Sunday, December 1, 2013

Venus in Scorpio Astrology

Venus is the planet of pleasure in life, capacity to love and happiness, enjoyment through sensual desire, service to people, general courteous nature, and mutual respect. Venus is the wife or girlfriend in man chart, luxurious item like car etc and as a general relationship planet in both men and women chart.

Venus behave differently according to the sign, so how Venus behave when it comes in the Scorpio sign.

Scorpio sign rule by the planet Mars, Scorpio sign is the intuitive and sensitive sign, it is the sector of the area of life where we fear the most to lose something. Life all about attachments, we all have some attachment and bonding,therefore we fear to lose attachments or bonding whom we love most. When we fear for something there is naturally person live in fear and anxiety. And the native develop all the negative qualities like jealous, possessiveness, compulsion and anger. Therefore Scorpio sign not considered good however here in this sign the native learn to strengthen their emotional weakness after suffering of life with time. Scorpio sign is the devotional, secretive, knowledge of occult science and transformative sign also.

So when Venus comes in Scorpio generally it is not happy here, in this sign Venus is fearful all the worries of life. As Venus is the love but in Scorpio it is very conscious to open for his love feelings. They hold back their feelings due to their sensitive nature, but once they learned to trust another people then they open their heart in front of them. As Scorpio sign is intense and deep sign these people love with intensity and very deeply, but if they hurt they are ready to take revenge with full intensity as they love. These people very focused on their partner and very deeply involved sexually but as their secretive nature they never tell to the partner how much they love and need them directly, in-spite of this they try to control their partner with very unusual way and never admit to this. These people generally have very jealous nature, they can’t enjoy much in relationship and jealousy and possessiveness become issues in their relationships. Scorpio Venus likes someone who isn't afraid of commitment, emotions or intensity. They like a bit of surrender in the relationship. They don’t like someone play love game with them because they find it difficult to forgive.

As the Scorpio sign also show occult science these people very much interested astrology and any esoteric learning. Venus in Scorpio shows interest in dealing to secrets and hidden part of life. Venus in Scorpio people can be fascinated with black magic and psychedelic experiences. These people have good healing ability and spiritual in nature.

Venus in your 8th House:

8th house is the house of Scorpio ruled by Mars Scorpio is an trans-formative, extremely spiritual, sensitive, and house of where we have no control. When Venus comes in this house the person is strongly tied to your ability to heal and transform by experience of love in his life. Venus in 8th house shows that native bound to transform through their emotional attachments with their partner and evolved spiritually by their partner. However these people are very most sensitive to the needs of those they love, and may even feel what they feel. It is through experiencing the depths of love that they will know the greatest transformational changes in their life.

Scorpio sign is ruled three Nakshatra: Vishakha, Anuradha, and Jyeshta.

Venus will act differently according the Nakshatra. 
When Venus comes in Vishaka Nakshatra the person very goal oriented in love, the native can do anything to get love and have manipulative nature to handle the partner.

When Venus comes in Anuradha Nakshatra the person is very loyal and devoted to the partner.The person generally have very friendly attitude towards opposite sex., and the person very inclined towards spiritual side of life can be an astrologer

When Venus comes in Jyeshta Nakshatra, the native initially suffer mentally due to emotional nature but after it becomes very strong, they can be good at making deals with people.

Scorpio Venus likes someone who isn't afraid of commitment, emotions or intensity. They like a bit of surrender in the relationship, But don't play games with them, because they find it difficult to forgive.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturn is Great Friend or Worst Enemy Astrology

In astrology, Saturn is the son of God Sun and brother of Yama, the God of righteousness and death. Saturn rules over Saturday or Saturn’s day. Saturn represents integrity, boundaries, limits, structure, discipline, responsibility, and honor, Saturn is the planet of karma the rings around Saturn denote the limits,our karma and result of our actions. Saturn is the planet of time, it teaches us to live in present and in a simple way. Saturn teaches about harsh realities of life. It is the nature of Saturn to shatter our illusions around fear and make us grow up Saturn makes us mature.

Saturn is the planet who makes us to realizes us about the complexity and limitation of life and by fear and anxiety and we learn how to live in within our means. Saturn is the planet of karma, which forces you to experience karma's whether a person wants or not. When Saturn time come in someone life, that person have to pay off his mistakes whether he like it or not. However, once the karma is balanced, there is great relief to the person.

The key is to learn the lesson that Saturn teaches and not repeat the behavior. It is necessary to the person to learn from his mistakes and become conscious of the fact and should not blame others for his mistakes. In Saturn time the native may feel hopeless, depressed, and trapped. However there is always hope in the midst of it. Be humble, look at the circumstances for what they are and know that it is coming around for a reason. You are experiencing something that you have done unto another and now it is time to learn the lesson.

Look inside yourself as to the causes, don’t blame another, open your heart to Saturn as your teacher, and it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime. After Saturn period we are wiser and happy and freer because we have paid a certain debt in our life. Saturn can be our greatest friend in that he shows us the results of our actions so that we can make corrections, serve our time and turn around and do it right the next time.

So, How can we say that Saturn is the malefic or terrifying planet? Can it be our greatest friend? After suffering through Saturn time we convert into humble, kind and loving person, and become more discipline, structure and organized person. After Saturn period we more ground thinking about ourselves and others, and understand about life in better way. In this way Saturn is our cruel friend who teaches about reality which is necessary about life.

This is better way to learn our lessons. Unfortunately, we don’t always remember what we have done to another or even if we do remember, we don’t usually have co-measurement as to how it felt to the other person. Therefore, we blame Saturn and others for our misfortune. What we sow we shall reap this the law of karma or universe. Therefore thanks to Saturn, there is no injustice in the universe.

However, Saturn delivers both good and bad karma. If a person has done good karma in past life then Saturn is happy, then Saturn give good fortune and is a giver of wealth in life. We should take responsibility of our own karma to do good so that we can have good time when Saturn time arrives. This is one way to befriend and please Saturn.

Saturn is planet of life and death. Saturn rules prana shakti (breath) with in us. When in bad time due to stress and fear we become short on breath. Lord hanuman is the deity of wind. Therefore when Saturn times come we should recite Hanuman chalisa so that we can feel energy and can fight with stress and fear of life. Saturn also denote old people, we should always respect old people and do good for them so that we can avoid bad time of Saturn.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Remedy of Venus (Bad Wife ) Astrology

Venus is the planet of relationship, beauty, happiness, creativity, love and romance in life. Venus is the important planet for everyone, but it is more important for man because it is the planet of the wife. A wife's role in man's life is very important and if someone Venus is not in good dignity then the person suffers in love, and relationship in general.  But a man could suffer from not having a good wife. Venus is the reward for man who fulfils his duty, responsibility, dharma (righteous action) and follows his inspiration. If a man is not able to fulfill these things he is not able to get a good wife. Venus (women) is the producer of many things in life, and one of the most important producers is ''happiness'' in life. One can know a man’s wife's nature or behavior by checking the condition of the planet Venus in the birth chart. What type of love, relationship and wife a man can get depends on Venus's condition.

A man wants love from his wife. When he enters home after doing his job, he wants a woman who can provide him happiness and support from her in what he wants to achieve in his life. A man wants a woman who is loyal to him, not go around with another man, and can be capable of handling household responsibility with love and patience. A relationship lasts long when it is in partnership not only for individualistic interest. Partnership is commitment in relationship with mutual respect and caring towards each other. Venus is the planet of mutual love not selfless love. Moon is the planet of selfless love and that you get from your mother. A relationship based on mutual love and respect, not selfless love. No one wants to give selfless love in a relationship because relationships can not be selfless. We all want mutual love and respect. If we don't get mutual love and respect no one likes it. Marriage is all about partnership, it is not for individualistic self. When a woman gets married, she not only comes to the man but she enters a new life. Marriage is about living life together. It is not about fulfilling personal desire and interest. A woman should understand her role in man life and a man should follow a righteous path in life. so that they both can have a good married life and be able to fulfill their life purpose together. 

If a man’s Venus is in good dignity, then a man’s life can grow in many aspects of life. If a man's Venus is not in good condition then a man can work on it, so that he could get or attract a good wife (partner) in his life. 

Remedy of Venus: 


1. Venus is the reward of fulfilling responsibility, pursuing dharma and following whatever aspirations to a man in his life. One should improve his Venus, by fulfilling his responsibility, by doing his dharma and follow his aspirations in life. Whatever you like or want to do in life just do. If a man wants to be a sportsman he should concentrate on it. If a man wants to become an engineer, he should focus on his studies and focus on goals of life and keep marching on life path. Eventually man will get the desired woman in his life path. If a man does all these things the person gets a good wife. Women are the reward of fulfilling the responsibility of life. Don’t look for women or search for women. Live your life with duty, responsibility and inspiration. Along the path a man gets his woman in his life. Sometimes it takes years to get a good wife but a man gets a woman when he is least expected. 

2. Give respect to females and do not humiliate them. 

3. Venus is a planet of love, try to love every being selflessly. 

4. Try to keep mental balance. 

5. One should keep character in good dignity, not to flirt with women. 

6. Practice meditation everyday for 10 minute and focus on what you want. 

7. Pour milk on Shivling on Saturday in the morning. 

8. There is no need to worry, roam around unnecessary and wasting time. No need to search for women. One should focus on his career. A good Venus will automatically come to man. Being responsible is a reward for a man to have a good wife. 

9. A man can wear diamond in a middle finger in white gold or in silver to reduce the effect of bad Venus but it should be checked by an astrologer.

Other Relationship Articles

Women Relationship and Astrology
Mars (Boy Friend) in Women Chart in Astrology
Wife (Girl Friend) in Man Chart Astrology
Husband in Women chart in Astrology
Remedy of Venus (Bad Wife ) Astrology
Remedy of Jupiter (Bad Husband) Astrology
Late Marriage in Astrology
Physical Appearance (Looks) Spouse (Husband or Wife) Astrology

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Remedy Moon with Rahu (North Node) in Astrology

In astrology Moon is mind, feelings, emotional response, and peace of mind. Moon is a very gentle planet, sensitive and caring planet. It is selfless love of a mother.

Rahu (North Node) is the energy in our subconscious mind where we want to grow towards in life. Rahu is the karmic points in the horoscopes indicating the main areas of life where a person needs to grow, so that they can move forward in life. When Rahu joins any planet in the chart it becomes very important in one's life. Generally where Rahu (North Node) is placed in the chart, it shows where we need to do work to overcome our mind immaturity. Rahu is chaos in life, amplifier of the things, obsession of what we desire, illusion and all possibility in life. Rahu also brings stress and fear in life.

When the Moon and Rahu are in conjunction or together in the birth chart then Rahu amplifies the quality of the Moon. Rahu amplifies the emotional nature of the Moon. Moon is the feminine, caring, affectionate and nourishing planet. Rahu amplifies all these qualities of the Moon. If this conjunction is in the woman chart then the woman is very feminine nature, caring, affectionate and nourishing in nature. On the other hand these people are very immature about their emotions. They don’t know how to control their emotions and their emotional reactions are very extreme. These people exaggerate any emotions and sometimes they are not emotionally stable. These people are very sensitive and are not focused. These people externalize more about their feelings and they are overly emotional and overly reactive. Rahu is extroverted, so it is open to the person outside worldly emotional drama. These people are easily excited for anything. Since Moon is mother in astrology the native’s relationship with mother can be hypnotic, and overly emotional. Mother could be overprotective, possessive towards you. 

Rahu works on the psychic level. Therefore these people have some psychic influence on their mind. They might attract some negative energies and may experience some negative activities during their Rahu mahadasha depending on the placement of Rahu and Moon in certain houses. Generally negative energy affects those people who develop some kind of addictions like alcoholism or drugs. Therefore those people who have this conjunction need to be more careful not to use all these substances. If a mother knows that her child has this type of conjunction she needs to be more careful and try to keep her child in a good environment. She should teach children that they should not be overwhelmed by any unpleasant emotions and try to live in balance and focused in their mind.

Depending on which signs this conjunction occurs, results can vary. If the Moon is weak and in conjunction with Rahu it can give more problems to the person. It can amplify fear, anxiety, and can give depression. Rahu is the past life desire within us which is unfulfilled, and when the Rahu conjunction with Moon, then there is a desire for emotional needs to get fulfilled. The native thought process can be different from other people because Rahu is a different and inventor of something. These people think in a unique way.

Till their mid forties these people learn many lessons about emotions. As the person matures they learn to control their emotions.

Remedy of Moon with Rahu:

1. Moon also represents the enjoyment of the present movement. Moon is the observer and those people who have this combination are not able to enjoy the present movement. They have a hard time focusing on something. They are always wondering about the past or future. Therefore these people can have a restless mind. Therefore these people need to learn meditation. So that they can stabilize their thoughts and learn to be happy in the present movement.

2. These people learn to enjoy nature and try to connect with nature. Try to purify the body by grounding, water therapy and enjoying their times whatever they like.

3. Developing good habits of eating and reducing negative thoughts also help them on Rahu’s negative effect. Since Rahu is placed with Moon and Moon is mother in astrology the person needs to respect their mother and try to talk respectfully, and generally native should talk politely with everyone.

4. Keeping good relations with in-laws also improves the eccentric nature of Rahu.

5. Wearing cold metals like silver is to keep your mind cool. The native needs to wear a silver chain or any silver ornament.

6. Maa durga is the deity of Rahu. Goddess Durga protects us and destroys our fear, anger and darkness of mind. By worshiping Maa Durga you can overcome any fear, anxiety and dark energy in life. Once darkness and fear is destroyed we automatically attain peace in our heart.

8. Pouring milk on shivling on Saturday calm down the restless mind of the native.

Other Moon Articles

Remedy of weak (debilitated) Moon
Benefit of (weak) Debilitated Moon in Astrology
Rahu and Ketu nodes of Moon in Astrology
Venus and Moon together (conjunction) in Astrology