcing ourselves to even want to have a conversation when other person doesn't want to. Do something that make you a better person and channelize your energies in a positive way than to waste your time dealing with people who don't want to listen or are not open  or doesn't want to grow.

I have used this as a guide for myself in the situation where I have a point of view/opinion which could be helpful, but when the other person is not open .. then it is not worth an effort to have the conversation. It could end up being like that I am trying to enforce my opinion on others.. (In a family we have the responsibility/duty to guide we have to do the best we know)

Avoid these conflicts, be open to other people's opinions and views as it makes you a better person for anyone with whom you interact.  You may have seen the most successful people listen and observe that's how they lead and come-up with creative ideas.

Do you really want to win a argument?

I think by the time we are 35 to 40+ we realize that people have their own way of doing things weather it is right or wrong. They will do what they want to do. We need to focus on us and then move on with life.
Becoming a Super Learner “The more you know, the more you know you don't know.” Aristotle

Steve Jobs told students: ‘Stay hungry. Stay foolish.’ 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Engaging in the world with Intellect/Intelligence/Awareness

Have you ever been in a situation where your conversation ended up in a conflict/anger or argument?
there could be many reasons..
  1. You may not  have complete knowledge of the subject.
  2. you may not have evaluated that the person is right to have the conversation.

In any case it is our assessment which has gaps or is flawed. We need to work on our analytical skills to avoid a situation.

Intellect is a complicated thing.. Is the other person open to the conversation or the ideas and does not have a intellect to hear the other person out and have a debate or a conversation.. then why are we even having the conversation. We should back out and find a person who is worthy and willing to grow with the knowledge and connect the dots.

Most of the conflicts around us are caused due to...
  1. Lack of awareness
  2. Rigidity to change
  3. Having preconceived opinions/notions.
  4. Lack of being open to the world/information
The conflict does not even arise among people who are open for conversations and willing to understand other persons point of view. Irrigation/anger is not letting us solve the problems. We are trying to get clarity and predictability. Every one has a point of view about how to deal with a situation, but then there is always a reason why we  don't want to go the other way. A reason is not good enough when we cannot describe or articulate it and express our dilemma.

Sometime we thing that a solution has to be perfect or it cannot have unknowns. Can we predict how we will act the next adverse event.. it is hard to .. so a solution is as good as what we know at the moment and there could be some unknowns that needs to be dealt with as they come forward.

World and People around us: We may think what we know is the truth/whole, but most of the time there is always something that we are not aware of. So navigating our way through it is the best option, as we are willing to listen and answer.. in the process we learn and appear humble. It is humane not to appreciate arrogance.

Human Mind decides to dislike then there is no turning back unless:  It is just that we as humans take time to make a belief or understand something. Once done it is hard for us to change the perspective about something. Imagine some one has done that what is the probability of they accepting your point of view. One needs to be able to articulate information is a very structured and sequential manner for other to be able to appreciate your perspective. We have to be able to articulate our thoughts and information is a expressive and positive way.

Forcing routine/structure around our life: Surprise and sudden events  can cause us unease. We should try to be predictable is what ever means possible. Since we are predictable we don't have to get surprised or plan at the last moment , which can cause uncertainty in the subsequent events and eventually in life as a whole.

One-on-One with Yourself & Entrepreneur
Materialism/Bhikshu to Spiritualism , Knowing yourself

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Solar Eclipse March 2016

March 08 2016 Solar Eclipse

This March on 8th there is total solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius with Mercury and Venus.  So you see how many things might be gone to change. Any eclipse puts real spotlight where you need and can make adjustments and to move forwards so the energy of where and what it's affecting in your chart can run more smoothly.. A Solar Eclipse may take 3 to 6 months within to be fully realized so this is why there could be changing events in the future. A Solar Eclipse in Aquarius sign is going to change something about society because Aquarius sign represents society. This solar eclipse highlights about the information, love and respect issues with people.  Eclipse is the source of  confusion and a useful message to you in an area where it falls in your  birth chart and it affects lasts almost 3 or 6 months in that area of life. . It's also the solar collapse it's whenever whatever is being awakened is then part of the trend for the  years.

March 08 2016 Solar Eclipse For Each Ascendant

Aries Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 11th house. This is puts the focus on the  groups and organizations, so there could be some disturbance in your social circle and with a group of people working in a team effort. this going to be tough time for networking going to business events making new connections and friends could be very difficult in attaining your goals financially.

Taurus Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 10th house. This is puts the focus on the   new directions and adjustments necessary to moving this new path in your tenth house of career matters.  There could be change in your career or in professional life.  you puts a year of your profession starting a new business going on with the tenth house. It could be more visibility and for some of you could be opening up new direction in life. .

Gemini Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 9th house. This is puts the focus on your ninth house. The night houses is of  higher education and hope. There will be a change in your belief system. You might be no longer believe what you believe before. You need to careful with your teachers and gurus because they might create some trouble for you. Take precaution in long distance travelling.

Cancer Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 8th house. This is puts the focus on your eighth house which out which is the house of financial obligations joint ventures, your partners monies, and  credit taxes insurance will be highlighted. this eclipse create some confusion around  in all these matters and business partnership. It may bring your focus your partner's    physical, emotional needs and money.

Leo Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 7th house. This is puts the focus on partnerships, marriage, customers, contracts and either pulling this bringing all new energy to start these connections or realizing you're going to have to make adjustments to really work on these partnerships or marriage issues. Seventh house of partnerships the focus could be on relationship. This eclipse can cut off relationships that are unhealthy or not positive

Virgo Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 6th house. This is puts the focus on your sixth house. The solar close is highlighting your job, might be starting your own business, starting to hire employee and employer. It certainly could create some health issues. So the focus is on also on your health and so basically this is putting a spotlight on you need to eat better and exercise regularly.

Libra Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 5th house. This is puts the focus on your fifth house of creative expression, children, entertainment, investments and romance. You may face some issues with all these things. There could be some chances that you may neglect your child or you might have some issues with your lovers. There could be some chance that your past love come back and creating some problem in your current life.

Scorpio Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 4th house. This is puts the focus on your on fourth house matters of feeling, mother, home family real estate. The solar eclipse on fourth house might indicate you to explore what you want to be peaceful and explore  ancestral roots or even really going back to your inner level of conscious. There could be some problems arise with your mother and you may feel disturbed.

Sagittarius Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 3rd house. This is puts the focus on the third house. The third house is the house of communications, learning, writing and siblings. So there might even be with all this upsets change going with siblings. Maybe this could also be where you get more involved with learning, communicating, and  writing to break out of your own box and redefine yourself and move into a whole new chapter of your life.

Capricorn Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 2nd house. This is puts the focus in your second house of income and family. So for the next years there is a real focus on your cash flow, how to make more money or dealing with with budget and monies. So  it's the solar eclipse to find energy to break through new ways of making money for you. During this time we might find some hardships with finances.

Aquarius Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 1st house. This is puts the focus on your personality and health. you may feel change in in your personality after this solar eclipse and your health could be affected. So putting a focus on new beginnings, leadership, confidence and could also put a focus on your personalty. You may attract many people towards you because this Solar Eclipse is with Venus and giving grace and charm to your personalty.  

Pisces Ascendant: This solar eclipse fall in your 12th house. This is puts the focus on the
your twelfth house. 12th house is the house of subconscious and self undoing things.  It's time to let go of some of your fears that you are not doing enough, to develop more compassion and understanding of others, and to be humble. It's time to let go of some of your obsessions with rules, regulations, and doing things perfectly.

Any planets in Aquarius Sign  in your birth chart will be affected by this solar eclipse. and according to the sign placement in your birth chart it will affect your life.

Monday, February 1, 2016

''Valentine Day'' Februray 14 2016 Love Day Astrology

Valentine day is celebrated on Feb 14 around the world. Flowers, gifts and candies are exchanged between loved ones. People are thrill especially men they want propose their women whom they like. It is kind of funny day, but this happy day can also convert into some unpleasant situations, if the other person's mood is not good or if they have different thoughts going on. Valentine day is coming pretty soon, but is this valentine day is good for everyone?

Venus is the planet of mutual love and respect, and if we want to check love and relationship we need to check current Venus transits in the sky.  if we want to check the love on 14 february 2016 and how it will go we need to check position of the Venus and Moon. There are other factor also which influence on Venus like aspect from other planets and so on..

On 14 February Venus will be in Capricorn sign with Mercury. It is good combination the planet of love with the planet of fun. Capricorn sign is ruled by planet Saturn and Saturn is the planet of seriousness, commitment, and responsibility. Venus feels heavy in the sign of Capricorn not as happy as in its own Libra sign. However, Capricorn sign is friendly sign to Venus and Mercury because Venus is the planet of love and romance and in Capricorn is commitment so Venus is very serious about love on that day.

Currently Saturn in the sign of Scorpio and aspecting Venus and Mercury giving seriousness and heaviness to these two planets. So on the 14 Feb 2016 there will be a serious kind fun and love energy. Mars also aspecting both Venus and Mercury from its 4th aspects so giving some tension in love and fun. Mars is in Libra and mars is the planet of individuality and is not so strong but still have enough potential to harm relationship.  

Saturn is in Scorpio is not good for structure and stability. Its means Venus condition is not good on 14 February 2016. Venus is not in Condition due to Saturn and Mars aspect and being in the sign of Capricorn.  Venus is the planet of love in physical or romantic way. its mean people who want propose someone on valentine day should take care while proposing someone because Venus want some commitment and seriousness in love. if you want to propose just fr fun , it will not work out for you.   

There are some tips if someone you want to make your valentine's day. Venus will affect differently for each ascendant. So where your Venus transiting in your birth chart on 14 February 2016, you can find their love in February.

Valentine Day Aries Ascendant: Venus transit in 10th house. 10th house represents career, responsibility of work. You may propose someone in  your career place or may enjoy love in career place in the month of February. but you need to more careful  because Mars in your 7th house which may upset you more than other people.

Valentine Day Taurus Ascendant: Venus transit in 9th house. 9th represents vacations, university, long distance travelling, different culture and higher wisdom. You can meet your love in these places and enjoy valentine day in these places. Even you can find a partner who is different cultured (foreigner) who can expand your horizon of your life.

Valentine Day Gemini  Ascendant: Venus transit in 8th house. 8th house represent deeper intimacy, sudden shocking events of life, fear and  gain from others. Venus transiting in 8th house can hurtful on valentine day. Because it is very sensitive and behave in dramatic way in 8th house. Careful before propose to anyone. You can take some chance to convince your partner to go some spritual places to enjoy your valentine's day.

Valentine Day Cancer Ascendant: Venus transit in 7th house. 7th house represents other people, traveling and business dealing. Venus is transiting in your 7th house. Venus is comfortable in 7th house although it is Capricorn sign. You need to approach to propose to your partner. Venus is the healer you can celebrate valentine day to make comfortable to your partner as you can.

Valentine Day Leo Ascendant: Venus transit in 6th house. 6th house represents conflicts, enemy and service. Venus is in difficult situation. it’s mean,  you need to take extra care to make your valentine day good. Best way to make happy to your partner is just serve them. Because 6th house is serving house. 6th house is resolving conflicts just sit with partner and try to solve problem is the best way to enjoy valentine's day.

Valentine Day Virgo Ascendant: Venus transit in 5th house. 5th represents love and romance. Venus is very romantic in this house. You can find or propose your partner in fun like places. Give especial attention to partner and enjoy your valentine's day with grand things like some party. Venus is very romantic in 5th house, just have fun with your partner.

Valentine Day Libra Ascendant: Venus transit in 4th house. 4th house represents home, heart, emotions, nurturing and caring. You can go for dinner with your partner, or you can make lovely dinner at home to enjoy your valentine's day. Spend some time at home.  You need to nurture and love your partner, listen and take care of their needs and plan to make love at home with your partner.

Valentine Day Scorpio Ascendant: Venus transit in 3rd house. 3rd house represents teammates, classmate,  short distance travelling, and personal interest. Venus transiting in 3rd house means you may propose to teammates by phone calls, some who lives in neighbor or in short distance travelling. Try to enjoy your day in some in art gallery or some your interesting place.

Valentine Day Sagittarius Ascendant: Venus transit in 2nd house. 2nd house represent family, sensual pleasure and close friends. Venus transiting your 2nd house, it's means you can enjoy love by your close friends and go out for something which give sensual pleasure, like eating good food and meeting with family members. Plan to give some gift like jewelry and nice cloth, can help in enjoy your valentine's day.

Valentine Day Capricorn  Ascendant: Venus transit in 1st house. 1st Presents, self and personality. Venus transiting in your 1st house. it’s means someone may propose you on valentine day. You don’t need to approach anyone, your partner automatically comes to you. When Venus transiting 1st house or self, then these people become more magnetic and attractive to attract other people. GOOD LUCK.

Valentine Day Aquarius Ascendant: Venus transit in 12th house. 12th house represent foreign place, holiday, privacy, spiritualism and bed pleasure. Venus transiting in your 12th house. You can plan to go for some far places to enjoy love in privately. In the month of February you can experience deep love which may give experience of mystic or tantra love with your partner.

Valentine Day Pisces  Ascendant: Venus transit in 11th house. 11th house represents social circle, friendship and historic places. You may propose or find your partner in some social gathering or in old kind historic places. Here Venus want appreciation and love, so try to appreciate your partner and enjoy your valentine's day.

This is the general forecast for valentine day on 14 february 2016. it should be not taken as it because your natal chart also influence many thing. But these could be probability of love in the month of February 2016 for each ascendant.