Sunday, March 19, 2017

Relationship Reading In Astrology

In  Relationships reading generally I assess these factors.  

1. Karaka ( Significator of relationship): Venus is the significator of love, pleasure, romance, and relationship. Venus rules attraction, what kind of relationship, beauty you like or what kind people you attract in your life is seen by the condition of the Venus. Although other factors are involved e.g. if your Venus conjunct with other planet or aspects by some other planet it modifies your capacity of love and relationship. Did you ever observed in your life why you like certain type of people, or why you attracting the same pattern of relationship in your life. This is what we entirely don't understand, this is because of condition of the Venus. So this can be understood by looking  at Venus in chart to see how we approaches, views, handles love and relationship.

2. The seventh house: This is the house opposite to your ascendant, the most difficult house to integrate, that's why relationship is hard for everyone because partner’s house is just opposite to yourself and you have to integrate opposite part in your life in the form of partner, without integrating opposite to you, you are not complete. The house is known as relationship and actual partner( spouse) house. What kind of partner you will get or you marry is seen by the 7th house.  Your relationship will be influenced by Planets in the seventh house and depending on that they bring, as a natural indicator, as a house ruler, will modify your 7th house.

3. The seventh house ruler: Depending on what sign falls on 7th house, we look for where is its lord placed, In which sign, house and whether 7th lord conjunction or aspected by  other planets. Based on whichever sign falls  Often where the seventh house ruler lands shows the nature of the partner more than anything else.

4.  Divisional chart for relationship ( Navamsa chart - D-9): For more detail about your partner and relationship in life, D-9 harmonic chart is very important in vedic astrology.

5. Moon: Moon is the capacity to receive. How you relate with others and how you act in relationship emotionally can be asses by condition of Moon.  

Three Dimensional Relationship Astrology

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Saturn influence in Divorce, Marriage, Relationship Astrology

If we have to consciously breath.. i guess we will all have faced a situation when we would have forgotten to breath and would be in trouble :-). Like breathing we do lot of things subconsciously.. in some ways they are the habits that build up with time .. we don't think about it.. but just do it  like wise when we are in marriage we let our guards down and be who we are without any pretension.  For a marriage to work there are couple of following things that are needed .. some are subconscious influences which with habits we try to overcome.
  1. Love,Respect, Compromise for each other (Venus)
  2. Have no ego in relationship (Sun)
  3. Having a feeling of Disconnect (Ketu/South Node)
  4. Crazy in love & Relationships (Rahu /North Node)
  5. Aggression, argument and fighting  (Mars)
  6. Emotions, mind, imagination (Moon)
  7. Understanding things correctly (Mercury)
  8. Learning, teaching, higher wisdom  (Jupiter)
  9. Commitment and Duties (Saturn)
For this conversation we will consider Saturn as a planet in relationship, its influences and how it can get us near a divorce if we don't understand it the subconscious influences and change our habits and approach in relationship. 

Saturn is the planet of responsibility, limitation, boundaries , truth of life etc. It teaches to live in reality, commitment , practicality, sincerity and long term goal in life. Saturn makes people humble by giving harshness in life. Saturn is the steadiness of mind, and  power to live in alone.

Let's consider one by one how these are important..

Saturn is responsibility, limitation, boundaries , truth of lifeWhen there is a Saturn influence in relationship (Venus with Saturn), it is very restricting, practical and block love it could be lot of learning and some what of a natural sadness in the relationship. If we have Saturn influence we should try to connect and be loving try to with the other person. If not then it will become hard on the other person to be in relationship and relationship can be break.  

Saturn is humbleness: When there is a Saturn influence you will see a person to be humble (Saturn in 7th house), they probably not like that from the starting.. they go through toughness in life which makes them humble.. This humbleness comes due to the helplessness that they are put in.. in someways it is a practical approach..but for a relationship to be live and healthy we need to have smiles around.

Saturn as power to live in lonely: Saturn is the planet of loneliness and it brings us  loneliness ( Saturn with Moon) which when looked from a relationship perspective is not that so great..When we are in relationship we want to be around people for their affection and love. If one wants to be alone then it will take lot of effort to take up and maintain a relationships. Once we know we have Saturn influence we should try to overcome it.

Other Relationship Articles

Disharmony(Problem/Unhappy) in Married Life Astrology

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Ama in Ayurveda

What is Ama: Ama is undigested food which is responsible for many chronic and autoimmune disease.Fire ( Agni) in the digestive system is that basic energy, required digest food. It is responsible for the process of transformation of food that is consumed, i.e, it makes the consumed food available for the body tissues. If Agni is maintained in normalcy, one can stay healthy. Once the Agni is hampered, then ama is created which cause disturbance in dosha of the body and leads to various type of diseases. Any disease is nothing but the altered state of Agni in the stomach (Impaired functioning of Agni).

Due to impaired state of agni, degestion of food will not occur properly leading to a condition called Ama. The manner in which the nutrition ingested is digested, the way in which its various components are metabolized into appropriate Dhatu or tissue element and how some of its constituents are broken down for being utilized for the production of energy required for vital activities, depends upon what kind of Agni (digestive power) you have.

According to Ayurveda there are 13 types of Agni in body namely-7 Dhatu Agni, 5 Bhutagni
and 1 Jatharagni . Among these 13 Jatharagni is the prime one and nourishes the other

Jatharagni=refers to the whole process of digestion in G.I.T.

Bhutagni=refers to the final digestion in liver AGNI.

Dhatu Agni=refers to tissue metabolism

In Ayurvedic these 13 types of Agni are further divided into four types on the basis of function as follows:

I n ayurveda there are three Pathological State of Agni:

•Mandagni=Low function  of digestive enzymes
•Triksnagni=High function of digestive enzymes
•Vishmgni=Irregular secretion of digestive enzyme

And Healthy state of Agni.

•Samagni=Normal secretion of digestive enzymes.

Malfunctioning of Agni leads to production of Ama (undigested foods that remains in tract and acts as foreign elements and are responsible for many autoimmune diseases). Ama can be developed at the level of Jatharagni (improper digestion in G.I.T), Bhutagni (liver dysfunction) or Dhatu Agni (disturbed tissue metabolism).

There are many ayurvedic herb which can help in your digestive system and these are:

Herbs acting at the Level of Bhutagni:

Trikatu: A herbal preparation having equal amount of three herbs namely Sunthi (Zingiber officinale), Maricha (Piper nigrum) and Pippali (Piper longum) is supposed to work on Jatharagni at the level.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale):  Is best remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion, stomach pain and nausea.

Herbs  acting at the Level of Bhutagni:

Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba): Bhringraj is one of the most important herbs supposed to work at the level of Bhutagni. It is one of the main herb of many herbal formulation to treat  liver disorder.

Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa): According to Ayurveda Kutai ( Picrorhiza kurroa) act as Pitta rechaka i.e. it helps in expulsion of bile. This herb is safe in treatment of liver disease.

Arogyavardhini: that is use most frequently for the management of liver disorder. According  to Ayurveda, Arogyavardhini is supposed to work on Bhutagni level therefore its use is not restricted up to only liver disorders rather it can be use in all type of ailment related to chronic gastrointestinal disorders/digestive diseases.

Cucurma longa: Curcuma longa commonly known as turmeric is another herb which help in liver function.  It is supposed to work on Bhutagni and therefore helpful in ailment
results due to Bhutagni Mandya like Diabetes Mellitus, Hepatitis etc.

Drug Acting on Dhatu Agni:

Rasagni-Khajoora, Munakka, Majjagni-Guduchi, Aswagandha,  Satavari and many more.