Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mercury in 12th House Career

In astrology as we know 12th house consider malefic house and if your 10th lord placed in 12th house is known as Dur Yoga means there can be trouble in your career,  but there are many other career possibilities.  Any sign, house, or planet that is associated with the 12th house or Pisces archetype can be expressed on a public or collective level through a profession.  It is important to understand, this does not mean that the Pisces archetype refers to a more glamorous or soulful career, while the “boring job” would be the 10th house. Although fame and glamour can surely be part of the Pisces archetype dynamic, we can also expect to find the more accessible professions. Tapping  into a collective need through one’s profession can be done quite mundanely, in fact, this is more common than the glamorous expressions. So when Mercury in 12th house what kind of career we can expect.

First we need to know what is 12th house ? 12th house is the house of loss. This is the house of where any one can see whether it is through internet or through T. V. This is the house of foreign land, hospital, jail, ashram, non charitable institute, behind the scene ( working in film industry), meditation, yoga, temples etc. Now what is Mercury ? Mercury is that planet of message, media, rational thinking, communications, decision-making, gathering information, siblings, short distance travelling etc. Now you mix the both of them and especially if you have pisces energy in 3rd or 6th house or Mercury rule your 10th house or Mercury in 12th house.

Mercury in the 12th house of the imagination, dreams, subconscious and spirituality thoughts are easily directed toward the world and really deep thinkers. Mercury in 12th house is very imaginative and give interest in music, and learn best through created images presentation.
Mercury in 12th house have an amazing ability for words to collective conscious.  The 12th house is perfect for writing stuff like poetry and fictional stories. Lots of famous science-fiction writers, arthur have mercury in 12th house, however they have a hard time to concentrate and often their mind wanders a lot.  

They can be in transportation, travel, communication, language and translation, cross-cultural professions, kind of career. Painting, singing, writing, films, dance, drama are some of the matters which are governed by the third house pisces archetype energy. Mercury in the 12th house or pisces in the third house, these individuals can be conduits of information to the public, a messengers without discrimination. Mercury in 12th house exposed through the media. They can be behind the scenes in the media industry, so they can be a journalist. They can also be a sound engineering or it can be technical and they can be working as a news reader. However pisces energy in the third house and Mercury in 12th house can have a lot of problems with schooling and with communicating on an intimate level and 12th house can be difficult on an intimate level but easier on the collective level. So the person can have a hard time communicating with his or her partner but can communicate to the public.

Mercury in 12th house can give medical field, conventional or alternative modalities, mechanics, maintenance, secretarial work, hygiene-related professions, domestication of the wild animal training, agriculture, professions related to body use and refinement diet industries are some of the matters which are governed by the sixth house pisces archetype energy.  These people like to speak on humanitarian issues.

These are the some clues of career Mercury in 12th house or in Pisces sign.

Tenth House and Money (Career) Astrology
Moon in 12th House Career


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Vedic Astrology and Planets

Vedic Astrology is a system of transcendent soul nature to the physical form and tangible worldly life. In vedic system there is seven visible planets and two invisible planets in the sky which known as North node and South node.

As we know life on earth created by Sun and Moon, if sun does not exist we will die or if moon slips off from its orbit we can not exist either. Sun is the Masculine energy and Moon is a Feminine energy. These are the two planets which create life on earth.

In astrology there is 12 sign and each sign ruled by planets. There are six sign which are masculine and six are feminine.

The masculine and feminine sign ruled by planets are:

Leo ( Sun )    
Cancer  ( Moon )
Virgo ( Mercury )
Gemini ( Mercury )   
Libra ( Venus )
Taurus ( Venus )  
Aries  ( Mars )  
Scorpio ( Mars )  
Sagittarius ( Jupiter )   
Pisces ( Jupiter  )
Aquarius ( Saturn )
Capricorn  ( Saturn )

The concepts of masculine and feminine are universal. These masculine and feminine energy exist with in us through chakra system.

As we know all the planets exist within us in the form of astral bodies.  If we look at Vedic south Indian chart, the planets connects with feminine and masculine energy  of the chakra system of the human body and they exist in pair. e. g. Venus in Taurus is feminine and Venus in Libra is masculine.

Vedic astrology does not work with the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These outer planets does not rule any sign and house in vedic astrology, but these planets considered as a forces of trinity means forces of destruction ( Pluto), perseverance ( Neptune), creator ( Uranus).

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Waxing and Waning Moon Astrology

In Astrology Moon is a very important planet because Moon rules our mind and consciousness. according to our mind or conscious we perceive things. The world is same, people are same but it is our internal environment which is not same and according to that, we react to the people and things around us. The moon represents our instinctual responses to life and carries our unconscious memories from past lives.

What are Moon Phases?

The relationship between the Sun and Moon in the sky is what creates the waxing and waning light of the moon each month. As the whole moon cycle from new moon to new moon is 4 weeks long. The Moon Phases refer to the moon's orbit around the earth in relation to the Sun. In astrology, the Moon influences the mind depending on whether the moon is full, new, increasing or decreasing in your birth chart.  The moon phases repeat the same cycles every month. Every month there is the last quarter and decreasing moon, also referred to as the waning moon, leading to the new moon, the new moon first quarter and increasing moon is also referred to as the waxing moon leading to the full moon, and the cycle starts over again. The first quarter and last quarter moon are ninety degrees to the sun and are exactly half in shadow, half in light. The new moon is the moon's side in darkness. The full moon is the completely illuminated side of the moon.

Mostly people think that Waning Moon is not good and does not give good result. We should discriminate in our interpretation between what is called waxing and waning aspects.

According to vedic astrology, the Waxing or increasing Moon brings new ideas and activities. The Full Moon is the fully illuminated moon, and activities and celebrations are heightened in creativity and effect. The Waning or decreasing Moon symbolizes winding down of activities, and purification. And the New Moon is a time for reflection and introspection. The waxing side of the aspect cycle is where we come up with ideas, make plans to implement them, and actually put these plans into action, building something real, something outward and usually in the physical world. This is where we give. The waning side of the aspect cycle is where we work with whatever we have built and created, coming to understand what it is, how to best use it, and what it means to us. Here we are receiving, accepting what is, and learning to work with that. Waxing Moon helps the area of life it influences to grow. Waning Moon causes external areas of life to fade, while causing one’s inner worlds to grow. With a waning Moon, we experience loss of outer world in order to gain inner fulfillment and inner growth. Those people who have waning moon if they know how to manage their emotions they can really do good meditation practice.  

Moon represents pearl, purity, healing, and white color. White holds all colors of the spectrum. Silver is the other color associated with the moon. In Vedic astrology, wearing gemstones such as pearl, moonstone, silver or white quartz used for remedies for get benefits from the Moon energy. By wearing the silver and white colors you can make a connection with the Moon and it helps you to stay calm and cool. 

Moon, Emotions, Mother

Friday, April 10, 2015

Twelfth (12th) House Astrology

In astrology, the twelfth has been called the house of sorrow, servitude, loss, mystery, and  the house of one’s own self-undoing. The twelfth is regarded as the most mystical of all houses, a place of deep spiritual realization, and enlightenment. So in some ways the 12th house also has some of the most positive houses of all.

The 12th house is the last house that really shows the place where we can connect with the collective conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Everyone has a 12th house and according to the 12th house condition, we can assess what is the level of evolution of the person. If you have Venus in the 12th  house it may have different meanings according to the dignity of the planet.  Everybody's tapping in the 12th house for their own spiritual quest.  If we are related to spirituality this is the house where we all come from this “universe’’ which means, it's the house in which we can associate ourselves with the absolute unity beyond separation and understand that we are on the same boat we owe basically trying to achieve the same things. The 12th house is the house of surrendering to higher energies into his higher consciousness because you don't have a choice. 

The 12th house is what belongs to everyone: it's the air, it is the resources, and it's the weather. Everything that is part of nature is the 12th house. So the 12th house relates to that collective collective atmosphere. The best thing about the 12th house is it's impersonal. You don't own anything in the 12th house, and you have no control. Everyone has free access to ask something from the unknown but you don’t know whether you will get it or not. It is the house of prayer, meditation and divine powers. 

Although the 12th house is the hidden house. In the 12th house you can see pain, a true compassionate person, or a individuals that can be really great public figures. People that can move to the collective consciousness can change history.  You can also have a person selling food in the market, because that person is offering a public service and he doesn't choose who will come and buy his food and will go. 12th house, It's all open to the public there's no personal contact and this is what happens with a 12th house you have no control. So in the 12th house you have to accept everyone, you cannot discriminate in your open store. This can be overwhelming because you have to serve these different kinds of unknown people who enter your store.

So through the 12th house we learn surrendering, acceptance of whoever will enter in your life. You have to open to everyone without any discrimination.  So there is a very strong requirement to adapt, to open, and to be flexible. You have to let go of control and see that specific energy. So the 12th house feels like open to all the surprises possible and if you don't have the power of adaptation you will lose in your 12th house and you become easily overwhelmed. So there's a lot of potential in the 12th house. In 12th house basically you have to flow with the stream and whatever the way it will take that's where you're going. It doesn't mean that you're lost at sea or you cannot navigate your boat. You can choose whatever you want to sell in your shop. but once you are exposed in the 12th house you have to open up and you have to adapt. 

If you don't have immunity you can easily become overwhelmed. Those people who have 12th lord in the 1st house are exposed to the public in every way, exposed to the public's ideas, exposed to the public motion and exposed to the public trash as well.  It is simply because they are overly exposed and don't have enough of an immunity. They can become paranoid because they don't have defenses, everybody's coming from everywhere and they simply feel unsafe. 

Most public figures have a very heavy 12th house or Pisces energy in tenth house because these people have to explore these dynamics. 

Sun in 12th House Career  

Moon in 12th House Career
Mars in 12th House Career

Mercury in 12th House Career
Saturn in 12th House Career
Venus in 12th House Career
Jupiter in 12th House Career

Monday, March 23, 2015

Mars Transit in Aries 2015

Mars Transit in Aries 2015 For Each Ascendant.

On March 23 Mars enters Aries. Aries is the signs that rules by planet Mars. Mars in own sign is very strong and operating in very fiery way. So we can expect that for the next six weeks Mars qualities will be in full capacity. This transit is an excellent time to start a new project. Mars is also impatient for results so it is better for the project, that can be accomplished very quickly. Venus also is in Aries along with Mars. Venus and Mars planets together generate passion excitement and intensity and produces sensitivity because Venus with Mars in Aries sign wants quick satisfaction.  Mars remains in Aries until May/3/2015.

So what are the general effects of Mars in Aries for each Ascendant. The  transits work effectively from the ascendant as well as you can use your natal moon sign in place of the rising sign.

Aries Ascendant: Mars will transits in your 1st house of self and body and in own sign is very assertive. Mars and its own sign is highly energizing transit, that would be good to have things to to tackle and accomplish everyday.  Mars in the ascendant also makes you self-centered and you will quickly react towards anybody who contradicts or obstruct you.  So it is better to stick with people who already in your side.

Taurus Ascendant: Mars will be transits in your 12th house of the subconscious. The planet of conflict in the 12TH house of the subconscious is not good thing.  The result can be a sort of any kind of anxiety. This is the house of hidden actions and Mars is the planet of attack, and in the 12th house means attack from a hidden way. Watch out for someone working behind your back trying to undermine you. 12th is the house of the foreign country and Mars likes new experiences this could be a good time to go exploring someplace you haven't been for.

Gemini Ascendant:  Mars will be transits in your 11th house, the house of goals and ambitions.  Mars transit in 11th house is beneficial for setting goals and accomplishing them.  since the 11th house is also friends and associates and Mars in Aries likes something new this would be a good time to strike up a new friendship and connect with some associations from which you get some benefit out of them. .

Cancer Ascendant: Mars transits in your tenth house. It will affect your career, professional activities, business status, community and relationship with superiors.  This is a strong energy for making a move in your career or business. But watch out not to arguments with boss because Mars is a pushy planet and known for arguments. you should not being too forthright with your boss because you may not get what you want from your boss. .

Leo Ascendant: Mars will be transits in the ninth house of beliefs, meritorious deeds, long distance travel and higher learning. The Mars in this house indicates a good time to take a trip or to start a course of study.  Mars is aggressive energy will make you feel like to impose your way of thinking by pushing your beliefs on others, so it can bring opposition. Remember everyone is experiencing strong Mars energy during this transit.

Virgo Ascendant:  Mars transits in your eighth house, the house of financial arrangements with others. Mars in this house indicates that this may be a good time to set up a contract or ask for a loan.  But some of the other quality of the eighth house are not so good.  this is the house of secrets, clandestine activities and humiliation. So be careful that what you do because you may risk of unintended consequences.

Libra Ascendant: Mars transits in your seventh house, the  house of relationship and partnership.  generally the planet of combat is not welcome in the seventh house.  but if you use the energy properly the planet of action can manifest as a project that you do together with your partner. Mars can compel you to initiate a new relationship or take the next step was someone that you have been interested.

Scorpio Ascendant: Mars transits in your sixth house, the house of struggles, difficulties enemies, employment and health.  Generally Mars works well in the sixth house for solving problems and defeating your enemies. Mars represents accident injury and infection. So careful that you don't move too fast or you may suffer from the downside of Mars. Sixth house is the house of coworkers is not great for those relationships, but if you need a job this is the time to get out and fill out some applications.

Sagittarius Ascendant: Mars will transits in your fifth house, the house of romance, fun, games creativity, children and teachings. Mars will encourage you to get out and party and meet someone. This is the house of sports, Mars likes physical activity as well as. If you have children Mars encourages physical activities with them as well.  The planet of initiation in the house of creativity is good for starting any new art project.

Capricorn Ascendant: Mars will transit in your fourth house, the house of inner peace and mother. The planet of impatiens argument and combat in the house of domesticity is not such a good thing for harmony on the home. But you could put Mars's positivity for physical activity to good use by taking care of home chores, doing some home improvement project like cleaning up yard planting, and any kind of a garden activities.

Aquarius Ascendant: Mars will transit in third house. This is considered a good transit position for Mars. This is the house of personal desires, initiative, use of skills, talents and everyday action. This transit stimulates you to take on a new project and make some headway in getting your desires met. The third house also indicates everyday activities, with Mars your it's best to have a daily activities. precautions need to be taken not fight with siblings or neighbors..

Pisces Ascendant: Mars transit in your second house, the house of family,speech and making money.  This transits of Mars is not favorable for intimate family relationships since Mars is a pushy planet and not inclined to compromise. Mars in the second house of speech indicates assertive speech which again may not be appreciated by people. Mars in the second house of finances encourages you take action, but be careful of the Mars quality of impulsiveness which may induce you to spend more than you should.

Everyone should remember that Mars is the planet of impatiens, conflict, argument and destruction. So it is better to cooperate with the energy of Mars. Wherever Mars is transiting in your chart you need to put that Mars energy to some positive use or else suffer the downside of planet Mars. 


Mars Aspects in Astrology

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Remedy of All Evil Planets Shivling or OM (LORD SHIVA) Astrology

People ask about what is importance of Shivling in astrology and How it dissolve the bad effect of life. To understand this we need to look into the meaning of life and how it is created. We all know life is a miracle, no one can create life then how life is created.

We all know this life is created by the energy of the universe. Who is the energy? Well we all know Sun is the ultimate power supply of this universe, but is Sun alone capable to create life ? NO.

In astrology Sun present father but father cannot create a child without mother. Moon is mother in astrology. A child is created with union of father (Sun) and mother (Moon). Moon is part of earth which separated in time and start to rotate around Earth. This rotation of Moon around the Earth and rotation of earth around the sun create a vibration or energy from which life created. This is the energy field from which everything is created. It is the primordial sound ‘’OM’’. It is the primordial sound of the universe. It is the energetic vibration from which everything came from. Everything in existence in universe manifested into reality from the vibration of OM. We need some kind of form to relate to the energy therefore we name this this energetic vibration as ‘’SHIVLING’’. So in a way it is the field of energy from where everything comes into existence.

But how it help in dissolve our bad karma?

People came to astrologer when they are in some kind of problem. It could be anything like love, career, money etc. Due to all these kind of problem the person are mentally disturbed. But to connected with energy we need to peaceful in mind. If we are not peaceful we cannot connect this energy. As we make our mind peaceful by doing meditation or doing some ritual like pouring milk(1/10 milk to water ratio) on shivling, It awakens the cosmic energy which exist within us, because we all came from same energy, therefore we all have this energy in ourselves. When we connect this energy within us whatever we wish manifest  into reality. Therefore if we are connected with this energy in  daily routine we can fulfill our desire.

Everything in this universe, every atom and molecule, came into existence because of this energy vibration. OM Sound creates form. OM is the vibration from which everything originated.

Importance of 108 Number

When we do spiritual practice we are always told to chant mantra 108 times. What is the importance of this number? 108 is scared number, if we count distance from earth to Moon there will be 108 Moon between earth to Moon. And if we count distance earth to Sun there will be 108 sun come between earth to Sun. And we all know life created from these two energies Moon and Sun. Sun is the purusha shakti (shiva) and Moon is pratki shakti (parvati) and we are on earth so to connect with this cosmic energy we chant 108 number of any mantra which you like to do.

How Paraynama Helps in connecting with Lord Shiva.

Sun and Moon rule Ajna chakra which is third eye of lord Shiva which exist in our body in between two eyes. We all know many stories about lord Shiva want to marry to goddess Parvati. It is the personification of this Ajna chakra. To bring balance in our body we need to balance this AJNA CHAKRA. There are three main subtler channels in the body from which prana flows these are pingala nadi (right nostril), ida nadi (left nostril) and sushumna nadi (central). Sun present pingala nadi and Moon present ida nadi and when we practice pranayama breathing exercise it try to fill these channel with prana (air) and when this two channel balanced (Sun and Moon) then try they activate the kundalini shakti which reside within. In this process lord shiva (Sun) meet goddess parvati (Moon). Again this process we activate the energies which reside with in us.

Shree Yantra

There is geometric form of this energy, which we called Shree Yantra and is a symbol of OM. The ‘yantra’ means mystical diagram and this yantras is worshiped to fulfill desires. The Shree Yantra symbolizes link between the manifest and unmanifest and each shape and triangle. In the Shree Yantra we can see link between unseen life to seen life in the universe.

Same thing describe in the FLOWER OF LIFE symbol.

Rahu and Ketu which are not the planets, they are the points where sun (soul), moon (mind), and earth (body) intersect in the sky. this point is very powerful, this field work like a magnetic field where we feel more energy. rahu and ketu always create problems to understand truth of life, therefore they always retrograde because they reflect back in our psychic mind, they always work on subconscious mind. To calm down Rahu and Ketu effect one should  worship LORD SHIVA. This  is the most POWERFUL REMEDY of Rahu and Ketu. If you ever look Lord Shiva picture there is always snake around his neck , they are Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are only in control of Lord  Shiva. If some one want calm down their Rahu and Ketu they should worship Lord Shiva.

So to dissolve bad karma one should connect with universe power.


Through any method which you like.