Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Eighth (8th) House in Astrology

House of Regeneration, Death, Sex, Transformation, lottery.

The 8th house is known as a very vulnerable house in astrology. The 8th house is the house of fears, anxiety and insecurity in life. We fear losing whom we love most. It creates a certain kind of insecurity by fear that someone can do crime also. This is the house of in-laws and married life. What type of sex life you will get seen from the 8th house. This house is known for sudden up and down events in life like divorce, separation from a partner or death of someone. You don't know what you will get after marriage. Life is very unpredictable after marriage. The 8th house also represents dowry. Those women who have debilitated Jupiter with Rahu in 8th house need to be careful in marriage matters. It is the house of hidden secret of life, sexual abuse from someone. If someone has malefic planets in 8th house they need to be careful in life in general because they can get into painful situations. This is the house of crisis, sudden shocks , up and down in life. This is the house of transformation and regeneration, after suffering we transform and change (regeneration of mentality). This house also represents inheritances, money earned by other people and spouse resources, joint assets of business or with spouse. Eighth house also presents dark places, underground things e. g. Gems are found underground, mines, ground stores, oil resources, ghosts and graveyards.

Eighth house is the house of occult science, astrology, secrets, hidden, lottery, surgery, healing, inheritance, alimony, taxes, insurance, support from another and research in any field. This house is associated with the secret things in life. Dark psychology, psychological problems are seen from the 8th house. Desire to control others, crime, bad deeds, dirty tricks, revenge, jealousy, addiction of drugs, and mode of death are seen from 8th house.

Saturn is the karaka or significator of the eighth house because Saturn shows loss and grief in life. Every house has an evolutionary process of life. Life is the evolution of the soul. We all are evolving and the eighth house teaches us or evolves us to strengthen our emotions and deal with the crisis in life. 8th shows where we seek freedom through another person and also freedom from the influence of other people in general. The hidden, shocking, scandalous, deceptive and unexpected events in life. The pain or fear in life of losing someone teaches us to strengthen our emotions. This is the house of liberation (moksha) from the pain of emotions related to others. This is the house of maturity of mind. Until we do not overcome our fear and crisis of life we cannot grow further in life. We must face 8th house issues with dignity and move forward to the higher learning of life (9th House).

People who have planets in 8th house make them interested in mystic subjects like, tarot cards, numerologist, psychologist, researcher, shamans, and could be good astrologers. These people suffer in their life therefore they can understand other’s pain easily. They can be good healers, in sex or in anything. These people are often interested in spiritual life also because they suffer so much in life therefore they are inclined towards spirituality. They want to know what is the truth of life.

The effects of planets in the eighth house:

Sun in 8th house: Those people who have Sun in the eighth house show interest in occult knowledge, and understanding the psychology of others in general. These people are often interested in exploring life’s deeper mysteries. The relationship with the father is a little bit fearful and not open.

Moon in 8th house: Those people who have Moon in the eighth house show a lot of psychological fears in their mind. Sudden and unexpected losses are often felt in the native life and they suffer mentally. The relationship with the mother is turbulent emotionally or not good. These people are interested in occult science and spirituality.

Mars in 8th house: Those people who have Mars in the eighth house show some disturbance in life, if it is not in their own sign (Scorpio). The person is very passionate and sexual but they must be very careful with this placement and learn to slow down. These people invest their energy into strengthening their emotional weakness in life.

Mercury in 8th house: Those people who have Mercury in the eighth house show deep thinking and like to investigate. If Mercury has its own sign in the 8th house the native is very flexible in nature and supports the transformation of the eighth house. If Mercury in Scorpio signs in 8th house the native communication is very confusing and not clear. They need to think properly then speak to reduce any confusion with others in general.

Jupiter in 8th house: Those people who have Jupiter in the eighth house show chances of financial gain through other people's money is possible e. g. Marriage, partnerships or inheritances. The person could also win the lottery if Jupiter is exalted. A person has interest in learning hidden things and can be a great teacher in occult science.

Venus in 8th house:
Those people who have Venus in the eighth house show a trans-formative relationship with their spouse. They want a high level of trust and honesty from their partner. These people are prone to jealousy in relationships. When Venus in Pisces in 8th house these people are very loving and service oriented or can be a sexual healer.

Saturn in 8th house: Those people who have Saturn in the eighth house show fear around stability of financial, emotional and sexual security. These people sometimes find themselves struggling with financial hardship, and the frustrating demands of unresponsive partners. Generally these people have difficulty in sexual arousal. They need to open with partners or they need to learn to let go of painful relationships.

Rahu in 8th house: Those people who have Rahu in the eighth house show a very experimental nature. It can lead to some bad consequences in life. The native need to be careful when they are in stress after facing some unpleasant situation in life e.g. Divorced or losing someone. However these people are interested in the hidden side of life.

Ketu in 8th house: Those people who have Ketu in the eighth house show a stable, material existence mind set. These people have very financial trouble in their childhood or past. Therefore they are more interested in secure financial stability in life.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Prayers for Healing

‘’Everything in life is Vibration’’- Albert Einstein.

Many people ask about do prayer works?  When i suggest some remedies to my client, some people confused and asking for this question how prayer works?
So to understand this we need to first understand how this life created and how it works. Those people who have limited mind can not understand this and also not believe in astrology as well.

What is life?

Mostly people think that, which things moves is have life or live, but this not truth. There is more to this physical dimension reality, than this physical life. Life is much more complicated, than what we define life. People have no idea what to do when they are interacting with extraterrestrial life forms that don't fit any of the criteria are very much alive. All living and “nonliving” things vibrate to particular frequencies. Even life on earth exist by vibration created by Moon and Sun. If there is no Sun and Moon, life can not exist. We need to start finding accessory terms of consciousness what constitutes something being alive is in fact the ability to be aware to perceive.

As we know life is from unseen to seen. Nowadays we can see there is so many equipment from which, we can see what is blood or what is in plasma. If microscope not invented we also not able to see these things and able to understand how we get disease and get sick. The Viruses and Bacteria are an example of conscious beings which are very much alive but we are not able to see them from naked eyes it does not mean they does not exist. If you are not able see anything it does not means it does not exist. Likewise you can not see vibration of prayer but it they exist.

life is created from an vibration and everything in this universe is vibration. Vibration can be silent like thoughts and it can be sound like song. I think everyone ‘’think’’ but is anyone saw their thought? I think answer is “NO’’.  Like this we know “thought” exist but we could not see them, so likewise we could not see prayers but it exist.

“Prayer is the medium of miracles.”

Prayers is focused thoughts for something you want in your life. What are thoughts?  Thoughts are the waves of energy that travel in the space. When we pray the the focused form of prayer are able to receive and send both human thoughts and emotions to the universe.
In vedic astrology there is so many “Chalisas” for every problem in life e.g. Hanuman Chalisa.  An astrologer suggest you to recite some chalisa according to your problem in your birth chart. For example if you have fear problem then astrologer suggest you to recite Durga chalisa. why? because Durga chalisa words are design in way that create a vibrational field around you which protect you from fear or it works in your conscious mind which clear out your mind with low or negative frequency of fear. Every emotions have frequency.

Illness and disease have a low vibration which blocks the flow of vital life-force. Healing takes place when high frequency energy ( prayer) is channeled to that person. It transmutes the low vibration of the illness and allows the physical body to return to good health.

Prayer are incredibly adept at bringing us back to high vibrational state health in harmony, by offering a high vibration that we can use to retune ourselves, which works on an energetic level of your body. Likewise when you listen to a song that makes you feel good or spend time your person makes you feel better. Remedy from prayer are some of the most powerful remedy who have energy but not have any physical dimension.

Prayer is a emotions of pure energy. The power of prayer can be quite amazing. Meditation is a form of prayer which helps us quiet our busy minds so that we can become connected and  open to listening, being, and hearing from Universe. If you practice prayer on daily basis it energize and heal our energy systems. Prayer is the energy by which we can attune our mind and our consciousness.

Every (emotions) thoughts have vibrations and these emotions have frequencies and if your prayer’s  frequency matches with universe frequency then your prayer gets fulfilled. Enlightenment have highest form frequency. If you get enlightened you will get anything you want but when someone get enlightened the person have nothing to desire, because enlightenment is the highest form of happiness. That is the reason enlightened people have powers to cure others and fulfilled other people desire because they reached to the same level of energy of this universe which works on the basis of pure divine love. So pray for someone whom you love most and want to get better life for them.  Consult with me if you want to understand yourself better and want to take best action for your life.  GET Consultation

Power of Gratitude

I recently became a fan of gratitude as described in Law of Attraction. Gratitude is simply saying thank you and also not complaining about anything. I tried out gratitude in my life and I think it really works. I am writing this out from my experience. Lot of the people have negative thinking. These days it is very easy to be negative than a positive thinker. It is easy to focus on the negative things. So when we think negative we also behave negative. When we are interacting with another person a negative situation become very negative. When we complain about the situation, we are avoiding the steps to change the situation. When we complain about things going wrong all the time, this creates a negative vibration and creates more of these situations for us. According to ‘’Law of Attraction’’ we attract according to our own vibration. So if you think negative you are attracting negativity from the universe.

So how do we turn things around ? Best thing is by thinking positively, start being thankful to everything what you already have and stop complaining, accept things as they are in present moment and pray/wish for good time. As soon you start this process automatically you will see a positivity change within you. You will feel peace of mind and happiness around you. if you don’t believe then give a try and feel the difference within yourself. Everything is vibration so your thoughts are also vibration. Universe works on the basis of vibration. Whatever vibration you are giving to people or the universe it is coming back to you. So if you are thinking positive you are attracting positive vibration from the universe.

Gratitude is being grateful for what you already have. Gratitude is considered a positive psychological factor that has also been associated with well-being. Gratitude are key positive factor to consider that an attitude of gratitude is related to better mood, sleep, less depressed, less fatigue, and more self-efficacy. The more gratitude you show more you have positive effects on better health, relationship and in general all areas of life. Therefore those people have increased levels of gratitude may have implications for improving health outcomes. Gratitude is considered a positive psychological factor, it is not necessarily good for all people under all circumstances.

Focusing on “thoughts of gratitude” reveal that gratitude interventions have a significant effect on improving daily positive emotions. Gratitude demonstrated strong relations with the following positive effects: joyful, hopeful, inspired, forgiving, and happy people tend to live longer, make more money, and enjoy enduring loving relationships. Positive emotions suggests that gratitude may also help individuals build other durable resources for well-being. Specifically, it may nurture creativity, intrinsic motivation, purposefulness and spark an upward spiral of positive emotions and outcomes.

This may explain why grateful people tend to be higher in vitality, optimism, religiousness, spirituality, well-being and better relationship quality ( because they are not criticizing each other). When we show gratitude we feel more happy. Happiness is often defined as a feeling of gladness, satisfaction or contentment, as a lasting sense that life is fulfilling, meaningful, and pleasant. Happiness includes emotional states of joy, contentment, positive well-being, and a perception that one’s life is worthwhile. Those people who live happily have shown that they complain less and possess an abundance factors such as joy, contentment, and the perception that life is valuable. Conversely, unhappy people shows more criticizing habits and fewer satisfying relationships and less gratitude.

So how to start Gratitude ?

Start by being grateful and stop complaining. When we complain less we feel much happier. We should complain less about what we don’t have and be more grateful about what we do have. This creates positive vibration about what do you wish you could be more happy, have more abundance and achieve in every area of life. A complaint free life, focusing positive aspects of life. Give thanks to every kind experience of life whether it is bad or good. Most of the time we learn something from our bad experience of life and our soul grow. After all we are here to learn and grow. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life and it turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. You will start to feel more relaxed, have less stress, you will feel more love in your relationships. You will feel more confident. We all live hectic lives these days. Having negative thoughts and feelings interrupt the flow of energy that is used in them a manifestation of your desires.

If you want to be successful in business and in life you must apply the law of gratitude. This is one law often gets overlooked and misunderstood. The Law of Attraction say you must obey this law. When you obey this law it will change your vibration and we attracts things according to what kind of vibration you have. Some people attract good relationship in their life and some are not because of their own vibration,  If you want to have good things in your life, change your vibration accordingly what you want. The magic is all around you, the trick is to see it. We all have experienced this form of gratitude. Remember when we were growing up, we were always told to say thank you, be grateful for what we were given. Do you want more happiness, more wealth and more love, gratitude is the key to achieving all these things. With gratitude, you awaken all these things in your life. Give a try.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Vata Pitta Kapha (Body Type) in Ayurveada

Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word means science of life. Ayu means life or daily living, and Veda is knowing. Ayurveda, therefore, is the healing branch or medical side of the system of yoga. “Ayur” or “life” in Ayurveda is described as the harmony of the higher Self (Atman), mind (manas), prana, senses and body. This idea of life is not merely physical but includes all aspects of our being and shows the broad and integral scope of Ayurvedic theory and practice. Ayurveda helps the healthy person to maintain health, and the diseased person to regain health. The practice of Ayurveda is designed to promote human happiness, health and creative growth. Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that is indigenous to and widely practiced all over the world now a days. Ayurveda’s goal is to achieve health by working towards balance and harmony. Prevention is emphasised over cure. Ayurveda recognises the importance of physical balance, emotional release, mental health, environmental mindfulness and spiritual progression in the total health.

The Law of Karma and Ayurveda:

For every action you take there will be a reaction in the future. The cause and effect is the basis of the law of Karma in the universe. This law of karma also important in Ayurveda. Whatever is our health condition there is a reason for it. A disease cannot arise without a cause. If one has a Pitta (heat) disease like the infection, a pitta cause must exist in such things as exposure to heat or eating of pitta causing foods, excessive anger and other Pitta-increasing actions. Everything has a reason and if we discover that reason we can correct the cause that brings us pain, disease or sorrow. Nothing happens that is uncaused or not produced by our own actions. This principle of causation means that we bring about and are responsible for our own condition in life, physical or mental. It means that we possess the power to correct it by remedial measures. As we have made all that we are, we also have the power to correct it. This principle of responsibility gives us the basis for correcting any wrong actions. It shows us that what we have spoiled we can also make well again or even better in time. It gives freedom through which we can arrive with our own action. Ayurveda teaches that the a person themselves must take an active part in the treatment, for it is only the individual that can change their own chain of cause and effect of any condition. Reversing this process of causation, we can go back to the normal healthy life. This return process is the process of reintegration leads to balanced and harmonious life with yourself.

According to Ayurveda, the five fundamental elements that make up the universe--space (Akasha), air (Vayu), fire (Agni), water (Apu) and earth (Prithvi)--also make up the human physiology. Looking at the elements from the point of view of what they do in the physiology, rather than what they are, Ayurveda describes three biological humors or psychophysiological energies called doshas. There are three doshas, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and each is mainly a combination of two elements. Vata dosha is made up of space and air. Pitta dosha is a combination of fire and water. Kapha dosha is made up of water and earth.

Dosha means “that which changes” because doshas are constantly moving in dynamic balance, one with the others. They are primary life forces or biological humours. The doshas are the biological energies found in the human body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfilment. The doshas are subtle, they cannot be perceived directly in the body. However their presence is visible through distinct qualities and actions – ranging from biological functions to personality traits.

Each one of us is born with a mix of Vata, Pitta and Kapha that makes us our body constitution and determines our strengths and weaknesses. While one dosha usually dominates in most individuals, a second dosha may also have a strong influence. This is referred to as a dual-doshic constitution. For example, a Vata-Pitta type will have Vata as the primary constitution but also embody strong Pitta characteristics. On the other hand, a Pitta-Vata type will identify more with Pitta characteristics, but also have strong Vata qualities. The least common constitutional type is known as “tri-doshic” or Vata-Pitta-Kapha. This refers to an individual who has an equal amount of all three doshas.

The doshas are dynamic energies that are constantly changing in season, in response to our actions, thoughts, emotions, the food that we eat, and any other sensory inputs that feed our mind and body. When we live in accordance with the nature of our doshic type, this means we make lifestyle and dietary decisions that balance our doshas, and we can have a healthy vibrant life. Nurturing your unique dosha nature is considered the direct pathway to fulfilment in life. For example, a person who suppresses an underlying creative impulse may create a deep-seated imbalance of their Vata dosha over time. When we do not live in harmony with our doshic constitution this can be due to unhealthy patterns of physical, mental and emotional imbalances, and dosha could be aggravated or stimulated. You can restore balance to the aggravated dosha by understanding your unique constitution dosha type.

So question how to know your doshas?

Each one of us has a different constitution. The key to Ayurvedic treatment is to know the main imbalances of the doshas and how to treat them. For maintenance of health, every person should understand their constitution. When examining the doshas, it is important to make a distinction between balanced and an imbalanced state.

Vata Dosha: The person with predominantly Vata in their constitution has a quick mind, lots of enthusiasm and many interests. Vata types are always on the go mentally and physically. Common signs of Vata imbalance include anxiety and bodily disorders related to dryness, such as dry skin and constipation. Signs of imbalanced Vata also include restlessness, lacking confidence, being disorganised, tendency to procrastinate, talking too fast and being “spacey” and ungrounded. Because they can be overactive thinkers they may be prone to depression, anxiety, insomnia, attention deficit disorder (ADD), headaches, low energy and obsessive compulsive disorders.

How to balance Vata Dosha: Calming the mind, practicing meditation, doing gentle exercises such as yoga, eating in a peaceful environment, following a regular daily routine, listening to calm music and having regular massages all help to balance Vata. Use warming and energising essential oils such as basil, black pepper, cinnamon, clove bud, and coriander seed and rosemary. It is important for Vata types to follow their creative and artistic passions.

Pitta Dosha: When the Pitta dosha is out of balance they can have deep seated emotional issues rooted in anger, fear, hatred and jealousy. They can become arrogant, hot-headed, loud and aggressive, judgmental and overly competitive. Pitta types are high achievers and very confident. They have a fiery temperament. There is a saying in Ayurveda that an imbalanced Pitta individual does not go to hell, they simply create hell wherever they go! Typically Pitta problems manifest in the body as infections, inflammation, rashes, ulcers, heartburn and fevers. Pitta individuals have a strong metabolism, but it can be aggravated by hot spicy food.

How to balance Pitta Dosha: By learning to meditate, engaging in calming activities, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, spent with nature, and taking time to rest everyday, Pittas can remain balanced. Excessive Pitta should be treated with cooling and calming oils such chamomile, lavender, neroli, sandalwood, kus kus and vetiver. The person with balanced Pitta in their constitution are joyful, sharp intellect, confidence, charisma and much courage and drive. They are extremely ambitious individuals. Pitta types are high achievers and very confident.

Kapha Dosha: When the Kapha dosha is out of balance the person is prone to overeating. They are likely to suffer from bodily disorders such as obesity, sinus congestion and anything related to mucous. Typically they are considered the more mentally and emotionally unstable of the three doshas, therefore they are prone to lethargy, attachment and depression. They can be contented, they are often not able to say no, they can become possessive and often give up easily.

How to balance Kapha Dosha: You can balance Kapha by eating a Kapha-balancing diet, focusing on non-attachment in daily life, and changing in your daily routine. By engaging in physical activities. To balanced Kapha types they should use grounding and balancing essential oils such as cedarwood, sandalwood and vetiver. Excessive Kapha can be treated with warming and spicy oils such as Tulsi basil, black pepper, cinnamon, clove bud, coriander seed, ginger, turmeric and saffron. The balanced Kapha person naturally have good health and mental peace. Kapha types are warm, loving and gentle people. Kapha types have strong stamina, they are patient, forgiving and they are good listeners.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Venus Mars and Ketu Conjunction Astrology

Ketu is the south Node of the moon. It is the body without head. Ketu is past life karma’s experience which we have to deal with it to dissolve our past life karma in this present life. Ketu is blind and act blindly in any situation. It is directionless because it dissolve some karma from past life. It create confusion because it it want to make you mature with time by giving some unpleasant experience. Ketu don’t listen because it already have experienced in past life (overconfident related to those things where it sitting in the birth chart.) ketu is dissatisfaction,  self critical towards own things because want perfection. Ketu present isolation, separation and embrace spiritualism at the end when it understand and cleared out the confusion in front of it.

Venus and Ketu are considered incompatible in all relationship. Obviously these two planets are odd and contradictory with each other unless in some sign e.g. Pisces where both are spiritual in nature. Otherwise Venus with Ketu always create up and down in romance and can also give problem in all Venus ruling things, e.g. finance etc. Those people have this conjunction in their chart they somehow get some unusual and unexpected experience in love life. Venus conjunct with Ketu is a significance of idealism and change as well as the connection to the past karma as well as idealism, chaos, and dissolution the issue of sexism.

Mars and Venus are the two main planets of relationship, they are opposite in natural zodiac and considered sexual pairs in and make Akrshan Yog in Vedic astrology. However Mars is the planet of war and explosive events and Venus is the planet of love and romance. Mars is will power and vitality, it's our ability to takes action. Mars is very impulsive and spontaneous It also represents anger. Mars represents the sexual energy, physical side of love, passion and energy

So what happened when Venus, Mars and Ketu come together in the sky or or if you this conjunction in your birth chart. Venus is the planet of happiness, love, relationship and when it conjunct with these two nasty and cruel planet Venus will suffer.  This combination makes person very unusual and explosive in love. It makes person very intense in sexual desire and some what negative combination for this aspect of life. Mars Ketu with Venus will generates passion, idealism and on the downside argument. Venus planet of harmony will suffers from being with Mars planet of conflict so don't expect much in the way of agreement.  At its worst Mars and ketu both planet of destruction indicates dysfunctional value problem.

On negative side this combination also denote accidents, for women it can be a unpleasant experience with men and etc . So if women have this conjunction in their natal chart in 6th, 8th, and 12th house then they need to be take extra care in general life as well as while choosing life partner.

This conjunction give different result for every depending on their ascendant and house ruler ship of the planets. So if you want to know how this conjunction effect your sign you can take consultation.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Venus Retrograde 2017 for Each Ascendant

Venus will enter in Pisces sign on 27th January 2017 and will stay till may 30th 2017. Venus normally goes through a sign in approximately 25 to 27 days. But due to its retrograde cycle it can stay in one sign for about four months. This year 2017 Venus is going to  retrograde in Pisces sign from March 04 2017 and will direct on April 15 2017 and stay there till may 30th 2017. Venus will stay in Pisces sign almost for 4 months because of its retrograde motion.

Venus is the planet of love, money, what we value, respect and when it's Retrograde, it is a catalyst for internal focus for all these things. Venus represents a sense of personal worth and value, the quest for pleasure as well as the urge to beautify both inner and outer spheres of the self. Psychologically Venus also symbolizes self-esteem. When Venus turns inward it focuses on its sense of self worth, needing reflections of what it values in environment and in relationships. So when Venus retrograde in Pisces, people will make connections at this time on a more subconscious level and the results of that connection may not be immediately apparent to them. Retrograde planets being the "observer of life”. They will not express whatever is going on within but will also be sort of floating above and self watching and taking in all the lessons, making clarity as much as possible and you will see, know, understand and connect with in yourself. During retrograde periods the planetary energy is apt to be more reflective, focused and internalized in order to integrate what has previously occurred in its cycle.

Venus exalted in last degree of Pisces and Venus in Pisces is “Happy for all or Happy for no reason”. Exalted retrograde planets are tricky. It's said in Vedic astrology that any exalted planet retrograde considered as debilitated. So during Venus retrograde in Pisces transit wise or in your birth chart, a deeper relationship issues surfacing. it is a time to contemplate what one's deepest, most personal needs are and from what those needs originate. It is a time to explore one's own needs for love and nourishment and to examine one's capacity to receive both of these life necessity. The Retrograde Venus in Pisces it's a time of reorientation and a sense of renewal in relating to the world as a loving and spirited individual. Venus retrograde implies the time in the cycle when we withdraw from relationships to reflect upon them. The period is a time to be secluded, reflective and Meditative. Love and suffering are fused during this Venus retrograde. On the collective level deceptions (especially self-delusions) with people may be revealed, where you can examine the past in your lives as it reaches into the present to see where your hearts went wrong. Then, as you come to awareness, what you can let go of that past, heal the wounds by forgiving ourselves and others, and move on. (Pisces sign quality). In your intimate life, you are now going through unexpected thunderstorm, and be ready to move to higher level of consciousness.

Retrograde Planets in Astrology
Exalted Planets in Astrology
Venus in Astrology
Venus and Mars together (Conjunction) in Astrology
Spirituality = Good Behavior + Empathy + Aligning with Universe :-)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Birth Time Rectification in Astrology

"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical
harmony with one's individual karma…" – Swami Sri Yukteswar, Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda

Birth time rectification is a procedure that is used in order to determine what time a person was born, when the birth time is unknown or uncertain. Rectification is important and necessary because without accurate birth time, an astrologer  cannot predict any event of a person's life.
Why Is the Birth Time So Important?

Without an accurate birth time, it's hard to predicts events of life because ascendant sets your houses of a birth chart and according to houses, events happens in life. Without the ascendant, we don't know which house rule by which planet and it hard to predict anything. E.g. if you are Gemini ascendant then your 7th house rules by planet Jupiter and for to know about your partners we need to look where is Jupiter placed. But if you are Cancer ascendant then your 7th house rules by planet Saturn and to look for your partners we need to look where is Saturn is placed. Because of different Ascendant everything changes in life.

Method of time Rectification:

For time rectification an astrologer need to identify some of the main themes and events that have occurred in a person’s life, and then to attempt to match those facts with a chart that falls within the available time frame on the person’s date of birth.

In time rectification the primary goal is to determine the correct rising sign, which narrows the birth time down to a 1 to 2 hour time frame and Simply determining the correct rising sign is often sufficient in order to calculate the houses and other points in a chart. And to further narrow down the time of birth an astrologer need to go in person’s divisional chart to get more clear picture of person’s life events.

For time rectification a person needs to give events of his/her life events and some question’s answer about some of events and circumstances in life. To get more details about person we need to apply additional techniques in order to attempt to confirm and fine-tune the birth time.
Requirements for time Rectification:
One should know the day they were born and a some time frame . For example, if you know that you were born between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., then an astrologer would be able to help and determine what time you born.  Birth time rectification is very time consuming and but not difficult. If a person has some idea of the approximate time frame in which they were born then it is much more manageable and the correct time can be determined.
Information needed:

  1. Your birth date – month, day and year (e.g. June 7, 1975).
  2. Location of birth – city, state and country.
  3. The time frame that you were born – For example, “sometime after 4:00 p.m., and before 8:00 p.m.”
  4. Important events of life– make a list of important dates and time periods in your life.  

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Finding & Understanding Patterns in Life

Have you ever seen things repeating in your life, for some it is luck, for some it is bad luck, for some it is relationships.
If you have been winning a lottery regularly then i guess you would want to know what is causing it, may be it is something to do with the 8th house, Dasha and transit. May be it is the Jupiter, Mars and sun or any other benefice planet when they come together then it happens.

If bad things are happening then there could be a combination of planets and other reason could be we are not learning from our past experiences or driven by subconscious influences.  

Personally I have seen a stressful time for myself in Mercury(
8th house) dasha/transits. When I started learning astrology the first thing i did was to understand influences on myself. Once I saw the pattern, I made it a point when mercury happens then I will do my due diligence, understand the situation better and engage. It has given me peace of mind and I was able to channelize myself in positive direction. Without this understanding i was getting stressed and I used to take a step back till the time would pass.

Have you found Patterns in your life?

I have been able to do a good job of finding life patterns and have very happy customers. Now I am trying to do research on reoccurring events that people may see in their life, We know general indicators, but want to get as close to the date as possible
  1. Lottery
  2. Accidents
  3. New Job
  4. Quitting Job multiple times
  5. Multiple marriages
This has to do with a very tight correlation of events with Dasha planets, transits and nakshatras. If you have any of these and you can share your details that will be great.