Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rahu (North Node) in 7th and Ketu (South Node) in 1st House axis Astrology

Rahu (North Node, obsession) and Ketu (South Node, let go) are the soul purpose of life. Rahu is the future and Ketu is the past. Rahu shows what we want, it is obsession over those things where it is placed in the birth chart and it is our inner present desire of this life. Ketu is our past mind conditioning and it shows where we already dealt with and we don’t want anymore. Rahu and Ketu axis shows that, in which area a person is immature and needs to be matured. Where Rahu and Ketu axis fall in the birth chart it shows the most spiritual growth for the person in this life. Rahu and Ketu are the points where Sun (soul), Moon (mind), and earth (body) intersect in the sky. This point is very powerful and it forces us to think about who we are and what life is about. Rahu and Ketu are the forces which connect us with the divine power. These Nodes are telling you where you need balance to be one with the universe. 

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) in astrology are the demons. In hindu mythology the story of churning ocean of milk is related to our subconscious mind. Rahu and Ketu are the lunar nodes which play a very important role in evolving the human consciousness. Rahu and Ketu are the confusion, illusion, smoke and split thought of the mind. They always help to evolve consciously. They are always on the opposite axis therefore and they are always 180 degrees apart. Although they are not the physical planet, they are the most influential forces in our life. Rahu/Ketu axis is the main force of karmic desire.

Ketu is the body without a head; it is our past life experience. Detachment, disinterest for those things where it is placed in the birth chart. The house that Rahu located in the birth chart determines where there is impulse to explore new possibilities and where to engage in new experience to assist your greater growth and life purpose.

So what happened when the Rahu/Ketu axis fell in the 1st and 7th house. Houses are the practical areas of life. Rahu placement in the house shows the area of life in where you  will face your future karma need to be mature about that and Ketu shows the area of life where you withdraw yourselves because you are already done with it. 

First house is the house of self, personality, identity, physical body, appearance, and overall general health. 

Seventh house is the house partnerships like marriage, business relationships, contracts, legalities, negotiations with others and agreements. 

Rahu in the seventh house is obsessed with others and Ketu in the first house  withdraws from its own identity. 

Ketu (South Node) in the 1st house:  Ketu in 1st shows that a person in their past life or in childhood focused fully on themselves. Isolate from others, focused on their skill and therefore their personality is fully developed. One other hand, these people in their recent past lives or in their childhood get a lot of importance and are treated special by others from family members or friends. But Ketu wants perfection. These people know about their own flaws in their own identity and what they felt a lack within themselves  and they are never satisfied with their identity. The feeling of to know, to be right, and to be in power, only increases the dramatic, intense and overly emotions of past life. Now their soul tries to move away from all those things in this present life. So they stop focusing on themselves and start focusing on others. 

On the other hand if Ketu is not in good dignity it shows a karmic past life connection with any kind of trauma. You may be carrying over guilt from previous lives and now blocking you on a psychological level and causing you to blame yourself for others actions and you have to learn to let go of that. These are past life issues, and bringing them into this life will not give any answers. You should not see yourself from a completely negative point of view. Often in compensation, identity and fulfillment is expressed wholly through partnerships. You may have come into contact at an early age with people whose negative behavior towards you had a lasting impact. Ketu in the 1st gives an ability to hold on to things, and you still feel and remember past events which you should let go. You really need to have an emotional clear out of everything, otherwise you may find yourself suffering physically or psychologically.

Rahu (North Node) in 7th house makes obsession with relationships and partnership and they are developing their relations with others in this lifetime. Rahu in the 7th house indicates that although you are in some ways a loner, relationships will dominate your life. This could lead to dissatisfaction with relationships regardless of how many relationships you may experience. On the positive side you become less self-centered and try to find tranquility and peace in life through relationships. Therefore they like to cooperate with others and are supportive for keeping relationships together.  Actually this can be quite a good thing but sometimes they lose themselves in relationships. Especially in long term partnerships and business associates bring feelings of illusion and confusion which later help the person to find their own identity that they feel is lacking in them. 

Rahu in Libra sign: These people need to work on cooperating with others, creating beauty, balance, and harmony with others. But they should not be overly dependent, giving their power away to others, and over compromising. 

Ketu in Aries sign: These people are very independent, have strong sense of self-awareness, pioneer, innovative, and inspiring. They need to be careful of the negative aspects of Aries: recklessness, carelessness, impulsive, being self-centered and being Impatient. 

Soul Purpose: They need to learn to calm down, release tension and allow all forms of beauty and harmony to heal themselves. Release addiction to passion, ambition, anger and replace it with creative things in life like in dance, singing and should enjoy nature.

Other Rahu and Ketu Articles

Ketu (South node) Rahu (North Node) Life Learning in Astrology
Soul Purpose in Life (Rahu and Ketu) in Astrology
Rahu and Ketu nodes of Moon in Astrology
Venus with Rahu (conjunction) in Astrology
Venus with Ketu (conjunction) in Astrology
Rahu in 1st and Ketu in 7th axis in Astrology
Rahu in 2nd and Ketu in 8th house Axis in Astrology
Rahu in 3rd and Ketu in 9th House Axis Astrology
Rahu in 4th and Ketu in 10th Axis Astrology
Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th Axis in Astrology
Rahu in 6th and Ketu in 12th Axis in Astrology
Rahu in 7th and Ketu in 1st Axis in Astrology 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Where To Find Wife (Venus) Astrology

Venus is the planet of love and relationship and it is girlfriend or wife in a man's birth chart. In the birth chart houses shows places of life. According to the placement of Venus in which in the birth chart, a man  could meet his wife there.



Sign placement of any planets means the nature of the planet and house placement means where the person can meet their spouse.



Venus in the 1st house: If Venus is placed in the first house then a man could meet his wife near the place of their home, in any physical activity place like gym, dancing club or any sport activity. .


Venus in the 2nd house: If Venus is placed in the 2nd house a man could meet his wife in the family gathering of any function, places where singing classes or performances, public speaking, cosmetology, beauty business, jewellery business, any friend and family gathering.


Venus in the 3rd house: If Venus is placed in the 3rd house a man could meet his wife in neighbor and immediate people whom they meet in short distance travelings or in meetings. Hobby environment, a passion environment like a club, and in a small local setting. 


Venus in the 4th house: If Venus is placed in the 4th house a man could meet his wife in a homely setting like in any party, or any restaurant and mother also can introduce to the wife.


Venus in the 5th house: If Venus is placed in the 5th house a man could meet his wife in college, in entertainment events, political events, art gallery. They can meet in the play area, entertainment, glamor, or in political discussion. It can be a party, affair, club, any place where you have fun.


Venus in the 6th house: If Venus is placed in the 6th house a man could meet his wife in some kind of social serving events, and in non profit organization.  Through shelter places like you are working where you are helping someone, or helping animals. You may meet your wife there a lot of obstacles and enemies, like in some protestation of something.


Venus in the 7th house: If Venus is placed in the 7th house a man could meet his wife in any public place or gathering or in a courthouse. Generally men progress after marriage if Venus is placed in the 7th house. Wife can be a matchmaker, deal maker, litigation lawyer and interior decorator. A man gets balanced and a beautiful wife.


Venus in the 8th house: If Venus is placed in the 8th house man could meet his wife in the psychologist, healing, and in therapy area. He can meet his wife in any secretive place. Wife can be a healer or astrologer and interested in the hidden side of life.


Venus in the 9th house: If Venus is placed in the 9th house a man could meet his wife in a religious place like temple, or in library, any spiritual function, in long distance traveling and the wife could be of different culture.


Venus in the 10th house: If Venus is placed in the 10th house a man could meet his wife at a working place or in organization meetings. A man can meet his wife at a workplace, business, corporate environment, and in government area setting


Venus in the 11th house: If Venus is placed in the 11th house a man could meet his wife in social function, social setting, like a concert or business social gathering, and in some conference. And the wife brings a lot of gain.


Venus in the 12th house: If Venus is placed in the 12th house a man could meet his wife from foreign land or the wife reside in foreign land, and in any distance places. A man can marry and move to foreign land. He can meet his wife in some spiritual place like meditation places. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Venus and Saturn together (conjunction) Astrology

Venus is the planet of love, relationship, pleasure in life, capacity to love and happiness. Enjoyment through sensual desire, service to people, general courteous nature, and mutual respect. Venus is the girlfriend in the man chart, and luxurious items like cars etc. Venus is a general relationship planet for both men and women. Venus is the main planet of sexuality. In lower form it is more indulge in sensory pleasure, in higher form it likes to serve and love all and knows how to live happy with no reason. 

Saturn is the planet of limitation, boundaries it makes a person aware of time, and Saturn shows you the truth of life. It teaches us to live in reality, Saturn is disciplined, practicality, and a long term goal in life. Saturn makes people humble by giving harshness in life. Saturn is the steadiness of mind, power to live in loneliness and good in meditation.

So what happens when Venus and Saturn are in conjunction. Although Saturn and Venus are good friends in astrology, Venus is not happy when it conjunct with Saturn. It is a situation like an old sick man coming to meet his lovely friend Venus. What happens when our best friend who is sick comes to meet us, we also get sick. Saturn infuses all the quality of his into Venus. Saturn gives frustration related to all the things which are represented by Venus.

Since Saturn represents fear and Venus is love, these people feel fear in expressing their feelings of love. They think that they might be rejected by the other people. This native fearful of getting into any kind of relationship. The person is frustrated in love and relationship, and it brings the partner to the native who is very cold and conservative in love and relationship. The native itself is very realistic about love and relationships. Their expression of love shown by duty and responsibility to the family. Generally these people feel a lack of love in all kinds of relationships, and they are very protective about their feelings and don’t show other people their vulnerable feelings.

Saturn brings mature and older partners or the native itself like older women or men. If women have this conjunction in Scorpio sign in 7th house she should be careful in choosing a partner because she may get a partner who could be abusive. Actually these people need to marry late because Saturn is the planet of delayer of things and teacher of patience. If they marry early they might get separated and these people may suffer. Saturn gives a wife to the man who is very structured and organized in nature. However the person is very hardworking but non romantic and realistic in approach in life. These people are willing to compromise in a relationship. These people have business-like and unromantic relationships.

Since Venus is the main planet of creativity, this conjunction makes people very creative and talented in many creative fields like photography, fashion designing, painting, crafting etc. These people have good business sense because Venus is the planet of diplomacy and Saturn is the hard work. They can do well in the areas of finance and the arts.

Both the planets of money, depending on their sign and house placement it shows great amount of wealth in native life, if this conjunction occurs in 2nd, 9th, 11th house.

These people need to understand that Saturn is the energy of seriousness and it makes a person mature with time. These people need to make self-effort to explore their inner behavior. They should learn that there is no need to be defensive in love and relationships. Love should be free flowing if it gets stuck and it makes people cold.  Withdrawing emotionally is not good for relationships and one should be open and discuss their problems related to love and relationship. They need to learn to value themselves and love themselves and to express their appreciation for others more openly.

Here is the lesson of Saturn for these people who have this connection. Life is in not all about love and relationships; they should think beyond this materialistic life. They should practice spiritual life and try to be happy beyond love and relationship. Saturn is the planet of older people and lower class people. They have a high chance to have these kinds of partners.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Rahu (North Node) with Saturn (conjunction) Astrology

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) are also called the Lunar Node, where the orbits of the Sun (soul), Moon (mind) and Earth (physical body) intersect. This area is very powerful, this the area where we are forced to think of our existence where we come from and what is the purpose of our life. This point is darker where we can’t see things properly in life and we have to work on it to clear the things related with the life. There they are called eclipsed point because we can’t see properly if anything is eclipsed.

Saturn is planet of karma, it deals with the native karma whether it is good or bad. Wherever Saturn is sitting in the chart it shows a major impact for that house. Saturn gives result according the naive past life and present life karma. Saturn doesn’t miss a chance to deliver his particular type of life lesson in the life of a native. Saturn ruled Capricorn sign which is the sign of reputation and power therefore, wherever Saturn is in birth chart, that area will require extra attention so that a person can fully understand his power. Saturn time makes native to understand about life and allowing to the person live a meaningful life.

When Saturn and Rahu (North Node) are in conjunction, there is a fight between restrictive planet Saturn and the obsessiveness of Rahu. These two planets opposite in nature however they both are fear and anxiety planet, but Rahu give fear and anxiety which have no basis, because it work on subconscious level and Saturn give stress and fear on the tangible things which is real. Rahu is obsession and it wants things ‘’now’’, Rahu have no patients but Saturn is just opposite, Saturn have lot have patience and actually it teaches lesson of patience where it sit, if it sit in 7th house of marriage it teaches lesson to the native to keep patience related with marriage and marriage partner, therefore Saturn always delays marriage and give frustration in the married life when it sits in 7th house.

When this conjunction occur in someone chart the native have tug of war going on between in his mind. The native wants something impatiently, but he cannot get it, because Rahu is sitting with Saturn, Saturn is the planet of restriction and delayed of the things. The native suffer through mental stress.

Rahu is futuristic thinking and Saturn is long term planning of future due to native inconsistent thinking and action native suffer in long term goals of life. Saturn is the planet of security, it provide security and inner peace by through solid carrier and wealth assets. Rahu give unreasonable phobia related with the security of life due to that the native suffer internally and externally.

1st house represent physical body if this conjunction occur in 1st house, because both planet of stress and fear. Generally these people very skinny in their physical constitution and the native suffer from health problem due too much of stress and worry of life. During their Saturn mahadasha time, person not like to eat anything and may lose weight.

Rahu is amplifier of the energy of the planet with it join or where it sitting in the house. It amplify the energy of Saturn according to sign and house placement of the Saturn.

Not every time this conjunction is bad sometimes it is good also. Let’s say if Saturn and Rahu conjunct in the second house in Taurus sign. Rahu exalted in Taurus and Saturn is happy in Taurus sign this combination in 2nd house makes person to do hard work for security and make money. The native can be good businessmen and wealthy with time.

These people need to be developing patience, consistent with their thinking and action by which they can avoid stress and fear in life.

  • Rahu and Saturn are tamasic planet, goddess Durga is the tamasic deity which give strength to fight with stress and fear. These people need to worship Goddess Durga to strengthen their mental state.
  • They also should try to do meditate so that their thinking process calm down and can judge between right or wrong

Rahu is the immaturity of mind where we need to develop here is the message for the native he needs to develop quality of Saturn planet according to the sign and house placement.

Other Saturn Articles

Remedy of weak (debilitated) Saturn

Astrology Saadhe Saatis (7.5 yrs of Saturn Period)

Saturn is Great Friend or Worst Enemy Astrology

Other Rahu and Ketu Articles